More than 2300 scientific articles on peer-reviewed international journals have been published at ISOF since its creation, collecting more than 87’000 citations with a citation h-index =120.
Source: Web of Science.

Latest Publications (2020-2024)
(for older publications of ISOF go to: Scientific papers 2000-2009 or Scientific papers 2010-2019)
514 record(s) printed from Clarivate Web of Science |
Record 1 of 514 |
Title: On the Quest for Oxygen Evolution Reaction Catalysts Based on Layered Double Hydroxides: An Electrochemical and Chemometric Combined Approach |
Author(s): Gualandi, I (Gualandi, Isacco); Musella, E (Musella, Elisa); Costa, G (Costa, Giulia); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Scavetta, E (Scavetta, Erika); Zappoli, S (Zappoli, Sergio); Tonelli, D (Tonelli, Domenica) |
Source: ADVANCED ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY RESEARCH DOI: 10.1002/aesr.202400233 Early Access Date: NOV 2024 Published Date: 2024 NOV 13 |
Record 2 of 514 |
Title: Tuning Electronic and Functional Properties in Defected MoS<sub>2</sub> Films by Surface Patterning of Sulphur Atomic Vacancies |
Author(s): Gentili, D (Gentili, Denis); Calabrese, G (Calabrese, Gabriele); Lunedei, E (Lunedei, Eugenio); Borgatti, F (Borgatti, Francesco); Mirshokraee, SA (Mirshokraee, Seyed A.); Benekou, V (Benekou, Vasiliki); Tseberlidis, G (Tseberlidis, Giorgio); Mezzi, A (Mezzi, Alessio); Liscio, F (Liscio, Fabiola); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Ruani, G (Ruani, Giampiero); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Maccherozzi, F (Maccherozzi, Francesco); Acciarri, M (Acciarri, Maurizio); Berretti, E (Berretti, Enrico); Santoro, C (Santoro, Carlo); Lavacchi, A (Lavacchi, Alessandro); Cavallini, M (Cavallini, Massimiliano) |
Source: SMALL METHODS DOI: 10.1002/smtd.202401486 Early Access Date: NOV 2024 Published Date: 2024 NOV 12 |
Record 3 of 514 |
Title: Pro-aromatic Natural Terpenes as Unusual “Slingshot” Antioxidants with Promising Ferroptosis Inhibition Activity |
Author(s): Jin, ZX (Jin, Zongxin); Mollica, F (Mollica, Fabio); Huang, YQ (Huang, Yeqin); Guernelli, S (Guernelli, Susanna); Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea); Diquigiovanni, C (Diquigiovanni, Chiara); Rizzardi, N (Rizzardi, Nicola); Valenti, F (Valenti, Francesca); Pincigher, L (Pincigher, Luca); Bergamini, C (Bergamini, Christian); Amorati, R (Amorati, Riccardo) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL DOI: 10.1002/chem.202403320 Early Access Date: NOV 2024 Published Date: 2024 NOV 10 |
Record 4 of 514 |
Title: Photophysical and optoelectronic studies of 1.06 and 13.3 μm emissive neodymium complexes |
Author(s): Ahmed, Z (Ahmed, Zubair); Ali, A (Ali, Asgar); Imam, F (Imam, Faisal); Carvalho, RS (Carvalho, Rafael S.); Cremona, M (Cremona, Marco) |
Source: NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY Volume: 48 Issue: 45 Pages: 19266-19282 DOI: 10.1039/d4nj03842h Early Access Date: NOV 2024 Published Date: 2024 NOV 18 |
Record 5 of 514 |
Title: Phage-Templated Synthesis of Targeted Photoactive 1D-Thiophene Nanoparticles |
Author(s): Costantini, PE (Costantini, Paolo Emidio); Saporetti, R (Saporetti, Roberto); Iencharelli, M (Iencharelli, Marika); Flammini, S (Flammini, Soraia); Montrone, M (Montrone, Maria); Sanità, G (Sanita, Gennaro); De Felice, V (De Felice, Vittorio); Mattioli, EJ (Mattioli, Edoardo Jun); Zangoli, M (Zangoli, Mattia); Ulfo, L (Ulfo, Luca); Nigro, M (Nigro, Michela); Rossi, T (Rossi, Tommaso); Di Giosia, M (Di Giosia, Matteo); Esposito, E (Esposito, Emanuela); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca); Tino, A (Tino, Angela); Tortiglione, C (Tortiglione, Claudia); Danielli, A (Danielli, Alberto); Calvaresi, M (Calvaresi, Matteo) |
Source: SMALL DOI: 10.1002/smll.202405832 Early Access Date: NOV 2024 Published Date: 2024 NOV 5 |
Record 6 of 514 |
Title: Directional Ring Translocation in a pH- and Redox-Driven Tristable [2]Rotaxane |
Author(s): Andreoni, L (Andreoni, Leonardo); Groppi, J (Groppi, Jessica); Seven, Ö (Seven, Ozlem); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena) |
Source: ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION DOI: 10.1002/anie.202414609 Early Access Date: NOV 2024 Published Date: 2024 NOV 4 |
Record 7 of 514 |
Title: Synthesis and properties of poly (alkylene <i>trans</i>-1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylate)s with different glycolic subunits |
Author(s): Guidotti, G (Guidotti, Giulia); Fosse, C (Fosse, Clement); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Siracusa, V (Siracusa, Valentina); Delbreilh, L (Delbreilh, Laurent); Esposito, A (Esposito, Antonella); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia) |
Source: POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY Volume: 230 Article Number: 111050 DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2024.111050 Early Access Date: NOV 2024 Published Date: 2024 DEC |
Record 8 of 514 |
Title: Direct Introduction of Perfluoroacyl (-CORF) Groups into Organic Substrates |
Author(s): Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Yerien, DE (Yerien, Damian E.); Zottola, AA (Zottola, Agustin A.); Postigo, A (Postigo, Al) |
Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202400898 Early Access Date: OCT 2024 Published Date: 2024 OCT 29 |
Record 9 of 514 |
Title: Enhanced removal of emerging contaminants from tap water by developing graphene oxide and nanoplatelet hybrid aerogels |
Author(s): Gorgolis, G (Gorgolis, G.); Tunioli, F (Tunioli, F.); Paterakis, G (Paterakis, G.); Melucci, M (Melucci, M.); Koutroumanis, N (Koutroumanis, N.); Sygellou, L (Sygellou, L.); Bafqi, MSS (Bafqi, M. S. S.); Okan, BS (Okan, B. Saner); Galiotis, C (Galiotis, C.) |
Source: RSC ADVANCES Volume: 14 Issue: 47 Pages: 34504-34514 DOI: 10.1039/d4ra05658b Published Date: 2024 OCT 29 |
Record 10 of 514 |
Title: Metal Replacement in Aeronautics Applications Using Two-Dimensional Multifunctional Composites |
Author(s): Valorosi, F (Valorosi, Filippo); Scidà, A (Scida, Alessandra); Chiodini, S (Chiodini, Sergio); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Cristiano, F (Cristiano, Francesco); Demarchi, EF (Demarchi, Enrico Ferro); Parkula, V (Parkula, Vitaliy); Favaretto, S (Favaretto, Silvano); Giorgini, L (Giorgini, Loris); Bertocchi, F (Bertocchi, Francesco); Dezitter, F (Dezitter, Fabien); Bonaccurso, E (Bonaccurso, Elmar); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Treossi, E (Treossi, Emanuele); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS DOI: 10.1002/adem.202401298 Early Access Date: OCT 2024 Published Date: 2024 OCT 25 |
Record 11 of 514 |
Title: Molecules as Lubricants at the Nanoscale:Tunable Growth of Organic Structures from Nano- to Millimeter-Scale Using Solvent Vapour Annealing |
Author(s): Benekou, V (Benekou, Vasiliki); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Liscio, A (Liscio, Andrea); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: CHEMPLUSCHEM DOI: 10.1002/cplu.202400133 Early Access Date: OCT 2024 Published Date: 2024 OCT 24 |
Record 12 of 514 |
Title: Peroxyl Radical Trapping Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oils and Their Phenolic Components |
Author(s): Pan, WK (Pan, Wenkai); Abadia, AV (Abadia, Albert Velasco); Guo, YF (Guo, Yafang); Gabbanini, S (Gabbanini, Simone); Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea); Amorati, R (Amorati, Riccardo); Valgimigli, L (Valgimigli, Luca) |
Source: JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY Volume: 72 Issue: 43 Pages: 23832-23843 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.4c04580 Early Access Date: OCT 2024 Published Date: 2024 OCT 21 |
Record 13 of 514 |
Title: Unravelling the luminescence spectrum of garnet grossular var. tsavorite: The role of chromium (III), manganese (II) and misattribution of vanadium (II) |
Author(s): Idini, A (Idini, A.); Argazzi, R (Argazzi, R.); Frau, F (Frau, F.); Fantauzzi, M (Fantauzzi, M.); Angeli, C (Angeli, C.) |
Source: JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Volume: 277 Article Number: 120936 DOI: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2024.120936 Early Access Date: OCT 2024 Published Date: 2025 JAN |
Record 14 of 514 |
Title: Advances in Direct Fluoroalkylation of Organic Substrates with Partially Fluorinated Alkyl Motivs |
Author(s): Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Bonesi, SM (Bonesi, Sergio M.); Postigo, A (Postigo, Al) |
Source: ACS CATALYSIS Volume: 14 Issue: 21 Pages: 15879-15907 DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.4c04986 Early Access Date: OCT 2024 Published Date: 2024 OCT 11 |
Record 15 of 514 |
Title: Electrochemical sensors for fast classification of different Cannabis sativa L. samples according to total Q9-tetrahydrocannabinol content |
Author(s): Monari, A (Monari, Alessandro); Foca, G (Foca, Giorgia); Ulrici, A (Ulrici, Alessandro); Zanfrognini, B (Zanfrognini, Barbara); Brighenti, V (Brighenti, Virginia); Verri, P (Verri, Patrizia); Pellati, F (Pellati, Federica); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara); Pigani, L (Pigani, Laura) |
Source: TALANTA Volume: 282 Article Number: 126958 DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2024.126958 Early Access Date: OCT 2024 Published Date: 2025 JAN 1 |
Record 16 of 514 |
Title: A Telescoped Photo-/Organo-Catalyzed Cross Dehydrogenative Coupling (CDC) between Glycine Derivatives and Ketones to Afford Nonproteinogenic Amino Acids (NPAAs) Enabled by Heterogeneous Continuous Flow Catalysis |
Author(s): Poletti, L (Poletti, Lorenzo); Codecà, N (Codeca, Nicola); Ragno, D (Ragno, Daniele); De Risi, C (De Risi, Carmela); Toldo, S (Toldo, Sofia); Bortolini, O (Bortolini, Olga); Shao, JY (Shao, Jiaye); An, L (An, Lan); Lee, D (Lee, Daniel); D’Agostino, C (D’Agostino, Carmine); Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo); Massi, A (Massi, Alessandro); Carmine, GD (Carmine, Graziano Di) |
Source: ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING Volume: 12 Issue: 41 Pages: 15193-15202 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.4c05931 Early Access Date: OCT 2024 Published Date: 2024 OCT 3 |
Record 17 of 514 |
Title: Microwave-assisted synthesis of indoloquinoxaline derivatives as promising anti-alzheimer agents: DFT and molecular docking study |
Author(s): Elhag, M (Elhag, Mohammed); Abdelwahab, HE (Abdelwahab, Huda E.); El Sadek, MM (El Sadek, Mohamed M.); Hamed, EA (Hamed, Ezzat A.); Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo); Casapullo, A (Casapullo, Agostino); Mansour, K (Mansour, Karam); Omar, AZ (Omar, Alaa Z.); El-Zawawy, RO (El-Zawawy, Reham O.) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE Volume: 1321 Article Number: 140126 DOI: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2024.140126 Early Access Date: SEP 2024 Published Date: 2025 FEB 5 Part: 4 |
Record 18 of 514 |
Title: Identification of causes and patterns of albumin structural damages in commercial formulations |
Author(s): Baldassarre, M (Baldassarre, M.); Naldi, M (Naldi, M.); Zaccherini, G (Zaccherini, G.); Pompili, E (Pompili, E.); Tedesco, D (Tedesco, D.); Nugnes, M (Nugnes, M.); Fabini, E (Fabini, E.); Pock, K (Pock, K.); Tedesco, G (Tedesco, G.); Hegener, O (Hegener, O.); Bartolini, M (Bartolini, M.); Caraceni, P (Caraceni, P.) |
Source: DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE Meeting Abstract: OC-08 Volume: 56 Pages: S319-S320 DOI: 10.1016/j.dld.2024.08.011 Early Access Date: SEP 2024 Published Date: 2024 SEP Supplement: 3 |
Record 19 of 514 |
Title: A new database contains 520 studies investigating the carcinogenicity data of 238 pharmaceuticals across 14 ATC classifications |
Author(s): Karamertzanis, PG (Karamertzanis, Panagiotis G.); Evangelisti, M (Evangelisti, Martina); Parenti, MD (Parenti, Marco Daniele); vom Brocke, J (vom Brocke, Jochen); Del Rio, A (Del Rio, Alberto); Bichlmaier, I (Bichlmaier, Ingo) |
Source: FRONTIERS IN TOXICOLOGY Volume: 6 Article Number: 1450612 DOI: 10.3389/ftox.2024.1450612 Published Date: 2024 SEP 17 |
Record 20 of 514 |
Title: Synthesis, characterization and application of quinoxaline-based organic dyes as anodic sensitizers in photoelectrochemical cells |
Author(s): Yzeiri, X (Yzeiri, Xheila); Sangiorgi, N (Sangiorgi, Nicola); Gambassi, F (Gambassi, Francesca); Barbieri, A (Barbieri, Andrea); Calamante, M (Calamante, Massimo); Franchi, D (Franchi, Daniele); Coppola, C (Coppola, Carmen); Sinicropi, A (Sinicropi, Adalgisa); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Mordini, A (Mordini, Alessandro); Sanson, A (Sanson, Alessandra); Zani, L (Zani, Lorenzo) |
Source: DYES AND PIGMENTS Volume: 232 Article Number: 112455 DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2024.112455 Early Access Date: SEP 2024 Published Date: 2025 JAN |
Record 21 of 514 |
Title: Structure-Based Design and in-Flow Synthesis of Aromatic Endoperoxides Acting as Oxygen Releasing Agents |
Author(s): Agnes, M (Agnes, Marco); Santagata, A (Santagata, Adelaide); Veclani, D (Veclani, Daniele); Venturini, A (Venturini, Alessandro); Monari, M (Monari, Magda); Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse) |
Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 27 Issue: 35 Article Number: e202400861 DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202400861 Published Date: 2024 SEP 16 |
Record 22 of 514 |
Title: Stereoisomeric Homo- and Hetero-Binuclear Iridium(III) Complexes with 3-Oxidopicolinate Bridging Ligand and Their Application in OLEDs |
Author(s): Bejoymohandas, KS (Bejoymohandas, Kochan Sathyaseelan); Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea); Reginato, F (Reginato, Francesco); Toffanin, S (Toffanin, Stefano); Prosa, M (Prosa, Mario); Bandini, E (Bandini, Elisa); Mazzanti, A (Mazzanti, Andrea); Monti, F (Monti, Filippo) |
Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS Volume: 12 Issue: 33 DOI: 10.1002/adom.202401586 Early Access Date: SEP 2024 Published Date: 2024 NOV |
Record 23 of 514 |
Title: Graphene oxide electrodes enable electrical stimulation of distinct calcium signalling in brain astrocytes (Jul, 10.1038/s41565-024-01711-4, 2024) |
Author(s): Fabbri, R (Fabbri, Roberta); Scidà, A (Scida, Alessandra); Saracino, E (Saracino, Emanuela); Conte, G (Conte, Giorgia); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Kirdajova, D (Kirdajova, Denisa); Spennato, D (Spennato, Diletta); Marchetti, V (Marchetti, Valeria); Lazzarini, C (Lazzarini, Chiara); Konstantoulaki, A (Konstantoulaki, Aikaterini); Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo); Caprini, M (Caprini, Marco); Muccini, M (Muccini, Michele); Ursino, M (Ursino, Mauro); Anderova, M (Anderova, Miroslava); Treossi, E (Treossi, Emanuele); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina) |
Source: NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 19 Issue: 9 Pages: 1420-1420 DOI: 10.1038/s41565-024-01797-w Early Access Date: SEP 2024 Published Date: 2024 SEP |
Record 24 of 514 |
Title: Organic super-reducing photocatalysts generate solvated electrons <i>via</i> two consecutive photon induced processes |
Author(s): Villa, M (Villa, Marco); Fermi, A (Fermi, Andrea); Calogero, F (Calogero, Francesco); Wu, X (Wu, Xia); Gualandi, A (Gualandi, Andrea); Cozzi, PG (Cozzi, Pier Giorgio); Troisi, A (Troisi, Alessandro); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Ceroni, P (Ceroni, Paola) |
Source: CHEMICAL SCIENCE Volume: 15 Issue: 36 Pages: 14739-14745 DOI: 10.1039/d4sc04518a Early Access Date: AUG 2024 Published Date: 2024 SEP 18 |
Record 25 of 514 |
Title: Protocol for the simultaneous quantification of oxidative purine lesions in DNA using LC-MS/MS analysis |
Author(s): Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Krokidis, MG (Krokidis, Marios G.); Terzidis, MA (Terzidis, Michael A.) |
Source: STAR PROTOCOLS Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Article Number: 103191 DOI: 10.1016/j.xpro.2024.103191 Early Access Date: AUG 2024 Published Date: 2024 SEP 20 |
Record 26 of 514 |
Title: Electrochemical Synthesis of Itaconic Acid Derivatives via Chemodivergent Single and Double Carboxylation of Allenes with CO<sub>2</sub> |
Author(s): Brunetti, A (Brunetti, Andrea); Garbini, M (Garbini, Mauro); Autuori, G (Autuori, Giuseppe); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara); Bertuzzi, G (Bertuzzi, Giulio); Bandini, M (Bandini, Marco) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 30 Issue: 49 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202401754 Early Access Date: AUG 2024 Published Date: 2024 SEP 2 |
Record 27 of 514 |
Title: Mn2+2+vs Co2+2+substitution into (3-TCP: Structural details and bone cells response |
Author(s): Boanini, E (Boanini, Elisa); Pagani, S (Pagani, Stefania); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Rubini, K (Rubini, Katia); Raimondi, L (Raimondi, Lavinia); De Luca, A (De Luca, Angela); Romanelli, A (Romanelli, Alessia); Giavaresi, G (Giavaresi, Gianluca); Bigi, A (Bigi, Adriana) |
Source: COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES Volume: 243 Article Number: 114154 DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2024.114154 Early Access Date: AUG 2024 Published Date: 2024 NOV |
Record 28 of 514 |
Title: Investigations of Astrocyte Calcium Signaling and Imaging with Classical and Nonclassical Light |
Author(s): Spennato, D (Spennato, Diletta); Leone, J (Leone, Josephine); Gundhardt, C (Gundhardt, Carolyn); Varnavski, O (Varnavski, Oleg); Fabbri, R (Fabbri, Roberta); Caprini, M (Caprini, Marco); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina); Goodson, T III (Goodson III, Theodor) |
Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B Volume: 128 Issue: 33 Pages: 7966-7977 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.4c03251 Early Access Date: AUG 2024 Published Date: 2024 AUG 12 |
Record 29 of 514 |
Title: Organocatalytic Keratin Sponges for the Chemical Fixation of CO<sub>2</sub> into Cyclic Carbonates |
Author(s): Bottin, M (Bottin, Marco); De Risi, C (De Risi, Carmela); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Buoso, S (Buoso, Sara); Pandoli, OG (Pandoli, Omar Ginoble); Poletti, L (Poletti, Lorenzo); Di Carmine, G (Di Carmine, Graziano); D’Agostino, C (D’Agostino, Carmine); Ragno, D (Ragno, Daniele); Massi, A (Massi, Alessandro) |
Source: ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING Volume: 12 Issue: 33 Pages: 12482-12492 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.4c03594 Early Access Date: AUG 2024 Published Date: 2024 AUG 8 |
Record 30 of 514 |
Title: Ultrafast Near-Infrared Luminescence from Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Complexes with Indirubin as Ancillary Ligand |
Author(s): Bejoymohandas, KS (Sathyaseelan Bejoymohandas, Kochan); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea); Mazzanti, A (Mazzanti, Andrea); Bandini, E (Bandini, Elisa); Monti, F (Monti, Filippo) |
Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY DOI: 10.1002/ejic.202400224 Early Access Date: AUG 2024 Published Date: 2024 AUG 7 |
Record 31 of 514 |
Title: Fully Bio-Based Blends of Poly (Pentamethylene Furanoate) and Poly (Hexamethylene Furanoate) for Sustainable and Flexible Packaging |
Author(s): Guidotti, G (Guidotti, Giulia); Palumbo, A (Palumbo, Arianna); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Salatelli, E (Salatelli, Elisabetta); Siracusa, VM (Siracusa, Valentina M.); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia) |
Source: POLYMERS Volume: 16 Issue: 16 Article Number: 2342 DOI: 10.3390/polym16162342 Published Date: 2024 AUG |
Record 32 of 514 |
Title: Covalent functionalization by using blue light activated radicals: on the reaction mechanisms of arylazo sulfone binding on graphene |
Author(s): Mameli, A (Mameli, Alessandro); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Jones, D (Jones, Derek); Benekou, V (Benekou, Vasiliki); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Bandini, M (Bandini, Marco); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela) |
Source: NANOSCALE ADVANCES Volume: 6 Issue: 20 Pages: 5080-5091 DOI: 10.1039/d4na00359d Early Access Date: AUG 2024 Published Date: 2024 OCT 8 |
Record 33 of 514 |
Title: Laser-Patterned Polyurethane Composites with Graphene, Graphene Oxide, and Aramid Fibers for the Production of Electric Circuits, Sensors, and Heaters |
Author(s): Parkula, V (Parkula, Vitaliy); Licata, A (Licata, Agata); Valorosi, F (Valorosi, Filippo); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Scidà, A (Scida, Alessandra); Ruani, G (Ruani, Giampiero); Liscio, F (Liscio, Fabiola); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Bertocchi, F (Bertocchi, Francesco); Cristiano, F (Cristiano, Francesco); Brunella, V (Brunella, Valentina); Cesano, F (Cesano, Federico); Sarotto, E (Sarotto, Elio); Martorana, B (Martorana, Brunetto); Treossi, E (Treossi, Emanuele); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS Volume: 7 Issue: 15 Pages: 18077-18088 DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.4c04059 Early Access Date: JUL 2024 Published Date: 2024 JUL 30 |
Record 34 of 514 |
Title: Evaluation of the fatty acid-based erythrocyte membrane lipidome in cats with food responsive enteropathy, inflammatory bowel disease and low-grade intestinal T-cell lymphoma |
Author(s): Crisi, PE (Crisi, Paolo Emidio); Giordano, MV (Giordano, Maria Veronica); Luciani, A (Luciani, Alessia); Gramenzi, A (Gramenzi, Alessandro); Prasinou, P (Prasinou, Paraskevi); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Rinaldi, V (Rinaldi, Valentina); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Boari, A (Boari, Andrea) |
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 19 Issue: 7 Article Number: e0307757 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0307757 Published Date: 2024 JUL 29 |
Record 35 of 514 |
Title: Sculpturing the future of water-soluble cyclodextrin branched polymers in pharmaceutical applications |
Author(s): Agnes, M (Agnes, Marco); Mazza, A (Mazza, Arianna); Malanga, M (Malanga, Milo); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B Volume: 12 Issue: 33 Pages: 7969-7976 DOI: 10.1039/d4tb01165a Early Access Date: JUL 2024 Published Date: 2024 AUG 22 |
Record 36 of 514 |
Title: Photocatalytic Perfluoroalkylation of Disulfides and Diselenides. Syntheses of Perfluoroalkyl Thio- and Seleno-ethers |
Author(s): Conde, RS (Conde, Romina S.); Barroso, LT (Barroso, Loydel Torres); Edighill, SGP (Edighill, Sheila G. Perez); Yerien, DE (Yerien, Damian E.); Lantaño, B (Lantano, Beatriz); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Postigo, A (Postigo, Al) |
Source: JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 89 Issue: 15 Pages: 10867-10877 DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.4c01149 Early Access Date: JUL 2024 Published Date: 2024 JUL 22 |
Record 37 of 514 |
Title: Poly(alkylene 2,4-furanoate)s: The potential of structural isomerism for outstanding sustainable food packaging and unexpected evidence of self-healing microstructure |
Author(s): Bianchi, E (Bianchi, Enrico); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Siracusa, V (Siracusa, Valentina); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Thiyagarajan, S (Thiyagarajan, Shanmugam); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia) |
Source: REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS Volume: 203 Article Number: 106010 DOI: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2024.106010 Early Access Date: JUL 2024 Published Date: 2024 OCT |
Record 38 of 514 |
Title: Selective stimulation of calcium signalling pathways in astrocytes with graphene electrodes |
Author(s): Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 19 Issue: 9 Pages: 1253-1254 DOI: 10.1038/s41565-024-01712-3 Early Access Date: JUL 2024 Published Date: 2024 SEP |
Record 39 of 514 |
Title: The dark side of the wool? From wool wastes to keratin microfilaments through the solution blow spinning process |
Author(s): Maurizii, G (Maurizii, Giorgia); Valentini, L (Valentini, Laura); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Tonetti, C (Tonetti, Cinzia); Vineis, C (Vineis, Claudia); Canonico, B (Canonico, Barbara); Montanari, M (Montanari, Mariele); Tiboni, M (Tiboni, Mattia); Casettari, L (Casettari, Luca); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa) |
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES Volume: 275 Article Number: 133722 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.133722 Early Access Date: JUL 2024 Published Date: 2024 AUG Part: 2 |
Record 40 of 514 |
Title: Graphene oxide electrodes enable electrical stimulation of distinct calcium signalling in brain astrocytes |
Author(s): Fabbri, R (Fabbri, Roberta); Scidà, A (Scida, Alessandra); Saracino, E (Saracino, Emanuela); Conte, G (Conte, Giorgia); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Kirdajova, D (Kirdajova, Denisa); Spennato, D (Spennato, Diletta); Marchetti, V (Marchetti, Valeria); Lazzarini, C (Lazzarini, Chiara); Konstantoulaki, A (Konstantoulaki, Aikaterini); Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo); Caprini, M (Caprini, Marco); Muccini, M (Muccini, Michele); Ursino, M (Ursino, Mauro); Anderova, M (Anderova, Miroslava); Treossi, E (Treossi, Emanuele); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina) |
Source: NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 19 Issue: 9 DOI: 10.1038/s41565-024-01711-4 Early Access Date: JUL 2024 Published Date: 2024 SEP |
Record 41 of 514 |
Title: Selenoureido Calix[6]arenes: A Novel Platform for Pseudorotaxane Synthesis |
Author(s): Bonati, FC (Bonati, Federica Cester); Andreoni, L (Andreoni, Leonardo); Cattani, S (Cattani, Silvia); Baccini, C (Baccini, Caterina); Anzellotti, S (Anzellotti, Sara); Cera, G (Cera, Gianpiero); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena); Secchi, A (Secchi, Andrea) |
Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 27 Issue: 27 DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202400237 Early Access Date: JUL 2024 Published Date: 2024 JUL 15 |
Record 42 of 514 |
Title: Evaluation of Anticancer Activity of Nucleoside-Nitric Oxide Photo-Donor Hybrids |
Author(s): Marchesi, E (Marchesi, Elena); Melloni, E (Melloni, Elisabetta); Casciano, F (Casciano, Fabio); Pozza, E (Pozza, Elena); Argazzi, R (Argazzi, Roberto); De Risi, C (De Risi, Carmela); Preti, L (Preti, Lorenzo); Perrone, D (Perrone, Daniela); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 29 Issue: 14 Article Number: 3383 DOI: 10.3390/molecules29143383 Published Date: 2024 JUL |
Record 43 of 514 |
Title: Kinetic study of the reaction of thiophene-tocopherols with peroxyl radicals enlightenings the role of O<SUP>•</SUP>⋯S noncovalent interactions in H-atom transfer |
Author(s): Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea); Jin, ZX (Jin, Zongxin); Amorati, R (Amorati, Riccardo); Vasa, K (Vasa, Kristian); Baroncelli, A (Baroncelli, Allegra); Menichetti, S (Menichetti, Stefano); Viglianisi, C (Viglianisi, Caterina) |
Source: ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY Volume: 22 Issue: 29 Pages: 5965-5976 DOI: 10.1039/d4ob00944d Early Access Date: JUN 2024 Published Date: 2024 JUL 24 |
Record 44 of 514 |
Title: HSA-nanobinders crafted from bioresponsive prodrugs for combined cancer chemoimmunotherapy-an <i>in vitro</i> exploration (vol 12, 1378233, 2024) |
Author(s): Tubertini, M (Tubertini, Matilde); Menilli, L (Menilli, Luca); Milani, C (Milani, Celeste); Martini, C (Martini, Cecilia); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Nugnes, M (Nugnes, Marta); Bartolini, M (Bartolini, Manuela); Naldi, M (Naldi, Marina); Tedesco, D (Tedesco, Daniele); Martella, E (Martella, Elisa); Guerrini, A (Guerrini, Andrea); Ferroni, C (Ferroni, Claudia); Moret, F (Moret, Francesca); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta) |
Source: FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY Volume: 12 Article Number: 1443822 DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2024.1443822 Published Date: 2024 JUN 18 |
Record 45 of 514 |
Title: Introduction of a mesityl substituent on pyridyl rings as a facile strategy for improving the performance of luminescent 1,3-bis-(2-pyridyl)benzene platinum(<sc>ii</sc>) complexes: a springboard for blue OLEDs |
Author(s): Colombo, A (Colombo, Alessia); De Soricellis, G (De Soricellis, Giulia); Dragonetti, C (Dragonetti, Claudia); Fagnani, F (Fagnani, Francesco); Roberto, D (Roberto, Dominique); Carboni, B (Carboni, Bertrand); Guerchais, V (Guerchais, Veronique); Roisnel, T (Roisnel, Thierry); Cocchi, M (Cocchi, Massimo); Fantacci, S (Fantacci, Simona); Radicchi, E (Radicchi, Eros); Marinotto, D (Marinotto, Daniele) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C Volume: 12 Issue: 26 Pages: 9702-9715 DOI: 10.1039/d4tc01458h Early Access Date: JUN 2024 Published Date: 2024 JUL 4 |
Record 46 of 514 |
Title: Perfluoroalkylation Reactions by Electron Donor-Acceptor Complexes: Recent Advances |
Author(s): Yerien, DE (Yerien, Damian E.); Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Postigo, A (Postigo, Al) |
Source: CHEMPHOTOCHEM Volume: 8 Issue: 8 DOI: 10.1002/cptc.202400112 Early Access Date: JUN 2024 Published Date: 2024 AUG |
Record 47 of 514 |
Title: Keratin-PNIPAM Hybrid Microgels: Preparation, Morphology and Swelling Properties |
Author(s): Buratti, E (Buratti, Elena); Sguizzato, M (Sguizzato, Maddalena); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica) |
Source: GELS Volume: 10 Issue: 6 Article Number: 411 DOI: 10.3390/gels10060411 Published Date: 2024 JUN |
Record 48 of 514 |
Title: The novel SMYD3 inhibitor EM127 impairs DNA repair response to chemotherapy-induced DNA damage and reverses cancer chemoresistance |
Author(s): Sanese, P (Sanese, Paola); De Marco, K (De Marco, Katia); Signorile, ML (Signorile, Martina Lepore); La Rocca, F (La Rocca, Francesca); Forte, G (Forte, Giovanna); Latrofa, M (Latrofa, Marialaura); Fasano, C (Fasano, Candida); Disciglio, V (Disciglio, Vittoria); Di Nicola, E (Di Nicola, Elisabetta); Pantaleo, A (Pantaleo, Antonino); Bianco, G (Bianco, Giusy); Spilotro, V (Spilotro, Vito); Ferroni, C (Ferroni, Claudia); Tubertini, M (Tubertini, Matilde); Labarile, N (Labarile, Nicoletta); De Marinis, L (De Marinis, Lucia); Armentano, R (Armentano, Raffaele); Gigante, G (Gigante, Gianluigi); Lantone, V (Lantone, Valerio); Lantone, G (Lantone, Giuliano); Naldi, M (Naldi, Marina); Bartolini, M (Bartolini, Manuela); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta); Del Rio, A (Del Rio, Alberto); Grossi, V (Grossi, Valentina); Simone, C (Simone, Cristiano) |
Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH Volume: 43 Issue: 1 Article Number: 151 DOI: 10.1186/s13046-024-03078-9 Published Date: 2024 MAY 30 |
Record 49 of 514 |
Title: Insights from multi-omic modeling of neurodegeneration in xeroderma pigmentosum using an induced pluripotent stem cell system |
Author(s): Badja, C (Badja, Cherif); Momen, S (Momen, Sophie); Koh, GCC (Koh, Gene Ching Chiek); Boushaki, S (Boushaki, Soraya); Roumeliotis, TI (Roumeliotis, Theodoros I.); Kozik, Z (Kozik, Zuza); Jones, I (Jones, Ian); Bousgouni, V (Bousgouni, Vicky); Dias, JML (Dias, Joao M. L.); Krokidis, MG (Krokidis, Marios G.); Young, J (Young, Jamie); Chen, HW (Chen, Hongwei); Yang, M (Yang, Ming); Docquier, F (Docquier, France); Memari, Y (Memari, Yasin); Valcarcel-Zimenez, L (Valcarcel-Zimenez, Lorea); Gupta, K (Gupta, Komal); Kong, LR (Kong, Li Ren); Fawcett, H (Fawcett, Heather); Robert, F (Robert, Florian); Zhao, SLM (Zhao, Salome); Degasperi, A (Degasperi, Andrea); Kumar, Y (Kumar, Yogesh); Davies, H (Davies, Helen); Harris, R (Harris, Rebecca); Frezza, C (Frezza, Christian); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Sarkany, R (Sarkany, Robert); Lehmann, A (Lehmann, Alan); Bakal, C (Bakal, Chris); Choudhary, J (Choudhary, Jyoti); Fassihi, H (Fassihi, Hiva); Nik-Zainal, S (Nik-Zainal, Serena) |
Source: CELL REPORTS Volume: 43 Issue: 6 Article Number: 114243 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114243 Early Access Date: MAY 2024 Published Date: 2024 JUN 25 |
Record 50 of 514 |
Title: Unraveling the Ag<SUP>+ </SUP>ion coordination and solvation thermodynamics in the 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ionic liquid (vol 387, 122654, 2023) |
Author(s): Busato, M (Busato, Matteo); D’Angelo, P (D’Angelo, Paola); Lapi, A (Lapi, Andrea); Tavani, F (Tavani, Francesco); Veclani, D (Veclani, Daniele); Tolazzi, M (Tolazzi, Marilena); Melchior, A (Melchior, Andrea) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS Volume: 404 Article Number: 125008 DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2024.125008 Early Access Date: MAY 2024 Published Date: 2024 JUN 15 |
Record 51 of 514 |
Title: A new alcohol-soluble dye-tetraphenyl porphyrin functionalized copolymer: Inside the role as a third component/cathode interlayer in halogen-free OSCs |
Author(s): Marinelli, M (Marinelli, Martina); Lanzi, M (Lanzi, Massimiliano); Quadretti, D (Quadretti, Debora); Ziai, Y (Ziai, Yasamin); Pierini, F (Pierini, Filippo); Zanelli, A (Zanelli, Alberto); Medri, R (Medri, Riccardo); Salatelli, E (Salatelli, Elisabetta) |
Source: REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS Volume: 200 Article Number: 105928 DOI: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2024.105928 Early Access Date: MAY 2024 Published Date: 2024 JUL |
Record 52 of 514 |
Title: Role of Intragap States in Sensitized Sb-Doped Tin Oxide Photoanodes for Solar Fuels Production |
Author(s): Berardi, S (Berardi, Serena); Benazzi, E (Benazzi, Elisabetta); Marchini, E (Marchini, Edoardo); Cristino, V (Cristino, Vito); Argazzi, R (Argazzi, Roberto); Boaretto, R (Boaretto, Rita); Gobbato, T (Gobbato, Thomas); Rigodanza, F (Rigodanza, Francesco); Cerullo, G (Cerullo, Giulio); Bozzini, B (Bozzini, Benedetto); Bonchio, M (Bonchio, Marcella); Prato, M (Prato, Maurizio); Berger, T (Berger, Thomas); Caramori, S (Caramori, Stefano) |
Source: ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Volume: 16 Issue: 21 Pages: 27209-27223 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c18020 Early Access Date: MAY 2024 Published Date: 2024 MAY 15 |
Record 53 of 514 |
Title: Spectroscopic and theoretical investigation of Brønsted acid sites in amorphous mixed Zr-Si oxide nanoparticles |
Author(s): Scotti, N (Scotti, Nicola); Borsacchi, S (Borsacchi, Silvia); Monti, S (Monti, Susanna); Zimina, A (Zimina, Anna); Evangelisti, C (Evangelisti, Claudio); Geppi, M (Geppi, Marco); Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo); Barcaro, G (Barcaro, Giovanni); Bossola, F (Bossola, Filippo); Dal Santo, V (Dal Santo, Vladimiro); Ravasio, N (Ravasio, Nicoletta) |
Source: JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 992 Article Number: 174545 DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2024.174545 Early Access Date: APR 2024 Published Date: 2024 JUL 15 |
Record 54 of 514 |
Title: Binder assisted graphene derivatives as lubricants in copper: Improved tribological performance for industrial |
Author(s): Huang, CJ (Huang, Changjie); Zhao, S (Zhao, Su); Chen, RQ (Chen, Ruiqi); Johansson, E (Johansson, Erik); Aqeel, M (Aqeel, Muhammad); Klement, U (Klement, Uta); Andersson, AM (Andersson, Anna M.); Taher, M (Taher, Mamoun); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Sun, JH (Sun, Jinhua) |
Source: ISCIENCE Volume: 27 Issue: 4 Article Number: 109429 DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.109429 Published Date: 2024 APR 19 |
Record 55 of 514 |
Title: Perfluoroalkylation of Triarylamines by EDA Complexes and Ulterior Sensitized [6π]-Electrocyclization to Perfluoroalkylated <i>Endo</i>-Carbazoles. Mechanistic and Photophysical Studies |
Author(s): Romero, IE (Romero, Ivan E.); Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Bonesi, SM (Bonesi, Sergio M.); Postigo, A (Postigo, A., I) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 30 Issue: 30 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202400905 Early Access Date: APR 2024 Published Date: 2024 MAY 28 |
Record 56 of 514 |
Title: Small molecules and smart drug delivery systems for combination cancer immunotherapy |
Author(s): Ferroni, C (Ferroni, Claudia); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta) |
Source: FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY Volume: 12 Article Number: 1412624 DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2024.1412624 Published Date: 2024 APR 16 |
Record 57 of 514 |
Title: Impact of Co-Fe Overlayers on Charge Carrier Dynamics at WO<sub>3</sub>/BiVO<sub>4</sub> Heterojunctions: A Picosecond-to-Second Spectroscopic Analysis |
Author(s): Vecchi, P (Vecchi, Pierpaolo); Ruani, F (Ruani, Federica); Mazzanti, M (Mazzanti, Michele); Loague, QR (Loague, Quentin R.); Mazzaro, R (Mazzaro, Raffaello); Boscherini, F (Boscherini, Federico); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Meyer, GJ (Meyer, Gerald J.); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola); Caramori, S (Caramori, Stefano); Pasquini, L (Pasquini, Luca) |
Source: ACS ENERGY LETTERS Volume: 9 Issue: 5 Pages: 2193-2200 DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.4c00650 Early Access Date: APR 2024 Published Date: 2024 APR 13 |
Record 58 of 514 |
Title: Direct 3D Imaging through Spatial Coherence of Light |
Author(s): Massaro, G (Massaro, Gianlorenzo); Barile, B (Barile, Barbara); Scarcelli, G (Scarcelli, Giuliano); Pepe, FV (Pepe, Francesco V.); Nicchia, GP (Nicchia, Grazia Paola); D’Angelo, M (D’Angelo, Milena) |
Source: LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS Volume: 18 Issue: 8 DOI: 10.1002/lpor.202301155 Early Access Date: APR 2024 Published Date: 2024 AUG |
Record 59 of 514 |
Title: Green synthesis of positive electrodes for high performance structural batteries – A study on graphene additives |
Author(s): Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Li, ZY (Li, Zhaoyang); Xu, J (Xu, Johanna); Sasidharan, S (Sasidharan, Sankar); Sanchez, JS (Sanchez, Jaime S.); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Asp, LE (Asp, Leif E.) |
Source: COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 251 Article Number: 110568 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2024.110568 Early Access Date: APR 2024 Published Date: 2024 MAY 26 |
Record 60 of 514 |
Title: Upcycling of plastic membrane industrial scraps and reuse as sorbent for emerging contaminants in water |
Author(s): Khaliha, S (Khaliha, Sara); Tunioli, F (Tunioli, Francesca); Foti, L (Foti, Luca); Bianchi, A (Bianchi, Antonio); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Marforio, TD (Marforio, Tainah Dorina); Zambianchi, M (Zambianchi, Massimo); Bettini, C (Bettini, Cristian); Briñas, E (Brinas, Elena); Vázquez, E (Vazquez, Ester); Bocchi, L (Bocchi, Letizia); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Calvaresi, M (Calvaresi, Matteo); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela) |
Source: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-WATER RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY Volume: 10 Issue: 5 DOI: 10.1039/d3ew00900a Early Access Date: APR 2024 Published Date: 2024 MAY 2 |
Record 61 of 514 |
Title: HSA-nanobinders crafted from bioresponsive prodrugs for combined cancer chemoimmunotherapy-an <i>in vitro</i> exploration |
Author(s): Tubertini, M (Tubertini, Matilde); Menilli, L (Menilli, Luca); Milani, C (Milani, Celeste); Martini, C (Martini, Cecilia); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Nugnes, M (Nugnes, Marta); Bartolini, M (Bartolini, Manuela); Naldi, M (Naldi, Marina); Tedesco, D (Tedesco, Daniele); Martella, E (Martella, Elisa); Guerrini, A (Guerrini, Andrea); Ferroni, C (Ferroni, Claudia); Moret, F (Moret, Francesca); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta) |
Source: FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY Volume: 12 Article Number: 1378233 DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2024.1378233 Published Date: 2024 MAR 27 |
Record 62 of 514 |
Title: Electrochemical Site-Selective Alkylation of Tropones via Formal C(<i>sp</i><SUP>3</SUP>)-C(<i>sp</i><SUP>2</SUP>) Coupling Reaction |
Author(s): Brunetti, A (Brunetti, Andrea); Garbini, M (Garbini, Mauro); Kub, NG (Gino Kub, Nico); Monari, M (Monari, Magda); Pedrazzani, R (Pedrazzani, Riccardo); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara); Bertuzzi, G (Bertuzzi, Giulio); Bandini, M (Bandini, Marco) |
Source: ADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS Volume: 366 Issue: 9 Pages: 1965-1971 DOI: 10.1002/adsc.202400050 Early Access Date: MAR 2024 Published Date: 2024 MAY 21 |
Record 63 of 514 |
Title: Spiro[fluorene-9,9′-xanthene]-based hole transporting materials modulated by mono- and bis- benzodioxino[2,3-b]pyrazine pendant groups for perovskite QLEDs |
Author(s): Li, GH (Li, Guohong); Li, XS (Li, Xiansheng); Luo, X (Luo, Xin); Huang, ZT (Huang, Zetian); Zhang, DQ (Zhang, Daqing); Zhou, JH (Zhou, Jinhao); Zhang, K (Zhang, Kai); Zhou, HT (Zhou, Haitao); Xu, B (Xu, Bo); Huang, JH (Huang, Jinhai); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Wang, H (Wang, Hua) |
Source: ORGANIC ELECTRONICS Volume: 128 Article Number: 107036 DOI: 10.1016/j.orgel.2024.107036 Early Access Date: MAR 2024 Published Date: 2024 MAY |
Record 64 of 514 |
Title: Designing Ionic Ir(III) Cyclometalated Complexes as Photocatalysts for Light Assisted ATRP of MMA. A Combined Experimental and Mechanistic Study |
Author(s): Vigarani, G (Vigarani, Giulia); Marchini, E (Marchini, Edoardo); Previati, E (Previati, Eleonora); Giorgini, L (Giorgini, Loris); Zacchini, S (Zacchini, Stefano); Argazzi, R (Argazzi, Roberto); Massi, M (Massi, Massimiliano); Fiorini, V (Fiorini, Valentina); Caramori, S (Caramori, Stefano); Stagni, S (Stagni, Stefano) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 30 Issue: 26 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202400393 Early Access Date: MAR 2024 Published Date: 2024 MAY 8 |
Record 65 of 514 |
Title: Versatile electrochemical manufacturing of mixed metal sulfide/N-doped rGO composites as bifunctional catalysts for high power rechargeable Zn-air batteries |
Author(s): Sanchez, JS (Sanchez, Jaime S.); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Mirehbar, K (Mirehbar, Keyvan); Sasidharan, S (Sasidharan, Sankar); Aravindh, SA (Aravindh, S. Assa); Liscio, A (Liscio, Andrea); Sun, JH (Sun, Jinhua); Christian, M (Christian, Meganne); Palma, J (Palma, Jesus); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Marcilla, R (Marcilla, Rebeca) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A Volume: 12 Issue: 20 Pages: 11945-11959 DOI: 10.1039/d3ta07765a Early Access Date: MAR 2024 Published Date: 2024 MAY 21 |
Record 66 of 514 |
Title: Perfluorinated Zinc Porphyrin Sensitized Photoelectrosynthetic Cells for Enhanced TEMPO-Mediated Benzyl Alcohol Oxidation |
Author(s): Di Carlo, G (Di Carlo, Gabriele); Albanese, C (Albanese, Cecilia); Molinari, A (Molinari, Alessandra); Carli, S (Carli, Stefano); Argazzi, R (Argazzi, Roberto); Minguzzi, A (Minguzzi, Alessandro); Tessore, F (Tessore, Francesca); Marchini, E (Marchini, Edoardo); Caramori, S (Caramori, Stefano) |
Source: ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Volume: 16 Issue: 12 Pages: 14864-14882 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c19157 Early Access Date: MAR 2024 Published Date: 2024 MAR 14 |
Record 67 of 514 |
Title: Electrochemically responsive nanofibers by stimulation of a dialkyl-bipyridinium molecular switch |
Author(s): Petri, E (Petri, E.); Gotti, C (Gotti, C.); Groppi, J (Groppi, J.); Liguori, A (Liguori, A.); Silvi, S (Silvi, S.); Credi, A (Credi, A.); Zucchelli, A (Zucchelli, A.); Soavi, F (Soavi, F.); Focarete, ML (Focarete, M. L.); Gualandi, C (Gualandi, C.); Arbizzani, C (Arbizzani, C.) |
Source: MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS Volume: 317 Article Number: 129155 DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2024.129155 Early Access Date: MAR 2024 Published Date: 2024 APR 15 |
Record 68 of 514 |
Title: Selective ion transport in large-area graphene oxide membrane filters driven by the ionic radius and electrostatic interactions |
Author(s): Lancellotti, L (Lancellotti, Lidia); Bianchi, A (Bianchi, Antonio); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Marforio, TD (Marforio, Tainah Dorina); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhen Yuan); Calvaresi, M (Calvaresi, Matteo); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: NANOSCALE Volume: 16 Issue: 14 Pages: 7123-7133 DOI: 10.1039/d3nr05874c Early Access Date: MAR 2024 Published Date: 2024 APR 4 |
Record 69 of 514 |
Title: A non-clinical and clinical IUCLID database for 530 phanmaceuticals |
Author(s): Evangelisti, M (Evangelisti, M.); Parenti, MD (Parenti, M. D.); Varchi, G (Varchi, G.); Franco, J (Franco, J.); vom Brocke, J (vom Brocke, J.); Karamertzanis, PG (Karamertzanis, P. G.); Del Rio, A (Del Rio, A.); Bichlmaier, I (Bichlmaier, I.) |
Source: NAUNYN-SCHMIEDEBERGS ARCHIVES OF PHARMACOLOGY Meeting Abstract: P133 Volume: 397 Pages: S50-S50 Published Date: 2024 MAR Supplement: 1 |
Record 70 of 514 |
Title: Association between Albumin Alterations and Renal Function in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus |
Author(s): Nugnes, M (Nugnes, Marta); Baldassarre, M (Baldassarre, Maurizio); Ribichini, D (Ribichini, Danilo); Tedesco, D (Tedesco, Daniele); Capelli, I (Capelli, Irene); Vetrano, D (Vetrano, Daniele); Marchignoli, F (Marchignoli, Francesca); Brodosi, L (Brodosi, Lucia); Pompili, E (Pompili, Enrico); Petroni, ML (Petroni, Maria Letizia); La Manna, G (La Manna, Gaetano); Marchesini, G (Marchesini, Giulio); Naldi, M (Naldi, Marina); Bartolini, M (Bartolini, Manuela) |
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Volume: 25 Issue: 6 Article Number: 3168 DOI: 10.3390/ijms25063168 Published Date: 2024 MAR |
Record 71 of 514 |
Title: Modulation of the Excited States of Ruthenium(II)-perylene Dyad to Access Near-IR Luminescence, Long-Lived Perylene Triplet State and Singlet Oxygen Photosensitization |
Author(s): Campos, IS (Campos, Isabele S.); Fermi, A (Fermi, Andrea); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Moraes, CAF (Moraes, Carlos A. F.); Ribeiro, GH (Ribeiro, Gabriel H.); Venancio, T (Venancio, Tiago); Ceroni, P (Ceroni, Paola); Carlos, RM (Carlos, Rose M.) |
Source: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 63 Issue: 10 Pages: 4595-4603 DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c04145 Early Access Date: FEB 2024 Published Date: 2024 FEB 29 |
Record 72 of 514 |
Title: Aquaporin-4 and transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 balance in early postnatal neurodevelopment |
Author(s): Cibelli, A (Cibelli, Antonio); Mola, MG (Mola, Maria Grazia); Saracino, E (Saracino, Emanuela); Barile, B (Barile, Barbara); Abbrescia, P (Abbrescia, Pasqua); Mogni, G (Mogni, Guido); Spray, DC (Spray, David C.); Scemes, E (Scemes, Eliana); Rossi, A (Rossi, Andrea); Spennato, D (Spennato, Diletta); Svelto, M (Svelto, Maria); Frigeri, A (Frigeri, Antonio); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina); Nicchia, GP (Nicchia, Grazia Paola) |
Source: GLIA Volume: 72 Issue: 5 Pages: 938-959 DOI: 10.1002/glia.24512 Early Access Date: FEB 2024 Published Date: 2024 MAY |
Record 73 of 514 |
Title: Synthesis of <i>α</i>-Imino Amidines and 2,3-Diamino Indolenines Using a One-Pot Graphene Oxide-Catalyzed Process |
Author(s): Caputo, S (Caputo, Samantha); Donoso, S (Donoso, Silvia); Banfi, L (Banfi, Luca); Basso, A (Basso, Andrea); Lambruschini, C (Lambruschini, Chiara); Riva, R (Riva, Renata); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Moni, L (Moni, Lisa) |
Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 27 Issue: 9 DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202400070 Early Access Date: FEB 2024 Published Date: 2024 MAR 1 |
Record 74 of 514 |
Title: Structural and biochemical characterization of Arabidopsis alcohol dehydrogenases reveals distinct functional properties but similar redox sensitivity |
Author(s): Meloni, M (Meloni, Maria); Rossi, J (Rossi, Jacopo); Fanti, S (Fanti, Silvia); Carloni, G (Carloni, Giacomo); Tedesco, D (Tedesco, Daniele); Treffon, P (Treffon, Patrick); Piccinini, L (Piccinini, Luca); Falini, G (Falini, Giuseppe); Trost, P (Trost, Paolo); Vierling, E (Vierling, Elizabeth); Licausi, F (Licausi, Francesco); Giuntoli, B (Giuntoli, Beatrice); Musiani, F (Musiani, Francesco); Fermani, S (Fermani, Simona); Zaffagnini, M (Zaffagnini, Mirko) |
Source: PLANT JOURNAL Volume: 118 Issue: 4 Pages: 1054-1070 DOI: 10.1111/tpj.16651 Early Access Date: FEB 2024 Published Date: 2024 MAY |
Record 75 of 514 |
Title: Biomarkers of Oxidative and Radical Stress |
Author(s): Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos) |
Source: BIOMOLECULES Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Article Number: 194 DOI: 10.3390/biom14020194 Published Date: 2024 FEB |
Record 76 of 514 |
Title: Magnetic Behaviour of Iron Oxide/Dextran Nanoparticles in a Keratin Matrix |
Author(s): Dinelli, F (Dinelli, Franco); Modestino, M (Modestino, Michele); Galluzzi, A (Galluzzi, Armando); Posati, T (Posati, Tamara); Seri, M (Seri, Mirko); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Corticelli, F (Corticelli, Franco); Polichetti, M (Polichetti, Massimiliano) |
Source: APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL Volume: 14 Issue: 3 Article Number: 1106 DOI: 10.3390/app14031106 Published Date: 2024 FEB |
Record 77 of 514 |
Title: Radical Reactions in Organic Synthesis: Exploring in-, on-, and with-Water Methods |
Author(s): Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Gimisis, T (Gimisis, Thanasis) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 29 Issue: 3 Article Number: 569 DOI: 10.3390/molecules29030569 Published Date: 2024 FEB |
Record 78 of 514 |
Title: Amino acid modified graphene oxide for the simultaneous capture and electrochemical detection of glyphosate |
Author(s): Moro, G (Moro, Giulia); Khaliha, S (Khaliha, Sara); Pintus, A (Pintus, Angela); Mantovani, S (Mantovani, Sebastiano); Feltracco, M (Feltracco, Matteo); Gambaro, A (Gambaro, Andrea); Marforio, TD (Marforio, Tainah D.); Calvaresi, M (Calvaresi, Matteo); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara) |
Source: MATERIALS TODAY CHEMISTRY Volume: 36 Article Number: 101936 DOI: 10.1016/j.mtchem.2024.101936 Early Access Date: JAN 2024 Published Date: 2024 MAR |
Record 79 of 514 |
Title: Graphene Oxide-Arginine Composites: Efficient Dual Function Materials for Integrated CO<sub>2</sub> Capture and Conversion |
Author(s): Mantovani, S (Mantovani, Sebastiano); Pintus, A (Pintus, Angela); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Gondolini, A (Gondolini, Angela); Casadio, S (Casadio, Simone); Sanson, A (Sanson, Alessandra); Marforio, TD (Marforio, Tainah D.); Calvaresi, M (Calvaresi, Matteo); Rancan, M (Rancan, Marzio); Armelao, L (Armelao, Lidia); Bertuzzi, G (Bertuzzi, Giulio); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Bandini, M (Bandini, Marco) |
Source: CHEMSUSCHEM Volume: 17 Issue: 5 DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202301673 Early Access Date: JAN 2024 Published Date: 2024 MAR 8 |
Record 80 of 514 |
Title: Synthesis of symmetric and dissymmetric star-shaped pentaarylcyclopentadienyl Ru(II) complexes containing styryl-BODIPY fragments |
Author(s): Dumartin, M (Dumartin, Melissa); Abid, S (Abid, Seifallah); Gisbert, Y (Gisbert, Yohan); Saffon-Merceron, N (Saffon-Merceron, Nathalie); Gao, S (Gao, Sheng); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Kammerer, C (Kammerer, Claire); Rapenne, G (Rapenne, Gwenael) |
Source: CHEMISTRY LETTERS Volume: 53 Issue: 1 Article Number: upad003 DOI: 10.1093/chemle/upad003 Early Access Date: JAN 2024 Published Date: 2024 JAN 11 |
Record 81 of 514 |
Title: Alternative feedstock for thermoplastic polyurethane chain extenders through chemical recycling of the polyurea fraction in a rigid PVC foam |
Author(s): Calosi, M (Calosi, Matteo); D’Iorio, A (D’Iorio, Andrea); Mazzanti, V (Mazzanti, Valentina); Buratti, E (Buratti, Elena); Pezzini, S (Pezzini, Stefano); Mollica, F (Mollica, Francesco); Castelvetro, V (Castelvetro, Valter); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica) |
Source: EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL Volume: 206 Article Number: 112770 DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2024.112770 Early Access Date: JAN 2024 Published Date: 2024 FEB 21 |
Record 82 of 514 |
Title: Rheological, thermal and spectroscopical properties of the macromolecular complex between sodium hyaluronate and cisplatin for anticancer chemotherapy |
Author(s): Banella, S (Banella, Sabrina); Serajuddin, A (Serajuddin, Abu T. M.); Colombo, G (Colombo, Gaia); Scoponi, M (Scoponi, Marco) |
Source: CARBOHYDRATE POLYMER TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS Volume: 7 Article Number: 100436 DOI: 10.1016/j.carpta.2024.100436 Early Access Date: JAN 2024 Published Date: 2024 JUN |
Record 83 of 514 |
Title: Characterization of chloroplast ribulose-5-phosphate-3-epimerase from the microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii |
Author(s): Meloni, M (Meloni, Maria); Fanti, S (Fanti, Silvia); Tedesco, D (Tedesco, Daniele); Gurrieri, L (Gurrieri, Libero); Trost, P (Trost, Paolo); Fermani, S (Fermani, Simona); Lemaire, SD (Lemaire, Stephane D.); Zaffagnini, M (Zaffagnini, Mirko); Henri, J (Henri, Julien) |
Source: PLANT PHYSIOLOGY Volume: 194 Issue: 4 Pages: 2263-2277 DOI: 10.1093/plphys/kiad680 Early Access Date: JAN 2024 Published Date: 2024 MAR 29 |
Record 84 of 514 |
Title: Hydrogen as an energy carrier: constraints and opportunities |
Author(s): Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola); Bandini, E (Bandini, Elisa); Barbieri, A (Barbieri, Andrea) |
Source: PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY Volume: 96 Issue: 4 Pages: 479-485 DOI: 10.1515/pac-2023-0801 Early Access Date: JAN 2024 Published Date: 2024 APR 25 |
Record 85 of 514 |
Title: Luminescent lanthanide-based molecular materials: applications in photodynamic therapy |
Author(s): Reddy, MLP (Reddy, M. L. P.); Bejoymohandas, KS (Bejoymohandas, K. S.) |
Source: DALTON TRANSACTIONS Volume: 53 Issue: 5 Pages: 1898-1914 DOI: 10.1039/d3dt04064j Early Access Date: JAN 2024 Published Date: 2024 JAN 30 |
Record 86 of 514 |
Title: Exploring the Impact of Nanostructured Substrates on Rat Cortical Astrocyte Morphology with Quantitative Phase Imaging |
Author(s): Anantha, P (Anantha, Pooja); Convertino, A (Convertino, Annalisa); Saracino, E (Saracino, Emanuela); Kim, JH (Kim, Joo Ho); Gu, L (Gu, Luo); Barman, I (Barman, Ishan) |
Edited by: Popp J; Gergely C |
Source: BIOMEDICAL SPECTROSCOPY, MICROSCOPY, AND IMAGING III Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE Volume: 13006 Article Number: 1300617 DOI: 10.1117/12.3016845 Published Date: 2024 |
Record 87 of 514 |
Title: Advances in Nucleic Acid Research: Exploring the Potential of Oligonucleotides for Therapeutic Applications and Biological Studies |
Author(s): Moccia, M (Moccia, Maria); Pascucci, B (Pascucci, Barbara); Saviano, M (Saviano, Michele); Cerasa, MT (Cerasa, Maria Teresa); Terzidis, MA (Terzidis, Michael A.); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Masi, A (Masi, Annalisa) |
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Volume: 25 Issue: 1 Article Number: 146 DOI: 10.3390/ijms25010146 Published Date: 2024 JAN |
Record 88 of 514 |
Title: Competitive season effects on polyunsaturated fatty acid content in erythrocyte membranes of female football players |
Author(s): Peña, N (Pena, Nere); Amézaga, J (Amezaga, Javier); Marrugat, G (Marrugat, Gerard); Landaluce, A (Landaluce, Alba); Viar, T (Viar, Toscana); Arce, J (Arce, Julen); Larruskain, J (Larruskain, Jon); Lekue, J (Lekue, Josean); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Ordovás, JM (Ordovas, Jose Maria); Tueros, I (Tueros, Itziar) |
Source: JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SPORTS NUTRITION Volume: 20 Issue: 1 Article Number: 2245386 DOI: 10.1080/15502783.2023.2245386 Published Date: 2023 DEC 31 |
Record 89 of 514 |
Title: Effect of age and dietary habits on Red Blood Cell membrane fatty acids in a Southern Europe population (Basque Country) |
Author(s): Marrugat, G (Marrugat, Gerard); Cano, A (Cano, Ainara); Amézaga, J (Amezaga, Javier); Arranz, S (Arranz, Sara); Embade, N (Embade, Nieves); Millet, O (Millet, Oscar); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Tueros, I (Tueros, Itziar) |
Source: PROSTAGLANDINS LEUKOTRIENES AND ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS Volume: 200 Article Number: 102602 DOI: 10.1016/j.plefa.2023.102602 Early Access Date: DEC 2023 Published Date: 2024 JAN |
Record 90 of 514 |
Title: Stabilization of Luminescent Mononuclear Three-Coordinate Cu<SUP>I</SUP> Complexes by Two Distinct Cavity-Shaped Diphosphanes Obtained from a Single α-Cyclodextrin Precursor |
Author(s): Phan, TA (Phan, Tuan-Anh); Jouffroy, M (Jouffroy, Matthieu); Matt, D (Matt, Dominique); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola); Moncada, AS (Moncada, Alejandra Saavedra); Bandini, E (Bandini, Elisa); Delavaux-Nicot, B (Delavaux-Nicot, Beatrice); Nierengarten, JF (Nierengarten, Jean-Francois); Armspach, D (Armspach, Dominique) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 30 Issue: 7 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202302750 Early Access Date: DEC 2023 Published Date: 2024 FEB 1 |
Record 91 of 514 |
Title: Quantum Sensing and Light Guiding with Fluorescent Nanodiamond-Doped PVA Fibers |
Author(s): Styles, R (Styles, Roy); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Guarino, V (Guarino, Vincenzo); Robertson, I (Robertson, Islay); Singh, P (Singh, Priya); Cruz-Maya, I (Cruz-Maya, Iriczalli); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina); Abraham, AN (Abraham, Amanda N.); Abe, H (Abe, Hiroshi); Ohshima, T (Ohshima, Takeshi); Broadway, DA (Broadway, David A.); Greentree, AD (Greentree, Andrew D.); Gibson, BC (Gibson, Brant C.); Ambrosio, L (Ambrosio, Luigi); Tetienne, JP (Tetienne, Jean-Philippe); Reineck, P (Reineck, Philipp) |
Source: ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS Volume: 12 Issue: 14 DOI: 10.1002/adom.202302940 Early Access Date: DEC 2023 Published Date: 2024 MAY |
Record 92 of 514 |
Title: Multifunctional Photoelectroactive Materials for Optoelectronic Applications Based on Thieno[3,4-b]pyrazines and Thieno[1,2,5]thiadiazoles |
Author(s): Zangoli, M (Zangoli, Mattia); Monti, F (Monti, Filippo); Zanelli, A (Zanelli, Alberto); Marinelli, M (Marinelli, Martina); Flammini, S (Flammini, Soraia); Spallacci, N (Spallacci, Nicol); Zakrzewska, A (Zakrzewska, Anna); Lanzi, M (Lanzi, Massimiliano); Salatelli, E (Salatelli, Elisabetta); Pierini, F (Pierini, Filippo); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 30 Issue: 7 Article Number: e202303590 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202303590 Early Access Date: DEC 2023 Published Date: 2024 FEB 1 |
Record 93 of 514 |
Title: Polymorphism-driven Distinct Nanomechanical, Optical, Photophysical, and Conducting Properties in a Benzothiophene-quinoline |
Author(s): Bejoymohandas, KS (Bejoymohandas, K. S.); Redhu, A (Redhu, Ashish); Sharma, CH (Sharma, Chithra H.); Seethalekshmi, S (Seethalekshmi, Sunil); Divya, IS (Divya, I. S.); Kiran, MSRN (Kiran, M. S. R. N.); Thalakulam, M (Thalakulam, Madhu); Monti, F (Monti, Filippo); Nair, RV (Nair, Rajesh V.); Varughese, S (Varughese, Sunil) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 30 Issue: 7 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202303558 Early Access Date: DEC 2023 Published Date: 2024 FEB 1 |
Record 94 of 514 |
Title: Influence of citronella essential oil and TiO<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles on the optical, mechanical and thermal characteristics of chitosan/poly(vinyl alcohol) blended films and nanofibers |
Author(s): Abdou, ES (Abdou, Entsar S.); Abdel-Hakim, A (Abdel-Hakim, Ahmed); Morsi, RE (Morsi, Rania E.) |
Source: POLYMER BULLETIN Volume: 81 Issue: 9 Pages: 7943-7961 DOI: 10.1007/s00289-023-05081-0 Early Access Date: DEC 2023 Published Date: 2024 JUN |
Record 95 of 514 |
Title: How to optimize the analytical performance of differential pulse voltammetry: one variable at time versus Design of Experiments |
Author(s): Moro, G (Moro, Giulia); Silvestri, A (Silvestri, Alessandro); Ulrici, A (Ulrici, Alessandro); Conzuelo, F (Conzuelo, Felipe); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara) |
Source: JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY Volume: 28 Issue: 3-4 Special Issue: SI Pages: 1403-1415 DOI: 10.1007/s10008-023-05753-x Early Access Date: NOV 2023 Published Date: 2024 MAR |
Record 96 of 514 |
Title: Dihydroartemisinin-Ursodeoxycholic Bile Acid Hybrids in the Fight against SARS-CoV-2 |
Author(s): Marchesi, E (Marchesi, Elena); Gentili, V (Gentili, Valentina); Bortolotti, D (Bortolotti, Daria); Preti, L (Preti, Lorenzo); Marchetti, P (Marchetti, Paolo); Cristofori, V (Cristofori, Virginia); Fantinati, A (Fantinati, Anna); Rizzo, R (Rizzo, Roberta); Trapella, C (Trapella, Claudio); Perrone, D (Perrone, Daniela); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa) |
Source: ACS OMEGA Volume: 8 Issue: 47 Pages: 45078-45087 DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.3c07034 Published Date: 2023 NOV 14 |
Record 97 of 514 |
Title: Erythrocyte membrane fluidity: A novel biomarker of residual cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes |
Author(s): Bianchetti, G (Bianchetti, Giada); Cefalo, CMA (Cefalo, Chiara Maria Assunta); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Vitale, M (Vitale, Marilena); Serantoni, C (Serantoni, Cassandra); Abeltino, A (Abeltino, Alessio); Mezza, T (Mezza, Teresa); Ferraro, PM (Ferraro, Pietro Manuel); De Spirito, M (De Spirito, Marco); Riccardi, G (Riccardi, Gabriele); Giaccari, A (Giaccari, Andrea); Maulucci, G (Maulucci, Giuseppe) |
Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION Volume: 54 Issue: 3 DOI: 10.1111/eci.14121 Early Access Date: NOV 2023 Published Date: 2024 MAR |
Record 98 of 514 |
Title: Prebiotic Synthesis of Glycolaldehyde and Glyceraldehyde from Formaldehyde: A Computational Study on the Initial Steps of the Formose Reaction |
Author(s): Venturini, A (Venturini, Alessandro); González, J (Gonzalez, Javier) |
Source: CHEMPLUSCHEM Volume: 89 Issue: 3 DOI: 10.1002/cplu.202300388 Early Access Date: NOV 2023 Published Date: 2024 MAR |
Record 99 of 514 |
Title: SMYD3 Modulates AMPK-mTOR Signaling Balance in Cancer Cell Response to DNA Damage |
Author(s): Signorile, ML (Lepore Signorile, Martina); Sanese, P (Sanese, Paola); Di Nicola, E (Di Nicola, Elisabetta); Fasano, C (Fasano, Candida); Forte, G (Forte, Giovanna); De Marco, K (De Marco, Katia); Disciglio, V (Disciglio, Vittoria); Latrofa, M (Latrofa, Marialaura); Pantaleo, A (Pantaleo, Antonino); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta); Del Rio, A (Del Rio, Alberto); Grossi, V (Grossi, Valentina); Simone, C (Simone, Cristiano) |
Source: CELLS Volume: 12 Issue: 22 Article Number: 2644 DOI: 10.3390/cells12222644 Published Date: 2023 NOV |
Record 100 of 514 |
Title: Tuneable Permeability to H<sub>2</sub>, CO<sub>2</sub>, He, and Ar in Graphene Oxide-PDDA Self-Assembled Multilayers, Yielding Good Selectivity at High Flux |
Author(s): Foli, G (Foli, Giacomo); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Liscio, F (Liscio, Fabiola); Battaglini, E (Battaglini, Elena); Ligi, S (Ligi, Simone); Fiorini, M (Fiorini, Maurizio); Minelli, M (Minelli, Matteo); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES Volume: 11 Issue: 2 DOI: 10.1002/admi.202300357 Early Access Date: OCT 2023 Published Date: 2024 JAN |
Record 101 of 514 |
Title: Unexpected reactivity of cyclometalated iridium(<sc>iii</sc>) dimers. Direct synthesis of a mononuclear luminescent complex |
Author(s): Tu, J (Tu, Jing); Veclani, D (Veclani, Daniele); Monti, F (Monti, Filippo); Mazzanti, A (Mazzanti, Andrea); Sambri, L (Sambri, Letizia); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola); Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea) |
Source: DALTON TRANSACTIONS Volume: 52 Issue: 41 Pages: 14867-14879 DOI: 10.1039/d3dt02689b Published Date: 2023 OCT 24 |
Record 102 of 514 |
Title: Design of nanohybrids based on layered double hydroxides and electrochemically reduced graphene oxide for energy applications |
Author(s): Tonelli, D (Tonelli, Domenica); Musella, E (Musella, Elisa); Scavetta, E (Scavetta, Erika); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Morandi, V (Morandi, Vittorio); Christian, M (Christian, Meganne); Gualandi, I (Gualandi, Isacco) |
Source: CATALYSIS TODAY Volume: 427 Article Number: 114401 DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2023.114401 Early Access Date: OCT 2023 Published Date: 2024 FEB 1 |
Record 103 of 514 |
Title: Microfluidic manufacturing of tioconazole loaded keratin nanocarriers: Development and optimization by design of experiments |
Author(s): Khorshid, S (Khorshid, Shiva); Goffi, R (Goffi, Rosita); Maurizii, G (Maurizii, Giorgia); Benedetti, S (Benedetti, Serena); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Buoso, S (Buoso, Sara); Galuppi, R (Galuppi, Roberta); Bordoni, T (Bordoni, Talita); Tiboni, M (Tiboni, Mattia); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa); Casettari, L (Casettari, Luca) |
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS Volume: 647 Article Number: 123489 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2023.123489 Early Access Date: OCT 2023 Published Date: 2023 NOV 25 |
Record 104 of 514 |
Title: Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Poly(lactic acid) Blend Films Prepared from Aqueous Dispersions |
Author(s): Belletti, G (Belletti, Giada); Ronconi, G (Ronconi, Giulia); Mazzanti, V (Mazzanti, Valentina); Buratti, E (Buratti, Elena); Marchi, L (Marchi, Lorenzo); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Calosi, M (Calosi, Matteo); Mollica, F (Mollica, Francesco); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica) |
Source: MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING Volume: 309 Issue: 1 DOI: 10.1002/mame.202300237 Early Access Date: OCT 2023 Published Date: 2024 JAN |
Record 105 of 514 |
Title: Controlling molecular shuttling in a rotaxane with weak ring recognition sites |
Author(s): Bukhtiiarova, N (Bukhtiiarova, Nina); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto); Corra, S (Corra, Stefano) |
Source: CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 59 Issue: 88 Pages: 13159-13162 DOI: 10.1039/d3cc04483a Early Access Date: OCT 2023 Published Date: 2023 NOV 2 |
Record 106 of 514 |
Title: Data-Matrix Technology for Multiparameter Monitoring of Cell Cultures (vol 2, 1700377, 2018) |
Author(s): Barbalinardo, M (Barbalinardo, Marianna); Gentili, D (Gentili, Denis); Lazzarotto, F (Lazzarotto, Francesca); Valle, F (Valle, Francesco); Brucale, M (Brucale, Marco); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Favaretto, L (Favaretto, Laura); Zambianchi, M (Zambianchi, Massimo); Borrachero-Conejo, AI (Borrachero-Conejo, Ana I.); Saracino, E (Saracino, Emanuela); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina); Natalini, D (Natalini, Davide); Greco, P (Greco, Pierpaolo); Carlo, MGD (Carlo, Maria Giovanna Di); Foschi, G (Foschi, Giulia); Cavallini, M (Cavallini, Massimiliano) |
Source: SMALL METHODS Volume: 7 Issue: 10 Article Number: 2301190 DOI: 10.1002/smtd.202301190 Published Date: 2023 OCT |
Record 107 of 514 |
Title: Hydroxyl Radical vs. One-Electron Oxidation Reactivities in an Alternating GC Double-Stranded Oligonucleotide: A New Type Electron Hole Stabilization |
Author(s): Masi, A (Masi, Annalisa); Capobianco, A (Capobianco, Amedeo); Bobrowski, K (Bobrowski, Krzysztof); Peluso, A (Peluso, Andrea); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos) |
Source: BIOMOLECULES Volume: 13 Issue: 10 Article Number: 1493 DOI: 10.3390/biom13101493 Published Date: 2023 OCT |
Record 108 of 514 |
Title: SMYD3 Modulates the HGF/MET Signaling Pathway in Gastric Cancer |
Author(s): De Marco, K (De Marco, Katia); Signorile, ML (Signorile, Martina Lepore); Di Nicola, E (Di Nicola, Elisabetta); Sanese, P (Sanese, Paola); Fasano, C (Fasano, Candida); Forte, G (Forte, Giovanna); Disciglio, V (Disciglio, Vittoria); Pantaleo, A (Pantaleo, Antonino); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta); Del Rio, A (Del Rio, Alberto); Grossi, V (Grossi, Valentina); Simone, C (Simone, Cristiano) |
Source: CELLS Volume: 12 Issue: 20 Article Number: 2481 DOI: 10.3390/cells12202481 Published Date: 2023 OCT |
Record 109 of 514 |
Title: Elucidating the Excited State Behavior of Pyridyl Pyridinium Systems via Computational and Transient Absorption Studies of Tetrahedral Multichromophoric Arrays and their Model Compounds |
Author(s): Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Veclani, D (Veclani, Daniele); Venturini, A (Venturini, Alessandro); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Ceroni, P (Ceroni, Paola); Marchini, M (Marchini, Marianna) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 29 Issue: 61 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202301853 Early Access Date: SEP 2023 Published Date: 2023 NOV 2 |
Record 110 of 514 |
Title: Addressing the complexities in measuring cyclodextrin-sterol binding constants: A multidimensional study |
Author(s): Anderson, AM (Anderson, Amelia M.); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse); Malanga, M (Malanga, Milo); Clemens, DM (Clemens, Daniel M.); Sadrerafi, K (Sadrerafi, Keivan); Pineiro, A (Pineiro, Angel); García-Fandiño, R (Garcia-Fandino, Rebeca); O’Connor, MS (O’Connor, Matthew S.) |
Source: CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS Volume: 323 Article Number: 121360 DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2023.121360 Early Access Date: SEP 2023 Published Date: 2024 JAN 1 |
Record 111 of 514 |
Title: Unexpected reactivity of cyclometalated iridium(II) dimers. Direct synthesis of a mononuclear luminescent complex |
Author(s): Tu, J (Tu, Jing); Veclani, D (Veclani, Daniele); Monti, F (Monti, Filippo); Mazzanti, A (Mazzanti, Andrea); Sambri, L (Sambri, Letizia); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola); Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea) |
Source: DALTON TRANSACTIONS DOI: 10.1039/d3dt02689 Early Access Date: SEP 2023 Published Date: 2023 SEP 20 |
Record 112 of 514 |
Title: Chemical Tailoring of β-Cyclodextrin-Graphene Oxide for Enhanced Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Adsorption from Drinking Water |
Author(s): Tunioli, F (Tunioli, Francesca); Marforio, TD (Marforio, Tainah D.); Favaretto, L (Favaretto, Laura); Mantovani, S (Mantovani, Sebastiano); Pintus, A (Pintus, Angela); Bianchi, A (Bianchi, Antonio); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Agnes, M (Agnes, Marco); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Calvaresi, M (Calvaresi, Matteo); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 29 Issue: 60 Article Number: e202301854 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202301854 Early Access Date: SEP 2023 Published Date: 2023 OCT 26 |
Record 113 of 514 |
Title: Spin-dependent charge transmission through chiral 2T3N self-assembled monolayer on Au |
Author(s): Stefani, A (Stefani, Andrea); Innocenti, M (Innocenti, Massimo); Giurlani, W (Giurlani, Walter); Calisi, N (Calisi, Nicola); Pedio, M (Pedio, Maddalena); Felici, R (Felici, Roberto); Favaretto, L (Favaretto, Laura); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara); Jones, AC (Jones, Andrew C.); Mishra, S (Mishra, Suryakant); Zema, N (Zema, Nicola); Fontanesi, C (Fontanesi, Claudio) |
Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 159 Issue: 10 Article Number: 104701 DOI: 10.1063/5.0151350 Published Date: 2023 SEP 14 |
Record 114 of 514 |
Title: Synthesis of Indenes via Graphene Oxide Mediated Manipulation of Morita-Baylis-Hillman Alcohols |
Author(s): Mantovani, S (Mantovani, Sebastiano); Pintus, A (Pintus, Angela); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Bertuzzi, G (Bertuzzi, Giulio); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Bandini, M (Bandini, Marco) |
Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202300641 Early Access Date: SEP 2023 Published Date: 2023 SEP 6 |
Record 115 of 514 |
Title: Metal-binding cyclodextrins: Synthesis and complexation with Zn<SUP>2+</SUP> and Ga<SUP>3+</SUP>cations towards antimicrobial applications |
Author(s): Agnes, M (Agnes, Marco); Kasimati, EM (Kasimati, Eleni Marina); Inclán, M (Inclan, Mario); Thanassoulas, A (Thanassoulas, Angelos); Miliotis, G (Miliotis, Georgios); Malanga, M (Malanga, Milo); Benkovics, G (Benkovics, Gabor); Nounesis, G (Nounesis, George); García-España, E (Garcia-Espana, Enrique); Bouziotis, P (Bouziotis, Penelope); Lazarou, YG (Lazarou, Yannis G.); Miriagou, V (Miriagou, Vivi); Mavridis, IM (Mavridis, Irene M.); Yannakopoulou, K (Yannakopoulou, Konstantina) |
Source: CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS Volume: 321 Article Number: 121323 DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2023.121323 Early Access Date: SEP 2023 Published Date: 2023 DEC 1 |
Record 116 of 514 |
Title: Cellulose acetate membranes loaded with combinations of tetraphenylporphyrin, graphene oxide and Pluronic F-127 as responsive materials with antibacterial photodynamic activity |
Author(s): Morsi, RE (Morsi, Rania E.); Gentili, D (Gentili, Denis); Corticelli, F (Corticelli, Franco); Morandi, V (Morandi, Vittorio); Figoli, A (Figoli, Alberto); Russo, F (Russo, Francesca); Galiano, F (Galiano, Francesco); Gentilomi, GA (Gentilomi, Giovanna Angela); Bonvicini, F (Bonvicini, Francesca); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara) |
Source: RSC ADVANCES Volume: 13 Issue: 38 Pages: 26550-26562 DOI: 10.1039/d3ra04193j Published Date: 2023 SEP 4 |
Record 117 of 514 |
Title: Building towards Supercapacitors with Safer Electrolytes and Carbon Electrodes from Natural Resources |
Author(s): El Halimi, MS (El Halimi, Mohammad Said); Zanelli, A (Zanelli, Alberto); Soavi, F (Soavi, Francesca); Chafik, T (Chafik, Tarik) |
Source: WORLD Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Pages: 431-449 DOI: 10.3390/world4030027 Published Date: 2023 SEP |
Record 118 of 514 |
Title: Molecular Hybridization as a Strategy for Developing Artemisinin-Derived Anticancer Candidates |
Author(s): Marchesi, E (Marchesi, Elena); Perrone, D (Perrone, Daniela); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa) |
Source: PHARMACEUTICS Volume: 15 Issue: 9 Article Number: 2185 DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics15092185 Published Date: 2023 SEP |
Record 119 of 514 |
Title: Fatty Acids Profile and the Relevance of Membranes as the Target of Nutrition-Based Strategies in Atopic Dermatitis: A Narrative Review |
Author(s): Olejnik, A (Olejnik, Anna); Gornowicz-Porowska, J (Gornowicz-Porowska, Justyna); Jenerowicz, D (Jenerowicz, Dorota); Polanska, A (Polanska, Adriana); Dobrzynska, M (Dobrzynska, Malgorzata); Przyslawski, J (Przyslawski, Juliusz); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla) |
Source: NUTRIENTS Volume: 15 Issue: 17 Article Number: 3857 DOI: 10.3390/nu15173857 Published Date: 2023 SEP |
Record 120 of 514 |
Title: AQP4-independent TRPV4 modulation of plasma membrane water permeability |
Author(s): Barile, B (Barile, Barbara); Mola, MG (Mola, Maria Grazia); Formaggio, F (Formaggio, Francesco); Saracino, E (Saracino, Emanuela); Cibelli, A (Cibelli, Antonio); Gargano, CD (Gargano, Concetta Domenica); Mogni, G (Mogni, Guido); Frigeri, A (Frigeri, Antonio); Caprini, M (Caprini, Marco); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina); Nicchia, GP (Nicchia, Grazia Paola) |
Source: FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE Volume: 17 Article Number: 1247761 DOI: 10.3389/fncel.2023.1247761 Published Date: 2023 AUG 31 |
Record 121 of 514 |
Title: Native Silicon Oxide Properties Determined by Doping |
Author(s): Della Ciana, M (Della Ciana, Michele); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Summonte, C (Summonte, Caterina); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Cavalcoli, D (Cavalcoli, Daniela); Gentili, D (Gentili, Denis); Nipoti, R (Nipoti, Roberta); Albonetti, C (Albonetti, Cristiano) |
Source: LANGMUIR DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c01652 Early Access Date: AUG 2023 Published Date: 2023 AUG 23 |
Record 122 of 514 |
Title: SIRT6 pharmacological inhibition delays skin cancer progression in the squamous cell carcinoma |
Author(s): Abbotto, E (Abbotto, Elena); Miro, C (Miro, Caterina); Piacente, F (Piacente, Francesco); Salis, A (Salis, Annalisa); Murolo, M (Murolo, Melania); Nappi, A (Nappi, Annarita); Millo, E (Millo, Enrico); Russo, E (Russo, Eleonora); Cichero, E (Cichero, Elena); Sturla, L (Sturla, Laura); Del Rio, A (Del Rio, Alberto); De Flora, A (De Flora, Antonio); Nencioni, A (Nencioni, Alessio); Dentice, M (Dentice, Monica); Bruzzone, S (Bruzzone, Santina) |
Source: BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume: 166 Article Number: 115326 DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2023.115326 Early Access Date: AUG 2023 Published Date: 2023 OCT |
Record 123 of 514 |
Title: The ad hoc chemical design of random PBS-based copolymers influences the activation of cardiac differentiation while altering the HYPPO pathway target genes in hiPSCs |
Author(s): Guidotti, G (Guidotti, Giulia); Duelen, R (Duelen, Robin); Bloise, N (Bloise, Nora); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa); Visai, L (Visai, Livia); Sampaolesi, M (Sampaolesi, Maurilio); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia) |
Source: BIOMATERIALS ADVANCES Volume: 154 Article Number: 213583 DOI: 10.1016/j.bioadv.2023.213583 Early Access Date: AUG 2023 Published Date: 2023 NOV |
Record 124 of 514 |
Title: Insight on the Intracellular Supramolecular Assembly of DTTO: A Peculiar Example of Cell-Driven Polymorphism |
Author(s): Aloisio, L (Aloisio, Ludovico); Moschetta, M (Moschetta, Matteo); Boschi, A (Boschi, Alex); Fleitas, AG (Fleitas, Ariel Garcia); Zangoli, M (Zangoli, Mattia); Venturino, I (Venturino, Ilaria); Vurro, V (Vurro, Vito); Magni, A (Magni, Arianna); Mazzaro, R (Mazzaro, Raffaello); Morandi, V (Morandi, Vittorio); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); D’Andrea, C (D’Andrea, Cosimo); Paternò, GM (Paterno, Giuseppe Maria); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Lanzani, G (Lanzani, Guglielmo); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca) |
Source: ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 35 Issue: 42 DOI: 10.1002/adma.202302756 Early Access Date: AUG 2023 Published Date: 2023 OCT 19 |
Record 125 of 514 |
Title: Bismuth supported on phosphonium functionalized chitosan as sustainable heterogeneous catalysts for one-pot Biginelli condensation |
Author(s): Brik, A (Brik, Abdelmalik); El Kadiri, M (El Kadiri, Mustapha); El Assimi, T (El Assimi, Taha); Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo); Beniazza, R (Beniazza, Redouane); Gouhier, G (Gouhier, Geraldine); El Kadib, A (El Kadib, Abdelkrim); Lahcini, M (Lahcini, Mohammed) |
Source: MOLECULAR CATALYSIS Volume: 548 Article Number: 113422 DOI: 10.1016/j.mcat.2023.113422 Early Access Date: AUG 2023 Published Date: 2023 SEP |
Record 126 of 514 |
Title: Controllable Coating Graphene Oxide and Silanes on Cu Particles as Dual Protection for Anticorrosion |
Author(s): Sun, JH (Sun, Jinhua); Martinsen, KH (Martinsen, Kristoffer Harr); Klement, U (Klement, Uta); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Silva, PFB (Silva, Plinio Fernandes Borges); Hryha, E (Hryha, Eduard); Nyborg, L (Nyborg, Lars); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Volume: 15 Issue: 32 Pages: 38857-38866 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c08042 Early Access Date: AUG 2023 Published Date: 2023 AUG 7 |
Record 127 of 514 |
Title: Unraveling the Ag<SUP>+</SUP> ion coordination and solvation thermodynamics in the 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ionic liquid |
Author(s): Busato, M (Busato, Matteo); D’Angelo, P (D’Angelo, Paola); Lapi, A (Lapi, Andrea); Tavani, F (Tavani, Francesco); Veclani, D (Veclani, Daniele); Tolazzi, M (Tolazzi, Marilena); Melchior, A (Melchior, Andrea) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS Volume: 387 Article Number: 122654 DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2023.122654 Early Access Date: AUG 2023 Published Date: 2023 OCT 1 |
Record 128 of 514 |
Title: Small thiophene fluorophores in live cells promote protein self-assembly into nanostructured fluorescent and electroactive microfibers |
Author(s): Palamà, IE (Palama, Ilaria Elena); Maiorano, G (Maiorano, Gabriele); Barbarella, G (Barbarella, Giovanna); Gigli, G (Gigli, Giuseppe) |
Source: NANO SELECT Volume: 4 Issue: 8 Pages: 463-485 DOI: 10.1002/nano.202300007 Published Date: 2023 AUG |
Record 129 of 514 |
Title: Structure and Thermal Stability of Two Estetrol Solvates |
Author(s): Monari, M (Monari, Magda); Attolino, E (Attolino, Emanuele); Lopopolo, G (Lopopolo, Gianfranco); Bosco, F (Bosco, Fabrizio); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo) |
Source: CRYSTALS Volume: 13 Issue: 8 Article Number: 1211 DOI: 10.3390/cryst13081211 Published Date: 2023 AUG |
Record 130 of 514 |
Title: An electrochemical approach for the prediction of Δ<SUP>9</SUP>-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid and total cannabinoid content in <i>Cannabis sativa</i> L. |
Author(s): Monari, A (Monari, Alessandro); Cantalù, S (Cantalu, Sara); Zanfrognini, B (Zanfrognini, Barbara); Brighenti, V (Brighenti, Virginia); Verri, P (Verri, Patrizia); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara); Pellati, F (Pellati, Federica); Pigani, L (Pigani, Laura) |
Source: ANALYST Volume: 148 Issue: 19 Pages: 4688-4697 DOI: 10.1039/d3an01090b Early Access Date: JUL 2023 Published Date: 2023 SEP 25 |
Record 131 of 514 |
Title: Portraits of Soot Molecules Reveal Pathways to Large Aromatics, Five-/Seven-Membered Rings, and Inception through π-Radical Localization |
Author(s): Lieske, LA (Lieske, Leonard-Alexander); Commodo, M (Commodo, Mario); Martin, JW (Martin, Jacob W. W.); Kaiser, K (Kaiser, Katharina); Benekou, V (Benekou, Vasiliki); Minutolo, P (Minutolo, Patrizia); D’Anna, A (D’Anna, Andrea); Gross, L (Gross, Leo) |
Source: ACS NANO Volume: 17 Issue: 14 Pages: 13563-13574 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.3c02194 Early Access Date: JUL 2023 Published Date: 2023 JUL 12 |
Record 132 of 514 |
Title: Numbers Matter: The Role of Cell Dose in the Treatment of Osteosarcoma Using Mesenchymal Stromal Cells as Cellular Vehicles |
Author(s): Martella, E (Martella, Elisa); Dozza, B (Dozza, Barbara); Ferroni, C (Ferroni, Claudia); Bellotti, C (Bellotti, Chiara); Obeyok, CO (Osuru Obeyok, Clement); Tubertini, M (Tubertini, Matilde); Guerrini, A (Guerrini, Andrea); Ballestri, M (Ballestri, Marco); Columbaro, M (Columbaro, Marta); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse); Gambarotti, M (Gambarotti, Marco); Martini, L (Martini, Lucia); Fini, M (Fini, Milena); Cevolani, L (Cevolani, Luca); Donati, DM (Donati, Davide Maria); Lucarelli, E (Lucarelli, Enrico); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta); Duchi, S (Duchi, Serena) |
Source: ADVANCED THERAPEUTICS Volume: 6 Issue: 10 DOI: 10.1002/adtp.202300045 Early Access Date: JUL 2023 Published Date: 2023 OCT |
Record 133 of 514 |
Title: Electrodeposition of FeW-graphene composites: Effect of graphene oxide concentration on microstructure, hardness and corrosion properties |
Author(s): Mulone, A (Mulone, Antonio); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Klement, U (Klement, Uta) |
Source: FLATCHEM Volume: 40 Article Number: 100525 DOI: 10.1016/j.flatc.2023.100525 Early Access Date: JUL 2023 Published Date: 2023 JUL |
Record 134 of 514 |
Title: Strontium-Substituted α-TCP: Structure, Stability, and Reactivity in Solution |
Author(s): Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Rubini, K (Rubini, Katia); Bigi, A (Bigi, Adriana); Boanini, E (Boanini, Elisa) |
Source: CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN Volume: 23 Issue: 8 Pages: 5690-5698 DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.3c00358 Early Access Date: JUL 2023 Published Date: 2023 JUL 3 |
Record 135 of 514 |
Title: Gliotechnologies and materials interfaces to control intracellular calcium dynamics in astrocytes and their impact on neurons. |
Author(s): Benfenati, V (Benfenati, V.) |
Source: GLIA Meeting Abstract: W01-01 Volume: 71 Pages: E15-E15 Published Date: 2023 JUL Supplement: 1 |
Record 136 of 514 |
Title: Gold coated silicon nanowire interface for electrophysiological recording of neurons and glia in co-culture |
Author(s): Conte, G (Conte, G.); Saracino, E (Saracino, E.); Maiolo, L (Maiolo, L.); Convertino, A (Convertino, A.); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, V.) |
Source: GLIA Meeting Abstract: T11-021A Volume: 71 Pages: E543-E543 Published Date: 2023 JUL Supplement: 1 |
Record 137 of 514 |
Title: Graphene oxide electrodes enable electrical stimulation of distinct calcium signalling in brain astrocytes |
Author(s): Fabbri, R (Fabbri, R.); Scidà, A (Scida, A.); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, A.); Candini, A (Candini, A.); Kirdajovà, D (Kirdajova, D.); Spennato, D (Spennato, D.); Conte, G (Conte, G.); Saracino, E (Saracino, E.); Konstantoulaki, K (Konstantoulaki, K.); Lazzarini, C (Lazzarini, C.); Anderovà, M (Anderova, M.); Treossi, E (Treossi, E.); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, R.); Palermo, V (Palermo, V.); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, V.) |
Source: GLIA Meeting Abstract: T03-006A Volume: 71 Pages: E228-E228 Published Date: 2023 JUL Supplement: 1 |
Record 138 of 514 |
Title: 40 Hz Light Flicker Stimulation of Calcium Dynamics in Astrocytes |
Author(s): Konstantoulaki, A (Konstantoulaki, A.); Horning, M (Horning, M.); Rude, TE (Rude, T. Egholm); Spennato, D (Spennato, D.); Fabbri, R (Fabbri, R.); Caprini, M (Caprini, M.); Carstensen, MS (Carstensen, M. Schultz); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, V.) |
Source: GLIA Meeting Abstract: T03-005A Volume: 71 Pages: E227-E227 Published Date: 2023 JUL Supplement: 1 |
Record 139 of 514 |
Title: Nanoscale interfaces alter adult mice neurospheres adhesion morphology and differentiation |
Author(s): Lazzarini, C (Lazzarini, C.); Saracino, E (Saracino, E.); Poeta, E (Poeta, E.); Conte, G (Conte, G.); Posati, T (Posati, T.); Nicchia, GP (Nicchia, G. P.); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, R.); Monti, B (Monti, B.); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, V.) |
Source: GLIA Meeting Abstract: T15-007B Volume: 71 Pages: E803-E803 Published Date: 2023 JUL Supplement: 1 |
Record 140 of 514 |
Title: Aquaporin-4 aggregation into Orthogonal Arrays of Particles affects Neural Stem Cell behaviour in the early phases of neural differentiation |
Author(s): Mogni, G (Mogni, G.); Mola, MG (Mola, M. G.); Cibelli, A (Cibelli, A.); Barile, B (Barile, B.); Frigeri, A (Frigeri, A.); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, V.); Nicchia, GP (Nicchia, G. P.) |
Source: GLIA Meeting Abstract: T15-016C Volume: 71 Pages: E812-E812 Published Date: 2023 JUL Supplement: 1 |
Record 141 of 514 |
Title: Nanostructured materials and Nano-probes to modulate the functional activity of astrocytes. |
Author(s): Saracino, E (Saracino, E.); Convertino, A (Convertino, A.); Antognazza, MR (Antognazza, M. R.); Posati, T (Posati, T.); Nicchia, GP (Nicchia, G. P.); Maiolo, L (Maiolo, L.); Guarino, V (Guarino, V.); Ambrosio, L (Ambrosio, L.); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, R.); Losert, W (Losert, W.); Karna, SP (Karna, S. P.); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, V.) |
Source: GLIA Meeting Abstract: S19-02 Volume: 71 Pages: E117-E117 Published Date: 2023 JUL Supplement: 1 |
Record 142 of 514 |
Title: Selective optical control of calcium signalling in astrocytes by Azobenzene photoswitches in vitro and ex-vivo. |
Author(s): Spennato, D (Spennato, D.); Groppi, J (Groppi, J.); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, M.); Saracino, E (Saracino, E.); Formaggio, F (Formaggio, F.); Fabbri, R (Fabbri, R.); Caprini, M (Caprini, M.); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, R.); Barile, B (Barile, B.); Nicchia, GP (Nicchia, G. P.); Kirdajova, DB (Kirdajova, D. Belov); Anderova, M (Anderova, M.); Credi, A (Credi, A.); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, V.) |
Source: GLIA Meeting Abstract: T22-007C Volume: 71 Pages: E1152-E1153 Published Date: 2023 JUL Supplement: 1 |
Record 143 of 514 |
Title: Magnetic Analysis of MgFe Hydrotalcites as Powder and Dispersed in Thin Films within a Keratin Matrix |
Author(s): Dinelli, F (Dinelli, Franco); Modestino, M (Modestino, Michele); Galluzzi, A (Galluzzi, Armando); Posati, T (Posati, Tamara); Seri, M (Seri, Mirko); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Polichetti, M (Polichetti, Massimiliano) |
Source: NANOMATERIALS Volume: 13 Issue: 14 Article Number: 2029 DOI: 10.3390/nano13142029 Published Date: 2023 JUL |
Record 144 of 514 |
Title: Drug Delivery in Photodynamic Therapy |
Author(s): Moret, F (Moret, Francesca); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta) |
Source: PHARMACEUTICS Volume: 15 Issue: 7 Article Number: 1784 DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics15071784 Published Date: 2023 JUL |
Record 145 of 514 |
Title: Mesoscopic 3D Charge Transport in Solution-Processed Graphene-Based Thin Films: A Multiscale Analysis |
Author(s): Boschi, A (Boschi, Alex); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Liscio, F (Liscio, Fabiola); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Kim, KH (Kim, Kyung Ho); Avila, SL (Avila, Samuel Lara); De Simone, S (De Simone, Sara); Mussi, V (Mussi, Valentina); Barone, C (Barone, Carlo); Pagano, S (Pagano, Sergio); Gobbi, M (Gobbi, Marco); Samori, P (Samori, Paolo); Affronte, M (Affronte, Marco); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Liscio, A (Liscio, Andrea) |
Source: SMALL Volume: 19 Issue: 42 DOI: 10.1002/smll.202303238 Early Access Date: JUN 2023 Published Date: 2023 OCT |
Record 146 of 514 |
Title: Late-Stage Photocatalytic Fluoroalkylation of Aromatic Crown Ethers in Aqueous Media |
Author(s): Yerien, DE (Yerien, Damian E.); Groppi, J (Groppi, Jessica); Postigo, A (Postigo, Al); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto); Conde, RS (Conde, Romina S.); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian) |
Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 26 Issue: 27 DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202300478 Early Access Date: JUN 2023 Published Date: 2023 JUL 17 |
Record 147 of 514 |
Title: A non-clinical and clinical IUCLID database for 530 pharmaceuticals (part I): Methodological aspects of its development |
Author(s): Evangelisti, M (Evangelisti, Martina); Parenti, MD (Parenti, Marco Daniele); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta); Franco, J (Franco, Jorge); vom Brocke, J (vom Brocke, Jochen); Karamertzanis, PG (Karamertzanis, Panagiotis G.); Del Rio, A (Del Rio, Alberto); Bichlmaier, I (Bichlmaier, Ingo) |
Source: REGULATORY TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY Volume: 142 Article Number: 105416 DOI: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2023.105416 Early Access Date: JUN 2023 Published Date: 2023 AUG |
Record 148 of 514 |
Title: The Complex Story Behind a Deep Eutectic Solvent Formation as Revealed by l-Menthol Mixtures with Butylated Hydroxytoluene Derivatives |
Author(s): Busato, M (Busato, Matteo); Mannucci, G (Mannucci, Giorgia); Rocchi, LA (Rocchi, Lorenzo Augusto); Di Pietro, ME (Di Pietro, Maria Enrica); Capocefalo, A (Capocefalo, Angela); Zorzi, E (Zorzi, Elisa); Postorino, P (Postorino, Paolo); Veclani, D (Veclani, Daniele); Castiglione, F (Castiglione, Franca); Martinelli, A (Martinelli, Andrea); Martinelli, A (Martinelli, Andrea); Postorino, P (Postorino, Paolo); D’Angelo, P (D’Angelo, Paola) |
Source: ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING Volume: 11 Issue: 24 Pages: 8988-8999 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c01209 Early Access Date: JUN 2023 Published Date: 2023 JUN 7 |
Record 149 of 514 |
Title: Geometrical isomerization of arachidonic acid during lipid peroxidation interferes with ferroptosis |
Author(s): Hirata, Y (Hirata, Yusuke); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Yamada, Y (Yamada, Yuto); Inoue, A (Inoue, Aya); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Vetica, F (Vetica, Fabrizio); Suzuki, W (Suzuki, Wakana); Takano, S (Takano, Saya); Noguchi, T (Noguchi, Takuya); Matsuzawa, A (Matsuzawa, Atsushi); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos) |
Source: FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Volume: 204 Pages: 374-384 DOI: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2023.05.026 Early Access Date: JUN 2023 Published Date: 2023 AUG 1 |
Record 150 of 514 |
Title: Safe Reuse of Wastewater: Organic Contaminants Degradation and Sanitization by Ozone in a Modulable Continuous-Flow System |
Author(s): Esposito, B (Esposito, Biagio); Capobianco, M (Capobianco, Massimo); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Sabia, G (Sabia, Gianpaolo); Guzzinati, R (Guzzinati, Roberta); Riminucci, F (Riminucci, Francesco); Bolelli, L (Bolelli, Luca); Ponti, F (Ponti, Federico); Longino, G (Longino, Giorgio); Ferri, EN (Ferri, Elida N.) |
Source: APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL Volume: 13 Issue: 12 Article Number: 7087 DOI: 10.3390/app13127087 Published Date: 2023 JUN |
Record 151 of 514 |
Title: Highly Luminescent Europium(III) Complexes in Solution and PMMA-Doped Films for Bright Red Electroluminescent Devices |
Author(s): Ahmed, Z (Ahmed, Zubair); Carvalho, RD (Carvalho, Rafael dos Santos); dos Santos, AM (dos Santos, Aline Magalhaes); Gambassi, F (Gambassi, Francesca); Bandini, E (Bandini, Elisa); Marvelli, L (Marvelli, Lorenza); Maini, L (Maini, Lucia); Barbieri, A (Barbieri, Andrea); Cremona, M (Cremona, Marco) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 28 Issue: 11 Article Number: 4371 DOI: 10.3390/molecules28114371 Published Date: 2023 MAY 26 |
Record 152 of 514 |
Title: Radical Perfluoroalkylation of Aliphatic Substrates |
Author(s): Yerien, DE (Yerien, Damian E. E.); Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Postigo, A (Postigo, Al) |
Source: ACS CATALYSIS Volume: 13 Issue: 12 Pages: 7756-7794 DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.3c01922 Published Date: 2023 MAY 25 |
Record 153 of 514 |
Title: Hydroperoxyl radical (HOO<SUP>•</SUP>) as a reducing agent: unexpected synergy with antioxidants. A review |
Author(s): Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea); Jin, ZX (Jin, Zongxin); Amorati, R (Amorati, Riccardo) |
Source: FREE RADICAL RESEARCH Volume: 57 Issue: 2 Pages: 115-129 DOI: 10.1080/10715762.2023.2212121 Early Access Date: MAY 2023 Published Date: 2023 FEB 1 |
Record 154 of 514 |
Title: Investigating the High-Temperature Water/MgCl<sub>2</sub> Interface through Ambient Pressure Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy |
Author(s): Tavani, F (Tavani, Francesco); Busato, M (Busato, Matteo); Veclani, D (Veclani, Daniele); Braglia, L (Braglia, Luca); Mauri, S (Mauri, Silvia); Torelli, P (Torelli, Piero); D’Angelo, P (D’Angelo, Paola) |
Source: ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Volume: 15 Issue: 21 Pages: 26166-26174 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c02985 Early Access Date: MAY 2023 Published Date: 2023 MAY 18 |
Record 155 of 514 |
Title: New Random Aromatic/Aliphatic Copolymers of 2,5-Furandicarboxylic and Camphoric Acids with Tunable Mechanical Properties and Exceptional Gas Barrier Capability for Sustainable Mono-Layered Food Packaging |
Author(s): Guidotti, G (Guidotti, Giulia); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Siracusa, V (Siracusa, Valentina); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 28 Issue: 10 Article Number: 4056 DOI: 10.3390/molecules28104056 Published Date: 2023 MAY 12 |
Record 156 of 514 |
Title: Photoactivated Artificial Molecular Motors |
Author(s): Corra, S (Corra, Stefano); Curcio, M (Curcio, Massimiliano); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto) |
Source: JACS AU Volume: 3 Issue: 5 Pages: 1301-1313 DOI: 10.1021/jacsau.3c00089 Early Access Date: MAY 2023 Published Date: 2023 MAY 8 |
Record 157 of 514 |
Title: Multi-Responsive Eight-State Bis(acridinium-Zn(II) porphyrin) Receptor |
Author(s): Edo-Osagie, A (Edo-Osagie, Amy); Serillon, D (Serillon, Dylan); Ruani, F (Ruani, Federica); Barril, X (Barril, Xavier); Gourlaouen, C (Gourlaouen, Christophe); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Rouville, HPJD (Rouville, Henri-Pierre Jacquot de); Heitz, V (Heitz, Valerie) |
Source: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 145 Issue: 19 Pages: 10691-10699 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c01089 Early Access Date: MAY 2023 Published Date: 2023 MAY 8 |
Record 158 of 514 |
Title: An Electroactive and Self-Assembling Bio-Ink, based on Protein-Stabilized Nanoclusters and Graphene, for the Manufacture of Fully Inkjet-Printed Paper-Based Analytical Devices |
Author(s): Silvestri, A (Silvestri, Alessandro); Vázquez-Díaz, S (Vazquez-Diaz, Silvia); Misia, G (Misia, Giuseppe); Poletti, F (Poletti, Fabrizio); López-Domene, R (Lopez-Domene, Rocio); Pavlov, V (Pavlov, Valeri); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara); Cortajarena, AL (Cortajarena, Aitziber L. L.); Prato, M (Prato, Maurizio) |
Source: SMALL Volume: 19 Issue: 51 Special Issue: SI DOI: 10.1002/smll.202300163 Early Access Date: MAY 2023 Published Date: 2023 DEC |
Record 159 of 514 |
Title: Non-Phenomenological Description of the Time-Resolved Emission in Solution with Quantum-Classical Vibronic Approaches-Application to Coumarin C153 in Methanol |
Author(s): Cerezo, J (Cerezo, Javier); Gao, S (Gao, Sheng); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola); Ingrosso, F (Ingrosso, Francesca); Prampolini, G (Prampolini, Giacomo); Santoro, F (Santoro, Fabrizio); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Pastore, M (Pastore, Mariachiara) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 28 Issue: 9 Article Number: 3910 DOI: 10.3390/molecules28093910 Published Date: 2023 MAY 5 |
Record 160 of 514 |
Title: Plasmalogens: Free Radical Reactivity and Identification of Trans Isomers Relevant to Biological Membranes |
Author(s): Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Ferocino, A (Ferocino, Alessandra); Batani, G (Batani, Gessica); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Randi, V (Randi, Vanda); Riontino, MV (Riontino, Maria Vittoria); Vetica, F (Vetica, Fabrizio); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna) |
Source: BIOMOLECULES Volume: 13 Issue: 5 Article Number: 730 DOI: 10.3390/biom13050730 Published Date: 2023 APR 24 |
Record 161 of 514 |
Title: Biobased and Compostable Multiblock Copolymer of Poly(L-lactic acid) Containing 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid for Sustainable Food Packaging: The Role of Parent Homopolymers in the Composting Kinetics and Mechanism |
Author(s): Bianchi, E (Bianchi, Enrico); Guidotti, G (Guidotti, Giulia); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Siracusa, V (Siracusa, Valentina); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Salatelli, E (Salatelli, Elisabetta); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia) |
Source: BIOMACROMOLECULES Volume: 24 Issue: 5 Pages: 2356-2368 DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.3c00216 Early Access Date: APR 2023 Published Date: 2023 MAY 8 |
Record 162 of 514 |
Title: The emerging science of Glioception: Contribution of glia in sensing, transduction, circuit integration of interoception |
Author(s): Fabbri, R (Fabbri, Roberta); Spennato, D (Spennato, Diletta); Conte, G (Conte, Giorgia); Konstantoulaki, A (Konstantoulaki, Aikaterini); Lazzarini, C (Lazzarini, Chiara); Saracino, E (Saracino, Emanuela); Nicchia, GP (Nicchia, Grazia Paola); Frigeri, A (Frigeri, Antonio); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Spray, DC (Spray, David C.); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina) |
Source: PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS Volume: 245 Article Number: 108403 DOI: 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2023.108403 Early Access Date: APR 2023 Published Date: 2023 MAY |
Record 163 of 514 |
Title: Photophysical characterization of a bisacridinium-diphenylporphyrin conjugate |
Author(s): Ruani, F (Ruani, Federica); Edo-Osagie, A (Edo-Osagie, Amy); de Rouville, HPJ (de Rouville, Henri-Pierre Jacquot); Heitz, V (Heitz, Valerie); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola) |
Source: JOURNAL OF PORPHYRINS AND PHTHALOCYANINES Volume: 27 Issue: 1 Pages: 569-575 DOI: 10.1142/S1088424623500396 Early Access Date: APR 2023 Published Date: 2023 JAN |
Record 164 of 514 |
Title: The removal efficiency of emerging organic contaminants, heavy metals and dyes: intrinsic limits at low concentrations |
Author(s): Khaliha, S (Khaliha, Sara); Jones, D (Jones, Derek); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Zambianchi, M (Zambianchi, Massimo); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-WATER RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Pages: 1558-1565 DOI: 10.1039/d2ew00644h Early Access Date: APR 2023 Published Date: 2023 JUN 1 |
Record 165 of 514 |
Title: Three-in-one: exploration of co-encapsulation of cabazitaxel, bicalutamide and chlorin e6 in new mixed cyclodextrin-crosslinked polymers |
Author(s): Pancani, E (Pancani, Elisabetta); Veclani, D (Veclani, Daniele); Agnes, M (Agnes, Marco); Mazza, A (Mazza, Arianna); Venturini, A (Venturini, Alessandro); Malanga, M (Malanga, Milo); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse) |
Source: RSC ADVANCES Volume: 13 Issue: 16 Pages: 10923-10939 DOI: 10.1039/d3ra01782f Published Date: 2023 APR 3 |
Record 166 of 514 |
Title: A Cyclodextrin Polymer as Supramolecular Matrix for Scalable Green Photooxygenation of Hydrophobic Substrates in Homogeneous Phase |
Author(s): Agnes, M (Agnes, Marco); Mazza, A (Mazza, Arianna); Kalydi, E (Kalydi, Eszter); Béni, S (Beni, Szabolcs); Malanga, M (Malanga, Milo); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 29 Issue: 29 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202300511 Early Access Date: MAR 2023 Published Date: 2023 MAY 22 |
Record 167 of 514 |
Title: Luminescent lanthanide molecular materials as potential probes for the recognition of toxic and biologically important cations |
Author(s): Reddy, MLP (Reddy, M. L. P.); Divya, V (Divya, V.); Bejoymohandas, KS (Bejoymohandas, K. S.) |
Source: DYES AND PIGMENTS Volume: 215 Article Number: 111248 DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2023.111248 Early Access Date: MAR 2023 Published Date: 2023 JUL |
Record 168 of 514 |
Title: Graphene-Oxide Mediated Chemodivergent Ring-Opening of Cyclobutanols |
Author(s): Brunetti, A (Brunetti, Andrea); Pintus, A (Pintus, Angela); Lombardi, L (Lombardi, Lorenzo); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Mascietti, F (Mascietti, Federico); Bruno, F (Bruno, Francesco); Ravera, E (Ravera, Enrico); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Bertuzzi, G (Bertuzzi, Giulio); Bandini, M (Bandini, Marco) |
Source: CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY Volume: 41 Issue: 11 Pages: 1333-1340 DOI: 10.1002/cjoc.202200757 Early Access Date: MAR 2023 Published Date: 2023 JUN 1 |
Record 169 of 514 |
Title: Panchromatic light harvesting and record power conversion efficiency for carboxylic/cyanoacrylic Fe(ii) NHC co-sensitized FeSSCs |
Author(s): Reddy-Marri, A (Reddy-Marri, Anil); Marchini, E (Marchini, Edoardo); Cabanes, VD (Cabanes, Valentin Diez); Argazzi, R (Argazzi, Roberto); Pastore, M (Pastore, Mariachiara); Caramori, S (Caramori, Stefano); Gros, PC (Gros, Philippe C.) |
Source: CHEMICAL SCIENCE Volume: 14 Issue: 16 Pages: 4288-4301 DOI: 10.1039/d2sc05971a Early Access Date: MAR 2023 Published Date: 2023 APR 26 |
Record 170 of 514 |
Title: Ruthenium (0) complexes with NHC tetrazolylidene ligands: Synthesis, characterization and reactivity |
Author(s): Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea); Mazzoni, R (Mazzoni, Rita); Cesari, C (Cesari, Cristiana); Zacchini, S (Zacchini, Stefano); Pecorari, D (Pecorari, Daniel); Sambri, L (Sambri, Letizia) |
Source: INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA Volume: 551 Article Number: 121472 DOI: 10.1016/j.ica.2023.121472 Early Access Date: MAR 2023 Published Date: 2023 JUN 1 |
Record 171 of 514 |
Title: A Multiresponsive Calix[6]arene Pseudorotaxane Empowered by Fluorophoric Dansyl Groups |
Author(s): Andreoni, L (Andreoni, Leonardo); Beneventi, GM (Beneventi, Giovanni Mariano); Giovanardi, G (Giovanardi, Gabriele); Cera, G (Cera, Gianpiero); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto); Arduini, A (Arduini, Arturo); Secchi, A (Secchi, Andrea); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 29 Issue: 22 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202203472 Early Access Date: MAR 2023 Published Date: 2023 APR 18 |
Record 172 of 514 |
Title: Influence of the Fabrication Conditions on the Physical Properties and Water Treatment Efficiency of Cellulose Acetate Porous Membranes |
Author(s): Morsi, RE (Morsi, Rania E.); Corticelli, F (Corticelli, Franco); Morandi, V (Morandi, Vittorio); Gentili, D (Gentili, Denis); Cavallini, M (Cavallini, Massimiliano); Figoli, A (Figoli, Alberto); Russo, F (Russo, Francesca); Galiano, F (Galiano, Francesco); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara) |
Source: WATER Volume: 15 Issue: 6 Article Number: 1061 DOI: 10.3390/w15061061 Published Date: 2023 MAR |
Record 173 of 514 |
Title: Pomegranate Peel Powder: In Vitro Efficacy and Application to Contaminated Liquid Foods |
Author(s): Lacivita, V (Lacivita, Valentina); Lordi, A (Lordi, Adriana); Posati, T (Posati, Tamara); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Del Nobile, MA (Del Nobile, Matteo Alessandro); Conte, A (Conte, Amalia) |
Source: FOODS Volume: 12 Issue: 6 Article Number: 1173 DOI: 10.3390/foods12061173 Published Date: 2023 MAR |
Record 174 of 514 |
Title: Synthetic strategies for fluorosulfonylated compounds: application to click chemistry reactions |
Author(s): Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Yerien, DE (Yerien, Damian E.); Postigo, A (Postigo, Al) |
Source: CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Volume: 13 Issue: 9 Pages: 2597-2617 DOI: 10.1039/d2cy01998a Early Access Date: MAR 2023 Published Date: 2023 MAY 9 |
Record 175 of 514 |
Title: Core-Shell Architecture in Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Nanoparticles: Tuning of the Photophysical Properties for Enhanced Neuronal Photostimulation |
Author(s): Barsotti, J (Barsotti, Jonathan); Perotto, S (Perotto, Sara); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Colombo, E (Colombo, Elisabetta); Camargo, FVA (Camargo, Franco V. A.); Di Marco, S (Di Marco, Stefano); Zangoli, M (Zangoli, Mattia); Sardar, S (Sardar, Samim); Barker, AJ (Barker, Alex J.); D’Andrea, C (D’Andrea, Cosimo); Cerullo, G (Cerullo, Giulio); Rozen, S (Rozen, Shlomo); Benfenati, F (Benfenati, Fabio); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca); Lanzani, G (Lanzani, Guglielmo) |
Source: ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Volume: 15 Issue: 10 Pages: 13472-13483 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c20640 Early Access Date: MAR 2023 Published Date: 2023 MAR 15 |
Record 176 of 514 |
Title: Anticancer Activity and Molecular Mechanisms of an Ursodeoxycholic Acid Methyl Ester-Dihydroartemisinin Hybrid via a Triazole Linkage in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells |
Author(s): Hsu, YF (Hsu, Ya-Fen); Kung, FL (Kung, Fan-Lu); Huang, TE (Huang, Tzu-En); Deng, YN (Deng, Yi-Ning); Guh, JH (Guh, Jih-Hwa); Marchetti, P (Marchetti, Paolo); Marchesi, E (Marchesi, Elena); Perrone, D (Perrone, Daniela); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Hsu, LC (Hsu, Lih-Ching) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 28 Issue: 5 Article Number: 2358 DOI: 10.3390/molecules28052358 Published Date: 2023 MAR |
Record 177 of 514 |
Title: Mineralogical characterization of fluorescent grossular garnet var. tsavorite from Merelani Hills, Tanzania |
Author(s): Idini, A (Idini, Alfredo); Angeli, C (Angeli, Celestino); Frau, F (Frau, Franco); Ennas, G (Ennas, Guido); Naitza, S (Naitza, Stefano); De Giudici, GB (De Giudici, Giovanni Battista); Argazzi, R (Argazzi, Roberto) |
Source: PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS Volume: 50 Issue: 1 Article Number: 9 DOI: 10.1007/s00269-023-01233-w Published Date: 2023 MAR |
Record 178 of 514 |
Title: Adsorption of emerging contaminants by graphene related materials and their alginate composite hydrogels |
Author(s): Tunioli, F (Tunioli, Francesca); Khaliha, S (Khaliha, Sara); Mantovani, S (Mantovani, Sebastiano); Bianchi, A (Bianchi, Antonio); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Bafqi, MSS (Bafqi, Mohammad Sajad Sorayani); Okan, BS (Okan, Burcu Saner); Marforio, TD (Marforio, Tainah Dorina); Calvaresi, M (Calvaresi, Matteo); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela) |
Source: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Article Number: 109566 DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2023.109566 Early Access Date: FEB 2023 Published Date: 2023 APR |
Record 179 of 514 |
Title: Photoreactivity of Thiophene-Based Core@Shell Nanoparticles: The Effect of Photoinduced Charge Separation on<i> In</i><i> Vivo</i> ROS Production |
Author(s): Zangoli, M (Zangoli, Mattia); Cantelli, A (Cantelli, Andrea); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Lewinska, A (Lewinska, Anna); Fardella, F (Fardella, Federica); Tino, A (Tino, Angela); Tommasini, G (Tommasini, Giuseppina); Wnuk, M (Wnuk, Maciej); Moschetta, M (Moschetta, Matteo); Perotto, S (Perotto, Sara); Lucarini, M (Lucarini, Marco); Tortiglione, C (Tortiglione, Claudia); Lanzani, G (Lanzani, Guglielmo); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca) |
Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c06986 Early Access Date: FEB 2023 Published Date: 2023 FEB 24 |
Record 180 of 514 |
Title: A rhodanine derivative as a potential antibacterial and anticancer agent: Crystal structure, spectral characterization, DFT calculations,<i> Hirshfeld</i> surface analysis,<i> in</i><i> silico</i> molecular docking and ADMET studies |
Author(s): Guerraoui, A (Guerraoui, Amal); Goudjil, M (Goudjil, Meriem); Direm, A (Direm, Amani); Guerraoui, A (Guerraoui, Abdenour); Sengün, IY (Sengun, Ilkin Yucel); Parlak, C (Parlak, Cemal); Djedouani, A (Djedouani, Amel); Chelazzi, L (Chelazzi, Laura); Monti, F (Monti, Filippo); Lunedei, E (Lunedei, Eugenio); Boumaza, A (Boumaza, Abdecharif) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE Volume: 1280 Article Number: 135025 DOI: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2023.135025 Early Access Date: FEB 2023 Published Date: 2023 MAY 15 |
Record 181 of 514 |
Title: A Pyridyl-1,2-azaborine Ligand for Phosphorescent Neutral Iridium(III) Complexes |
Author(s): Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea); Aleotti, F (Aleotti, Flavia); Matteucci, E (Matteucci, Elia); Sambri, L (Sambri, Letizia); Mancinelli, M (Mancinelli, Michele); Mazzanti, A (Mazzanti, Andrea); Leoni, E (Leoni, Enrico); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola); Monti, F (Monti, Filippo) |
Source: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 62 Issue: 5 Pages: 2456-2469 DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c04449 Published Date: 2023 FEB 6 |
Record 182 of 514 |
Title: Efficiency in Carbon Dioxide Fixation into Cyclic Carbonates: Operating Bifunctional Polyhydroxylated Pyridinium Organocatalysts in Segmented Flow Conditions |
Author(s): Poletti, L (Poletti, Lorenzo); Rovegno, C (Rovegno, Caterina); Di Carmine, G (Di Carmine, Graziano); Vacchi, F (Vacchi, Filippo); Ragno, D (Ragno, Daniele); Brandolese, A (Brandolese, Arianna); Massi, A (Massi, Alessandro); Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 28 Issue: 4 Article Number: 1530 DOI: 10.3390/molecules28041530 Published Date: 2023 FEB |
Record 183 of 514 |
Title: Erythrocyte Plasma Membrane Lipid Composition Mirrors That of Neurons and Glial Cells in Murine Experimental In Vitro and In Vivo Inflammation |
Author(s): Stanzani, A (Stanzani, Agnese); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Brenna, C (Brenna, Cinzia); Baldassarro, VA (Baldassarro, Vito Antonio); Alastra, G (Alastra, Giuseppe); Lorenzini, L (Lorenzini, Luca); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Laface, I (Laface, Ilaria); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Neri, LM (Neri, Luca Maria); Calzà, L (Calza, Laura) |
Source: CELLS Volume: 12 Issue: 4 Article Number: 561 DOI: 10.3390/cells12040561 Published Date: 2023 FEB |
Record 184 of 514 |
Title: Immobilization of Alendronate on Zirconium Phosphate Nanoplatelets |
Author(s): Donnadio, A (Donnadio, Anna); Paul, G (Paul, Geo); Barbalinardo, M (Barbalinardo, Marianna); Ambrogi, V (Ambrogi, Valeria); Pettinacci, G (Pettinacci, Gabriele); Posati, T (Posati, Tamara); Bisio, C (Bisio, Chiara); Vivani, R (Vivani, Riccardo); Nocchetti, M (Nocchetti, Morena) |
Source: NANOMATERIALS Volume: 13 Issue: 4 Article Number: 742 DOI: 10.3390/nano13040742 Published Date: 2023 FEB |
Record 185 of 514 |
Title: Decoding Natural Astrocyte Rhythms: Dynamic Actin Waves Result from Environmental Sensing by Primary Rodent Astrocytes |
Author(s): O’Neill, KM (O’Neill, Kate M. M.); Saracino, E (Saracino, Emanuela); Barile, B (Barile, Barbara); Mennona, NJ (Mennona, Nicholas J. J.); Mola, MG (Mola, Maria Grazia); Pathak, S (Pathak, Spandan); Posati, T (Posati, Tamara); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Nicchia, GP (Nicchia, Grazia P. P.); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina); Losert, W (Losert, Wolfgang) |
Source: ADVANCED BIOLOGY Volume: 7 Issue: 6 DOI: 10.1002/adbi.202200269 Early Access Date: JAN 2023 Published Date: 2023 JUN |
Record 186 of 514 |
Title: Effects of Water/Alcohol Soluble Cationic Polythiophenes as Cathode Interlayers for Eco-Friendly Solar Cells |
Author(s): Quadretti, D (Quadretti, Debora); Marinelli, M (Marinelli, Martina); Salatelli, E (Salatelli, Elisabetta); Pierini, F (Pierini, Filippo); Zanelli, A (Zanelli, Alberto); Lanzi, M (Lanzi, Massimiliano) |
Source: MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS Volume: 224 Issue: 6 DOI: 10.1002/macp.202200422 Early Access Date: JAN 2023 Published Date: 2023 MAR |
Record 187 of 514 |
Title: Surface chemistry and structure manipulation of graphene-related materials to address the challenges of electrochemical energy storage |
Author(s): Sun, Y (Sun, Yue); Sun, JH (Sun, Jinhua); Sanchez, JS (Sanchez, Jaime S.); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Xiao, LH (Xiao, Linhong); Chen, RQ (Chen, Ruiqi); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 59 Issue: 18 Pages: 2571-2583 DOI: 10.1039/d2cc06772b Early Access Date: JAN 2023 Published Date: 2023 FEB 28 |
Record 188 of 514 |
Title: Structural evolution of poly(butylene succinate) crystals on heating with the formation of a dual lamellar population, as monitored by temperature-dependent WAXS/SAXS analysis |
Author(s): Righetti, MC (Righetti, Maria Cristina); Di Lorenzo, ML (Di Lorenzo, Maria Laura); Cavallo, D (Cavallo, Dario); Müller, AJ (Muller, Alejandro J.); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo) |
Source: POLYMER Volume: 268 Article Number: 125711 DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2023.125711 Early Access Date: JAN 2023 Published Date: 2023 FEB 22 |
Record 189 of 514 |
Title: Amino acid-driven adsorption of emerging contaminants in water by modified graphene oxide nanosheets |
Author(s): Mantovani, S (Mantovani, Sebastiano); Marforio, TD (Marforio, Tainah Dorina); Khaliha, S (Khaliha, Sara); Pintus, A (Pintus, Angela); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Tunioli, F (Tunioli, Francesca); Favaretto, L (Favaretto, Laura); Bianchi, A (Bianchi, Antonio); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Calvaresi, M (Calvaresi, Matteo); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela) |
Source: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-WATER RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY Volume: 9 Issue: 4 Pages: 1030-1040 DOI: 10.1039/d2ew00871h Early Access Date: JAN 2023 Published Date: 2023 MAR 30 |
Record 190 of 514 |
Title: Radiosynthesis, Preclinical, and Clinical Positron Emission Tomography Studies of Carbon-11 Labeled Endogenous and Natural Exogenous Compounds |
Author(s): Shegani, A (Shegani, Antonio); Kealey, S (Kealey, Steven); Luzi, F (Luzi, Federico); Basagni, F (Basagni, Filippo); Machado, JD (Machado, Joana do Mar); Ekici, SD (Ekici, Sevban Dogan); Ferocino, A (Ferocino, Alessandra); Gee, AD (Gee, Antony D.); Bongarzone, S (Bongarzone, Salvatore) |
Source: CHEMICAL REVIEWS Volume: 123 Issue: 1 Pages: 105-229 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.2c00398 Published Date: 2023 JAN 11 |
Record 191 of 514 |
Title: Polymer Solar Cells with Active Layer Thickness Compatible with Scalable Fabrication Processes: A Meta-Analysis |
Author(s): Camaioni, N (Camaioni, Nadia); Carbonera, C (Carbonera, Chiara); Ciammaruchi, L (Ciammaruchi, Laura); Corso, G (Corso, Gianni); Mwaura, J (Mwaura, Jeremiah); Po, R (Po, Riccardo); Tinti, F (Tinti, Francesca) |
Source: ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 35 Issue: 8 DOI: 10.1002/adma.202210146 Early Access Date: JAN 2023 Published Date: 2023 FEB |
Record 192 of 514 |
Title: Targeted and untargeted metabolomic approach for GDM diagnosis |
Author(s): Burzynska-Pedziwiatr, I (Burzynska-Pedziwiatr, Izabela); Dudzik, D (Dudzik, Danuta); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Malachowska, B (Malachowska, Beata); Zieleniak, A (Zieleniak, Andrzej); Zurawska-Klis, M (Zurawska-Klis, Monika); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Cypryk, K (Cypryk, Katarzyna); Wozniak, LA (Wozniak, Lucyna A.); Markuszewski, MJ (Markuszewski, Michal J.); Bukowiecka-Matusiak, M (Bukowiecka-Matusiak, Malgorzata) |
Source: FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES Volume: 9 Article Number: 997436 DOI: 10.3389/fmolb.2022.997436 Published Date: 2023 JAN 5 |
Record 193 of 514 |
Title: Analysis of the role of the pH in the anchoring of alkylphosphonic acid on a TiO2 surface: A DFTB study |
Author(s): Veclani, D (Veclani, Daniele); Melchior, A (Melchior, Andrea); Llobet, A (Llobet, Antoni); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola); Venturini, A (Venturini, Alessandro) |
Source: COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 219 Article Number: 111997 DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2022.111997 Early Access Date: JAN 2023 Published Date: 2023 FEB 25 |
Record 194 of 514 |
Title: Reaction with ROO• and HOO• Radicals of Honokiol-Related Neolignan Antioxidants |
Author(s): Cardullo, N (Cardullo, Nunzio); Monti, F (Monti, Filippo); Muccilli, V (Muccilli, Vera); Amorati, R (Amorati, Riccardo); Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 28 Issue: 2 Article Number: 735 DOI: 10.3390/molecules28020735 Published Date: 2023 JAN |
Record 195 of 514 |
Title: Fatty-Acid-Based Membrane Lipidome Profile of Peanut Allergy Patients: An Exploratory Study of a Lifelong Health Condition |
Author(s): Del Duca, E (Del Duca, Elisabetta); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Sgrulletti, M (Sgrulletti, Mayla); Di Nolfo, F (Di Nolfo, Federica); Chini, L (Chini, Loredana); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Moschese, V (Moschese, Viviana) |
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Volume: 24 Issue: 1 Article Number: 120 DOI: 10.3390/ijms24010120 Published Date: 2023 JAN |
Record 196 of 514 |
Title: Free and Poly-Methyl-Methacrylate-Bounded BODIPYs: Photodynamic and Antimigratory Effects in 2D and 3D Cancer Models |
Author(s): Ballestri, M (Ballestri, Marco); Marras, E (Marras, Emanuela); Caruso, E (Caruso, Enrico); Bolognese, F (Bolognese, Fabrizio); Malacarne, MC (Malacarne, Miryam Chiara); Martella, E (Martella, Elisa); Tubertini, M (Tubertini, Matilde); Gariboldi, MB (Gariboldi, Marzia Bruna); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta) |
Source: CANCERS Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Article Number: 92 DOI: 10.3390/cancers15010092 Published Date: 2023 JAN |
Record 197 of 514 |
Title: Phospholipid fatty acid remodeling and carbonylated protein increase in extracellular vesicles released by airway epithelial cells exposed to cigarette smoke extract |
Author(s): Chiaradia, E (Chiaradia, Elisabetta); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Tancini, B (Tancini, Brunella); Latella, R (Latella, Raffaella); Tognoloni, A (Tognoloni, Alessia); Gambelunghe, A (Gambelunghe, Angela); Dell’Omo, M (Dell’Omo, Marco); Urbanelli, L (Urbanelli, Lorena); Giovagnoli, S (Giovagnoli, Stefano); Pellegrino, RM (Pellegrino, Roberto Maria); Cerrotti, G (Cerrotti, Giada); Emiliani, C (Emiliani, Carla); Buratta, S (Buratta, Sandra) |
Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY Volume: 102 Issue: 1 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejcb.2022.151285 Early Access Date: DEC 2022 Published Date: 2023 MAR |
Record 198 of 514 |
Title: Cationic Iridium(III) Complexes with Benzothiophene-Quinoline Ligands for Deep-Red Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells |
Author(s): Bejoymohandas, KS (Bejoymohandas, Kochan Sathyaseelan); Kim, HU (Kim, Hae Un); Sohn, S (Sohn, Sunyoung); Choi, W (Choi, Wanuk); Jung, SJE (Jung, Sungjune); Monti, F (Monti, Filippo); Park, T (Park, Taiho) |
Source: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 43-55 DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c02534 Early Access Date: DEC 2022 Published Date: 2023 JAN 9 |
Record 199 of 514 |
Title: Stable Luminescent [Cu(NN)(PP)]<SUP>+</SUP> Complexes Incorporating a β-Cyclodextrin-Based Diphosphane Ligand with Metal-Confining Properties |
Author(s): Phan, TA (Phan, Tuan-Anh); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola); Moncada, AS (Moncada, Alejandra Saavedra); Bandini, E (Bandini, Elisa); Delavaux-Nicot, B (Delavaux-Nicot, Beatrice); Nierengarten, JF (Nierengarten, Jean-Francois); Armspach, D (Armspach, Dominique) |
Source: ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION Volume: 62 Issue: 6 DOI: 10.1002/anie.202214638 Early Access Date: DEC 2022 Published Date: 2023 FEB 1 |
Record 200 of 514 |
Title: Two-dimensional quantum universality in the spin-1/2 triangular-lattice quantum antiferromagnet Na2BaCo(PO4)2 |
Author(s): Sheng, JM (Sheng, Jieming); Wang, L (Wang, Le); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Jiang, WR (Jiang, Wenrui); Huang, LL (Huang, Lianglong); Xi, B (Xi, Bin); Zhao, JZ (Zhao, Jize); Ge, H (Ge, Han); Zhao, N (Zhao, Nan); Fu, Y (Fu, Ying); Ren, J (Ren, Jun); Yang, J (Yang, Jiong); Miao, P (Miao, Ping); Tong, X (Tong, Xin); Yu, DP (Yu, Dapeng); Wang, SM (Wang, Shanmin); Liu, QH (Liu, Qihang); Kofu, M (Kofu, Maiko); Mole, R (Mole, Richard); Biasiol, G (Biasiol, Giorgio); Yu, DH (Yu, Dehong); Zaliznyak, IA (Zaliznyak, Igor A.); Mei, JW (Mei, Jia-Wei); Wu, LS (Wu, Liusuo) |
Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Volume: 119 Issue: 51 Article Number: e2211193119 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2211193119 Published Date: 2022 DEC 15 |
Record 201 of 514 |
Title: Highly transparent Bi<sub>4</sub>Ti<sub>3</sub>O<sub>12</sub> thin-film electrodes for ferroelectric-enhanced photoelectrochemical processes |
Author(s): Casadio, S (Casadio, Simone); Gondolini, A (Gondolini, Angela); Sangiorgi, N (Sangiorgi, Nicola); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Sanson, A (Sanson, Alessandra) |
Source: SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Pages: 1107-1118 DOI: 10.1039/d2se01372j Early Access Date: DEC 2022 Published Date: 2023 FEB 14 |
Record 202 of 514 |
Title: Recyclable GO-Arginine Hybrids for CO<sub>2</sub> Fixation into Cyclic Carbonates |
Author(s): Pintus, A (Pintus, Angela); Mantovani, S (Mantovani, Sebastiano); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Bertuzzi, G (Bertuzzi, Giulio); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Bandini, M (Bandini, Marco) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 29 Issue: 4 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202202440 Early Access Date: NOV 2022 Published Date: 2023 JAN 18 |
Record 203 of 514 |
Title: Mutational analysis of ribosomal proteins in a cohort of pediatric patients with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia reveals Q123R, a novel mutation in RPL10 |
Author(s): Bacci, L (Bacci, Lorenza); Indio, V (Indio, Valentina); Rambaldelli, G (Rambaldelli, Guglielmo); Bugarin, C (Bugarin, Cristina); Magliocchetti, F (Magliocchetti, Franco); Del Rio, A (Del Rio, Alberto); Pollutri, D (Pollutri, Daniela); Melchionda, F (Melchionda, Fraia); Pession, A (Pession, Andrea); Lanciotti, M (Lanciotti, Marina); Dufour, C (Dufour, Carlo); Gaipa, G (Gaipa, Giuseppe); Montanaro, L (Montanaro, Lorenzo); Penzo, M (Penzo, Marianna) |
Source: FRONTIERS IN GENETICS Volume: 13 Article Number: 1058468 DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2022.1058468 Published Date: 2022 NOV 22 |
Record 204 of 514 |
Title: Efficiency in CO2-utilization strategies: The case of styrene carbonate synthesis in microdroplets conditions |
Author(s): Urbani, D (Urbani, Daniele); Rovegno, C (Rovegno, Caterina); Massi, A (Massi, Alessandro); Leblebici, ME (Leblebici, Mumin Enis); Kayahan, E (Kayahan, Emine); Polo, E (Polo, Eleonora); Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo) |
Source: JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION Volume: 67 Article Number: 102328 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcou.2022.102328 Early Access Date: NOV 2022 Published Date: 2023 JAN |
Record 205 of 514 |
Title: Sodium Alginate as a Natural Substrate for Efficient and Sustainable Organic Solar Cells |
Author(s): Marchi, L (Marchi, Lorenzo); Dinelli, F (Dinelli, Franco); Maccagnani, P (Maccagnani, Piera); Costa, V (Costa, Valentina); Chenet, T (Chenet, Tatiana); Belletti, G (Belletti, Giada); Natali, M (Natali, Marco); Cocchi, M (Cocchi, Massimo); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica); Seri, M (Seri, Mirko) |
Source: ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING Volume: 10 Issue: 47 Pages: 15608-15617 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c05633 Early Access Date: NOV 2022 Published Date: 2022 NOV 28 |
Record 206 of 514 |
Title: A multi-marker integrative analysis reveals benefits and risks of bariatric surgery |
Author(s): Palleschi, S (Palleschi, Simonetta); Guglielmi, V (Guglielmi, Valeria); Nisticò, L (Nistico, Lorenza); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Tabolacci, C (Tabolacci, Claudio); Facchiano, F (Facchiano, Francesco); Iorio, E (Iorio, Egidio); Giuliani, A (Giuliani, Alessandro); Brescianini, S (Brescianini, Sonia); Medda, E (Medda, Emanuela); Fagnani, C (Fagnani, Corrado); Rossi, B (Rossi, Barbara); Minoprio, A (Minoprio, Anna); Chirico, M (Chirico, Mattea); Pisanu, ME (Pisanu, Maria Elena); Di Nolfo, F (Di Nolfo, Federica); Fortini, P (Fortini, Paola); Simonelli, V (Simonelli, Valeria); Baccarini, S (Baccarini, Sara); Laterza, S (Laterza, Serena); Morretti, T (Morretti, Tiziana); Dell’Orso, A (Dell’Orso, Ambra); Manganello, F (Manganello, Federico); Gentileschi, P (Gentileschi, Paolo); Sbraccia, P (Sbraccia, Paolo); Dogliotti, E (Dogliotti, Eugenia) |
Source: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Article Number: 18877 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-23241-6 Published Date: 2022 NOV 7 |
Record 207 of 514 |
Title: Experimental analysis and simulation of the optical properties of gold nano-particles on sodium alginate |
Author(s): Summonte, C (Summonte, Caterina); Maurizi, A (Maurizi, Alberto); Rizzoli, R (Rizzoli, Rita); Tamarri, F (Tamarri, Fabrizio); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica); Bolognini, G (Bolognini, Gabriele); Maccagnani, P (Maccagnani, Piera) |
Source: OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS Volume: 12 Issue: 11 Pages: 4456-4470 DOI: 10.1364/OME.465985 Published Date: 2022 NOV 1 |
Record 208 of 514 |
Title: Assessing the Formation of Purine Lesions in Mitochondrial DNA of Cockayne Syndrome Cells |
Author(s): Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Krokidis, MG (Krokidis, Marios G.); Masi, A (Masi, Annalisa); Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Pascucci, B (Pascucci, Barbara); D’Errico, M (D’Errico, Mariarosaria) |
Source: BIOMOLECULES Volume: 12 Issue: 11 Article Number: 1630 DOI: 10.3390/biom12111630 Published Date: 2022 NOV |
Record 209 of 514 |
Title: Polymorph Separation by Ordered Patterning |
Author(s): Cavallini, M (Cavallini, Massimiliano); Brucale, M (Brucale, Marco); Gentili, D (Gentili, Denis); Liscio, F (Liscio, Fabiola); Maini, L (Maini, Lucia); Favaretto, L (Favaretto, Laura); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse); Zambianchi, M (Zambianchi, Massimo); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 27 Issue: 21 Article Number: 7235 DOI: 10.3390/molecules27217235 Published Date: 2022 NOV |
Record 210 of 514 |
Title: Mechanism and thermodynamics of adsorption of diclofenac on graphene-based nanomaterials |
Author(s): Veclani, D (Veclani, Daniele); Tolazzi, M (Tolazzi, Marilena); Fogolari, F (Fogolari, Federico); Melchior, A (Melchior, Andrea) |
Source: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Volume: 10 Issue: 6 Article Number: 108789 DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2022.108789 Early Access Date: OCT 2022 Published Date: 2022 DEC |
Record 211 of 514 |
Title: An Anthradithiophene Donor Polymer for Organic Solar Cells with a Good Balance between Efficiency and Synthetic Accessibility |
Author(s): Bianchi, G (Bianchi, Gabriele); Carbonera, C (Carbonera, Chiara); Ciammaruchi, L (Ciammaruchi, Laura); Camaioni, N (Camaioni, Nadia); Negarville, N (Negarville, Nicola); Tinti, F (Tinti, Francesca); Forti, G (Forti, Giacomo); Nitti, A (Nitti, Andrea); Pasini, D (Pasini, Dario); Facchetti, A (Facchetti, Antonio); Pankow, RM (Pankow, Robert M.); Marks, TJ (Marks, Tobin J.); Po, R (Po, Riccardo) |
Source: SOLAR RRL Volume: 6 Issue: 12 Article Number: 2200643 DOI: 10.1002/solr.202200643 Early Access Date: OCT 2022 Published Date: 2022 DEC |
Record 212 of 514 |
Title: Ionic Push-Pull Polythiophenes: A Further Step towards Eco-Friendly BHJ Organic Solar Cells |
Author(s): Marinelli, M (Marinelli, Martina); Lanzi, M (Lanzi, Massimiliano); Pierini, F (Pierini, Filippo); Ziai, Y (Ziai, Yasamin); Zanelli, A (Zanelli, Alberto); Quadretti, D (Quadretti, Debora); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca); Salatelli, E (Salatelli, Elisabetta) |
Source: POLYMERS Volume: 14 Issue: 19 Article Number: 3965 DOI: 10.3390/polym14193965 Published Date: 2022 OCT |
Record 213 of 514 |
Title: Pt Nanoelectrodes Sealed in Quartz Capillaries Modified with Underpotential-Deposited Bismuth for Formic Acid Electrooxidation |
Author(s): Battistel, D (Battistel, Dario); Citron, A (Citron, Alberto); Veclani, D (Veclani, Daniele); Daniele, S (Daniele, Salvatore) |
Source: CHEMELECTROCHEM Volume: 9 Issue: 18 Article Number: e202200754 DOI: 10.1002/celc.202200754 Published Date: 2022 SEP 27 |
Record 214 of 514 |
Title: Discovery of the 4-aminopiperidine-based compound EM127 for the site-specific covalent inhibition of SMYD3 |
Author(s): Parenti, MD (Parenti, Marco Daniele); Naldi, M (Naldi, Marina); Manoni, E (Manoni, Elisabetta); Fabini, E (Fabini, Edoardo); Cederfelt, D (Cederfelt, Daniela); Talibov, VO (Talibov, Vladimir O.); Gressani, V (Gressani, Valeria); Guven, U (Guven, Ummu); Grossi, V (Grossi, Valentina); Fasano, C (Fasano, Candida); Sanese, P (Sanese, Paola); De Marco, K (De Marco, Katia); Shtil, AA (Shtil, Alexander A.); Kurkin, AV (V. Kurkin, Alexander); Altieri, A (Altieri, Andrea); Danielson, UH (Danielson, U. Helena); Caretti, G (Caretti, Giuseppina); Simone, C (Simone, Cristiano); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta); Bartolini, M (Bartolini, Manuela); Del Rio, A (Del Rio, Alberto) |
Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 243 Article Number: 114683 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2022.114683 Early Access Date: SEP 2022 Published Date: 2022 DEC 5 |
Record 215 of 514 |
Title: Graphene oxide-polysulfone hollow fibers membranes with synergic ultrafiltration and adsorption for enhanced drinking water treatment |
Author(s): Zambianchi, M (Zambianchi, Massimo); Khaliha, S (Khaliha, Sara); Bianchi, A (Bianchi, Antonio); Tunioli, F (Tunioli, Francesca); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Salatino, A (Salatino, Anastasio); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Briñas, E (Brinas, Elena); Vázquez, E (Vazquez, Ester); Paci, D (Paci, Davide); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Bocchi, L (Bocchi, Letizia); Casentini, B (Casentini, Barbara); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE Volume: 658 Article Number: 120707 DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2022.120707 Published Date: 2022 SEP 15 |
Record 216 of 514 |
Title: AQP4-dependent glioma cell features affect the phenotype of surrounding cells via extracellular vesicles |
Author(s): Simone, L (Simone, Laura); Pisani, F (Pisani, Francesco); Binda, E (Binda, Elena); Frigeri, A (Frigeri, Antonio); Vescovi, AL (Vescovi, Angelo L.); Svelto, M (Svelto, Maria); Nicchia, GP (Nicchia, Grazia P.) |
Source: CELL AND BIOSCIENCE Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Article Number: 150 DOI: 10.1186/s13578-022-00888-2 Published Date: 2022 SEP 7 |
Record 217 of 514 |
Title: Rational Design of Mono- and Bi-Nuclear Cyclometalated Ir(III) Complexes Containing Di-Pyridylamine Motifs: Synthesis, Structure, and Luminescent Properties |
Author(s): Sesolis, H (Sesolis, Hugo); Gontard, G (Gontard, Geoffrey); Rager, MN (Rager, Marie Noelle); Bandini, E (Bandini, Elisa); Moncada, AS (Moncada, Alejandra Saavedra); Barbieri, A (Barbieri, Andrea); Amouri, H (Amouri, Hani) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 27 Issue: 18 Article Number: 6003 DOI: 10.3390/molecules27186003 Published Date: 2022 SEP |
Record 218 of 514 |
Title: Overview of Nanoparticle-Based Approaches for the Combination of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) and Chemotherapy at the Preclinical Stage |
Author(s): Menilli, L (Menilli, Luca); Milani, C (Milani, Celeste); Reddi, E (Reddi, Elena); Moret, F (Moret, Francesca) |
Source: CANCERS Volume: 14 Issue: 18 Article Number: 4462 DOI: 10.3390/cancers14184462 Published Date: 2022 SEP |
Record 219 of 514 |
Title: Iridium-Functionalized Cellulose Microcrystals as a Novel Luminescent Biomaterial for Biocomposites |
Author(s): Maturi, M (Maturi, Mirko); Spanu, C (Spanu, Chiara); Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea); Franchini, MC (Franchini, Mauro Comes); Locatelli, E (Locatelli, Erica); Sambri, L (Sambri, Letizia) |
Source: BIOMOLECULES Volume: 12 Issue: 9 Article Number: 1165 DOI: 10.3390/biom12091165 Published Date: 2022 SEP |
Record 220 of 514 |
Title: Erythro-Magneto-HA-Virosome: A Bio-Inspired Drug Delivery System for Active Targeting of Drugs in the Lungs |
Author(s): Vizzoca, A (Vizzoca, Alessio); Lucarini, G (Lucarini, Gioia); Tognoni, E (Tognoni, Elisabetta); Tognarelli, S (Tognarelli, Selene); Ricotti, L (Ricotti, Leonardo); Gherardini, L (Gherardini, Lisa); Pelosi, G (Pelosi, Gualtiero); Pellegrino, M (Pellegrino, Mario); Menciassi, A (Menciassi, Arianna); Grimaldi, S (Grimaldi, Settimio); Cinti, C (Cinti, Caterina) |
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Volume: 23 Issue: 17 Article Number: 9893 DOI: 10.3390/ijms23179893 Published Date: 2022 SEP |
Record 221 of 514 |
Title: Erythrocyte membrane fluidity as a novel biomarker for a quantitative evaluation of residual cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients |
Author(s): Bianchetti, G (Bianchetti, G.); Cefalo, C (Cefalo, C.); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, C.); Sansone, A (Sansone, A.); Serantoni, C (Serantoni, C.); Abeltino, A (Abeltino, A.); Mezza, T (Mezza, T.); Ferraro, P (Ferraro, P.); De Spirito, M (De Spirito, M.); Giaccari, A (Giaccari, A.); Maulucci, G (Maulucci, G.) |
Source: DIABETOLOGIA Meeting Abstract: 865 Volume: 65 Issue: SUPPL 1 Special Issue: SI Pages: S444-S444 Published Date: 2022 SEP Supplement: 1 |
Record 222 of 514 |
Title: Beyond the 2D Field-Effect Charge Transport Paradigm in Molecular Thin-Film Transistors |
Author(s): Benvenuti, E (Benvenuti, Emilia); Portale, G (Portale, Giuseppe); Brucale, M (Brucale, Marco); Quiroga, SD (Quiroga, Santiago D.); Baldoni, M (Baldoni, Matteo); MacKenzie, RCI (MacKenzie, Roderick C. I.); Mercuri, F (Mercuri, Francesco); Canola, S (Canola, Sofia); Negri, F (Negri, Fabrizia); Lago, N (Lago, Nicolo); Buonomo, M (Buonomo, Marco); Pollesel, A (Pollesel, Andrea); Cester, A (Cester, Andrea); Zambianchi, M (Zambianchi, Massimo); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Muccini, M (Muccini, Michele); Toffanin, S (Toffanin, Stefano) |
Source: ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Article Number: 2200547 DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202200547 Early Access Date: AUG 2022 Published Date: 2023 JAN |
Record 223 of 514 |
Title: Acidochromism of donor-acceptor Stenhouse adducts in organic solvent |
Author(s): Fiorentino, A (Fiorentino, Antonio); Sachini, B (Sachini, Brian); Corra, S (Corra, Stefano); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto); Femoni, C (Femoni, Cristina); Fraix, A (Fraix, Aurore); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena) |
Source: CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 58 Issue: 80 Pages: 11236-11239 DOI: 10.1039/d2cc03761k Early Access Date: AUG 2022 Published Date: 2022 OCT 6 |
Record 224 of 514 |
Title: Facile high-yield synthesis and purification of lysine-modified graphene oxide for enhanced drinking water purification |
Author(s): Mantovani, S (Mantovani, Sebastiano); Khaliha, S (Khaliha, Sara); Marforio, TD (Marforio, Tainah Dorina); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Favaretto, L (Favaretto, Laura); Tunioli, F (Tunioli, Francesca); Bianchi, A (Bianchi, Antonio); Petrone, G (Petrone, Gaetana); Liscio, A (Liscio, Andrea); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Calvaresi, M (Calvaresi, Matteo); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela) |
Source: CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 58 Issue: 70 Pages: 9766-9769 DOI: 10.1039/d2cc03256b Early Access Date: AUG 2022 Published Date: 2022 AUG 30 |
Record 225 of 514 |
Title: Trifluoromethoxylation Reactions of (Hetero) arenes, Olefinic Systems and Aliphatic Saturated Substrates |
Author(s): Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Bonesi, SM (Bonesi, Sergio M.); Postigo, A (Postigo, Al) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 28 Issue: 58 Article Number: e202201776 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202201776 Early Access Date: AUG 2022 Published Date: 2022 OCT 18 |
Record 226 of 514 |
Title: Graphene oxide nanosheets for drinking water purification by tandem adsorption and microfiltration |
Author(s): Khaliha, S (Khaliha, Sara); Bianchi, A (Bianchi, Antonio); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Tunioli, F (Tunioli, Francesca); Boschi, A (Boschi, Alex); Zambianchi, M (Zambianchi, Massimo); Paci, D (Paci, Davide); Bocchi, L (Bocchi, Letizia); Valsecchi, S (Valsecchi, Sara); Polesello, S (Polesello, Stefano); Liscio, A (Liscio, Andrea); Bergamini, M (Bergamini, Michela); Brunetti, M (Brunetti, Maurizia); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela) |
Source: SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY Volume: 300 Article Number: 121826 DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2022.121826 Early Access Date: AUG 2022 Published Date: 2022 NOV 1 |
Record 227 of 514 |
Title: Effects of Aging and Disease Conditions in Brain of Tumor-Bearing Mice: Evaluation of Purine DNA Damages and Fatty Acid Pool Changes |
Author(s): Krokidis, MG (Krokidis, Marios G.); Prasinou, P (Prasinou, Paraskevi); Efthimiadou, EK (Efthimiadou, Eleni K.); Boari, A (Boari, Andrea); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos) |
Source: BIOMOLECULES Volume: 12 Issue: 8 Article Number: 1075 DOI: 10.3390/biom12081075 Published Date: 2022 AUG |
Record 228 of 514 |
Title: A Novel Class of Cyclometalated Platinum(II) Complexes for Solution-Processable OLEDs |
Author(s): Roberto, D (Roberto, Dominique); Colombo, A (Colombo, Alessia); Dragonetti, C (Dragonetti, Claudia); Fagnani, F (Fagnani, Francesco); Cocchi, M (Cocchi, Massimo); Marinotto, D (Marinotto, Daniele) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 27 Issue: 16 Article Number: 5171 DOI: 10.3390/molecules27165171 Published Date: 2022 AUG |
Record 229 of 514 |
Title: Chitin Nanocomposite Based on Plasticized Poly(lactic acid)/Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PLA/PHB) Blends as Fully Biodegradable Packaging Materials |
Author(s): Iglesias-Montes, ML (Iglesias-Montes, Magdalena L.); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Siracusa, V (Siracusa, Valentina); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia); Cyras, VP (Cyras, Viviana P.); Manfredi, LB (Manfredi, Liliana B.) |
Source: POLYMERS Volume: 14 Issue: 15 Article Number: 3177 DOI: 10.3390/polym14153177 Published Date: 2022 AUG |
Record 230 of 514 |
Title: Antibacterial Photodynamic Therapy in the Near-Infrared Region with a Targeting Antimicrobial Peptide Connected to a p-Extended Porphyrin |
Author(s): Gourlot, C (Gourlot, Charly); Gosset, A (Gosset, Alexis); Glattard, E (Glattard, Elise); Aisenbrey, C (Aisenbrey, Christopher); Rangasamy, S (Rangasamy, Sabarinathan); Rabineau, M (Rabineau, Morgane); Ouk, TS (Ouk, Tan-Sothea); Sol, V (Sol, Vincent); Lavalle, P (Lavalle, Philippe); Gourlaouen, C (Gourlaouen, Christophe); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Bechinger, B (Bechinger, Burkhard); Heitz, V (Heitz, Valerie) |
Source: ACS INFECTIOUS DISEASES Volume: 8 Issue: 8 Pages: 1509-1520 DOI: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.2c00131 Early Access Date: JUL 2022 Published Date: 2022 AUG 12 |
Record 231 of 514 |
Title: Keratin/Polylactic acid/graphene oxide composite nanofibers for drug delivery |
Author(s): Schifino, G (Schifino, Gioacchino); Gasparini, C (Gasparini, Claudio); Drudi, S (Drudi, Simone); Giannelli, M (Giannelli, Marta); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Posati, T (Posati, Tamara); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Treossi, E (Treossi, Emanuele); Maccaferri, E (Maccaferri, Emanuele); Giorgini, L (Giorgini, Loris); Mazzarro, R (Mazzarro, Raffaello); Morandi, V (Morandi, Vittorio); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa) |
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS Volume: 623 Article Number: 121888 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2022.121888 Published Date: 2022 JUL 25 |
Record 232 of 514 |
Title: Introduction of a triphenylamine substituent on pyridyl rings as a springboard for a new appealing brightly luminescent 1,3-di-(2-pyridyl)benzene platinum(ii) complex family |
Author(s): Colombo, A (Colombo, Alessia); De Soricellis, G (De Soricellis, Giulia); Fagnani, F (Fagnani, Francesco); Dragonetti, C (Dragonetti, Claudia); Cocchi, M (Cocchi, Massimo); Carboni, B (Carboni, Bertrand); Guerchais, V (Guerchais, Veronique); Marinotto, D (Marinotto, Daniele) |
Source: DALTON TRANSACTIONS Volume: 51 Issue: 32 Pages: 12161-12169 Article Number: d2dt01792j DOI: 10.1039/d2dt01792j Early Access Date: JUL 2022 Published Date: 2022 AUG 16 |
Record 233 of 514 |
Title: Assembling photoactive materials from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): room temperature phosphorescence and excimer-emission in co-crystals with 1,4-diiodotetrafluorobenzene |
Author(s): Azzali, A (Azzali, Alessandra); d’Agostino, S (d’Agostino, Simone); Capacci, M (Capacci, Mattia); Spinelli, F (Spinelli, Floriana); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Grepioni, F (Grepioni, Fabrizia) |
Source: CRYSTENGCOMM Volume: 24 Issue: 32 Pages: 5748-5756 DOI: 10.1039/d2ce00720g Early Access Date: JUL 2022 Published Date: 2022 AUG 15 |
Record 234 of 514 |
Title: Identification of NAPRT Inhibitors with Anti-Cancer Properties by In Silico Drug Discovery |
Author(s): Ghanem, MS (Ghanem, Moustafa S.); Caffa, I (Caffa, Irene); Del Rio, A (Del Rio, Alberto); Franco, J (Franco, Jorge); Parenti, MD (Parenti, Marco Daniele); Monacelli, F (Monacelli, Fiammetta); Cea, M (Cea, Michele); Khalifa, A (Khalifa, Amr); Nahimana, A (Nahimana, Aimable); Duchosal, MA (Duchosal, Michel A.); Ravera, S (Ravera, Silvia); Bertola, N (Bertola, Nadia); Bruzzone, S (Bruzzone, Santina); Nencioni, A (Nencioni, Alessio); Piacente, F (Piacente, Francesco) |
Source: PHARMACEUTICALS Volume: 15 Issue: 7 Article Number: 848 DOI: 10.3390/ph15070848 Published Date: 2022 JUL |
Record 235 of 514 |
Title: Structure-Based Identification and Biological Characterization of New NAPRT Inhibitors |
Author(s): Franco, J (Franco, Jorge); Piacente, F (Piacente, Francesco); Walter, M (Walter, Melanie); Fratta, S (Fratta, Simone); Ghanem, M (Ghanem, Moustafa); Benzi, A (Benzi, Andrea); Caffa, I (Caffa, Irene); Kurkin, AV (Kurkin, Alexander, V); Altieri, A (Altieri, Andrea); Herr, P (Herr, Patrick); Martínez-Bailén, M (Martinez-Bailen, Macarena); Robina, I (Robina, Inmaculada); Bruzzone, S (Bruzzone, Santina); Nencioni, A (Nencioni, Alessio); Del Rio, A (Del Rio, Alberto) |
Source: PHARMACEUTICALS Volume: 15 Issue: 7 Article Number: 855 DOI: 10.3390/ph15070855 Published Date: 2022 JUL |
Record 236 of 514 |
Title: Luminescent lanthanide coordination compounds as potential mitochondria-targeting probes: Molecular engineering to bioimaging |
Author(s): Reddy, MLP (Reddy, M. L. P.); Bejoymohandas, KS (Bejoymohandas, K. S.); Divya, V (Divya, V.) |
Source: DYES AND PIGMENTS Volume: 205 Article Number: 110528 DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2022.110528 Early Access Date: JUL 2022 Published Date: 2022 SEP |
Record 237 of 514 |
Title: Kinetic and energetic insights into the dissipative non-equilibrium operation of an autonomous light-powered supramolecular pump |
Author(s): Corra, S (Corra, Stefano); Bakic, MT (Bakic, Marina Tranfic); Groppi, J (Groppi, Jessica); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena); Penocchio, E (Penocchio, Emanuele); Esposito, M (Esposito, Massimiliano); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto) |
Source: NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 17 Issue: 7 Pages: 746-+ DOI: 10.1038/s41565-022-01151-y Early Access Date: JUN 2022 Published Date: 2022 JUL |
Record 238 of 514 |
Title: Novel Cu(I)-5-nitropyridine-2-thiol Cluster with NIR Emission: Structural and Photophysical Characterization |
Author(s): Hassanein, K (Hassanein, Khaled); Cappuccino, C (Cappuccino, Chiara); Marchini, M (Marchini, Marianna); Bandini, E (Bandini, Elisa); Christian, M (Christian, Meganne); Morandi, V (Morandi, Vittorio); Monti, F (Monti, Filippo); Maini, L (Maini, Lucia); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara) |
Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Volume: 126 Issue: 24 Pages: 10190-10198 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c01842 Published Date: 2022 JUN 23 |
Record 239 of 514 |
Title: Multimodal sensing in rewritable, data matrix azobenzene-based devices |
Author(s): Boschi, A (Boschi, Alex); Cinili, S (Cinili, Simone); Bystrenova, E (Bystrenova, Eva); Ruani, G (Ruani, Giampiero); Groppi, J (Groppi, Jessica); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Gentili, D (Gentili, Denis); Cavallini, M (Cavallini, Massimiliano) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C Volume: 10 Issue: 27 Pages: 10132-10138 DOI: 10.1039/d2tc01565j Early Access Date: JUN 2022 Published Date: 2022 JUL 14 |
Record 240 of 514 |
Title: Indium-modified copper nanocubes for syngas production by aqueous CO<sub>2</sub> electroreduction |
Author(s): Niorettini, A (Niorettini, Alessandro); Mazzaro, R (Mazzaro, Raffaello); Liscio, F (Liscio, Fabiola); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Pasquini, L (Pasquini, Luca); Caramori, S (Caramori, Stefano); Berardi, S (Berardi, Serena) |
Source: DALTON TRANSACTIONS Volume: 51 Issue: 28 Pages: 10787-10798 DOI: 10.1039/d2dt00779g Early Access Date: JUN 2022 Published Date: 2022 JUL 19 |
Record 241 of 514 |
Title: Photoinduced Autonomous Nonequilibrium Operation of a Molecular Shuttle by Combined Isomerization and Proton Transfer Through a Catalytic Pathway |
Author(s): Nicoli, F (Nicoli, Federico); Curcio, M (Curcio, Massimiliano); Bakic, MT (Bakic, Marina Tranfic); Paltrinieri, E (Paltrinieri, Erica); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto) |
Source: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 144 Issue: 23 Pages: 10180-10185 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c13537 Published Date: 2022 JUN 15 |
Record 242 of 514 |
Title: Electrical conduction and noise spectroscopy of sodium-alginate gold-covered ultrathin films for flexible green electronics |
Author(s): Barone, C (Barone, Carlo); Maccagnani, P (Maccagnani, Piera); Dinelli, F (Dinelli, Franco); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica); Capelli, R (Capelli, Raffaella); Cocchi, M (Cocchi, Massimo); Seri, M (Seri, Mirko); Pagano, S (Pagano, Sergio) |
Source: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Article Number: 9861 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-14030-2 Published Date: 2022 JUN 14 |
Record 243 of 514 |
Title: 4-Phenyl-1,2,3-triazoles as Versatile Ligands for Cationic Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Complexes |
Author(s): Di Girolamo, A (Di Girolamo, Alessandro); Monti, F (Monti, Filippo); Mazzanti, A (Mazzanti, Andrea); Matteucci, E (Matteucci, Elia); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola); Sambri, L (Sambri, Letizia); Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea) |
Source: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 61 Issue: 22 Pages: 8509-8520 DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c00567 Published Date: 2022 JUN 6 |
Record 244 of 514 |
Title: Eco-Sustainable Silk Fibroin/Pomegranate Peel Extract Film as an Innovative Green Material for Skin Repair |
Author(s): Barbalinardo, M (Barbalinardo, Marianna); Giannelli, M (Giannelli, Marta); Forcini, L (Forcini, Ludovica); Luppi, B (Luppi, Barbara); Donnadio, A (Donnadio, Anna); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Ruani, G (Ruani, Giampiero); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Posati, T (Posati, Tamara) |
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Volume: 23 Issue: 12 Article Number: 6805 DOI: 10.3390/ijms23126805 Published Date: 2022 JUN |
Record 245 of 514 |
Title: Evaluation of Hydroxyl Radical Reactivity by Thioether Group Proximity in Model Peptide Backbone: Methionine versus S-Methyl-Cysteine |
Author(s): Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Grzelak, M (Grzelak, Magdalena); Skotnicki, K (Skotnicki, Konrad); Filipiak, P (Filipiak, Piotr); Kazmierczak, F (Kazmierczak, Franciszek); Hug, GL (Hug, Gordon L.); Bobrowski, K (Bobrowski, Krzysztof); Marciniak, B (Marciniak, Bronislaw) |
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Volume: 23 Issue: 12 Article Number: 6550 DOI: 10.3390/ijms23126550 Published Date: 2022 JUN |
Record 246 of 514 |
Title: Critical Review on Fatty Acid-Based Food and Nutraceuticals as Supporting Therapy in Cancer |
Author(s): Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Ferreri, R (Ferreri, Rosaria); Amézaga, J (Amezaga, Javier); Burgos, MC (Burgos, Mercedes Caro); Arranz, S (Arranz, Sara); Tueros, I (Tueros, Itziar) |
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Volume: 23 Issue: 11 Article Number: 6030 DOI: 10.3390/ijms23116030 Published Date: 2022 JUN |
Record 247 of 514 |
Title: Study and application of graphene oxide in the synthesis of 2,3-disubstituted quinolines <i>via</i> a Povarov multicomponent reaction and subsequent oxidation |
Author(s): Caputo, S (Caputo, Samantha); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Bruno, F (Bruno, Francesco); Ravera, E (Ravera, Enrico); Lambruschini, C (Lambruschini, Chiara); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Moni, L (Moni, Lisa) |
Source: RSC ADVANCES Volume: 12 Issue: 25 Pages: 15834-15847 DOI: 10.1039/d2ra01752k Published Date: 2022 MAY 23 |
Record 248 of 514 |
Title: Photophysical and Computational Insights into Ag(I) Complexation of Porphyrinic Covalent Cages Equipped with Triazoles-Incorporating Linkers |
Author(s): Sánchez-Resa, D (Sanchez-Resa, Daniel); Daidone, I (Daidone, Isabella); Djemili, R (Djemili, Ryan); Adrouche, S (Adrouche, Sonia); Durot, S (Durot, Stephanie); Heitz, V (Heitz, Valerie); Zanetti-Polzi, L (Zanetti-Polzi, Laura); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara) |
Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B Volume: 126 Issue: 18 Pages: 3450-3459 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.2c01111 Published Date: 2022 MAY 12 |
Record 249 of 514 |
Title: One year of surgical mask testing at the University of Bologna labs: Lessons learned from data analysis |
Author(s): Boi, C (Boi, C.); Borsetti, F (Borsetti, F.); Brugo, TM (Brugo, T. M.); Cappelletti, M (Cappelletti, M.); De Angelis, MG (De Angelis, M. G.); Fedi, S (Fedi, S.); Di Giacomo, S (Di Giacomo, S.); Fabiani, T (Fabiani, T.); Foli, G (Foli, G.); Garelli, A (Garelli, A.); Genchi, U (Genchi, U.); Ghezzi, D (Ghezzi, D.); Gualandi, C (Gualandi, C.); Lalli, E (Lalli, E.); Magnani, M (Magnani, M.); Maurizzi, A (Maurizzi, A.); Mazzi, F (Mazzi, F.); Mehrabi, N (Mehrabi, N.); Minelli, M (Minelli, M.); Montalbano, R (Montalbano, R.); Morelli, L (Morelli, L.); Nici, S (Nici, S.); Onesti, R (Onesti, R.); Paglianti, A (Paglianti, A.); Papchenko, K (Papchenko, K.); Pappalardo, S (Pappalardo, S.); Parisi, NF (Parisi, N. F.); Rapino, S (Rapino, S.); Reggio, M (Reggio, M.); Roselli, M (Roselli, M.); Ruggeri, E (Ruggeri, E.); Sabatini, L (Sabatini, L.); Saracino, E (Saracino, E.); Scarponi, GE (Scarponi, G. E.); Serra, L (Serra, L.); Signorini, V (Signorini, V.); Storione, A (Storione, A.); Torsello, M (Torsello, M.); Tugnoli, E (Tugnoli, E.); Vargiu, CM (Vargiu, C. M.); Vidali, G (Vidali, G.); Violante, FS (Violante, F. S.) |
Source: SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY Volume: 294 Article Number: 121180 DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2022.121180 Early Access Date: MAY 2022 Published Date: 2022 AUG 1 |
Record 250 of 514 |
Title: Implementation of Water-Soluble Cyclodextrin-Based Polymers in Biomedical Applications: How Far Are We? |
Author(s): Agnes, M (Agnes, Marco); Pancani, E (Pancani, Elisabetta); Malanga, M (Malanga, Milo); Fenyvesi, E (Fenyvesi, Eva); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse) |
Source: MACROMOLECULAR BIOSCIENCE Volume: 22 Issue: 8 Article Number: 2200090 DOI: 10.1002/mabi.202200090 Early Access Date: MAY 2022 Published Date: 2022 AUG |
Record 251 of 514 |
Title: Bioactive Keratin and Fibroin Nanoparticles: An Overview of Their Preparation Strategies |
Author(s): Giannelli, M (Giannelli, Marta); Guerrini, A (Guerrini, Andrea); Ballestri, M (Ballestri, Marco); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Posati, T (Posati, Tamara) |
Source: NANOMATERIALS Volume: 12 Issue: 9 Article Number: 1406 DOI: 10.3390/nano12091406 Published Date: 2022 MAY |
Record 252 of 514 |
Title: Cyanine-Doped Nanofiber Mats for Laser Tissue Bonding |
Author(s): Ratto, F (Ratto, Fulvio); Magni, G (Magni, Giada); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa); Giannelli, M (Giannelli, Marta); Centi, S (Centi, Sonia); Matteini, P (Matteini, Paolo); Oberhauser, W (Oberhauser, Werner); Pini, R (Pini, Roberto); Rossi, F (Rossi, Francesca) |
Source: NANOMATERIALS Volume: 12 Issue: 9 Article Number: 1613 DOI: 10.3390/nano12091613 Published Date: 2022 MAY |
Record 253 of 514 |
Title: Rheological Response of Polylactic Acid Dispersions in Water with Xanthan Gum |
Author(s): Buoso, S (Buoso, Sara); Belletti, G (Belletti, Giada); Ragno, D (Ragno, Daniele); Castelvetro, V (Castelvetro, Valter); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica) |
Source: ACS OMEGA Volume: 7 Issue: 15 Pages: 12536-12548 DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.1c05382 Published Date: 2022 APR 19 |
Record 254 of 514 |
Title: Spontaneous Coassembly of the Protein Terthiophene into Fluorescent Electroactive Microfibers in 2D and 3D Cell Cultures |
Author(s): Palamà, IE (Palama, Ilaria Elena); Maiorano, G (Maiorano, Gabriele); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca); Zangoli, M (Zangoli, Mattia); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Zanelli, A (Zanelli, Alberto); D’Amone, S (D’Amone, Stefania); Fabiano, E (Fabiano, Eduardo); Gigli, G (Gigli, Giuseppe); Barbarella, G (Barbarella, Giovanna) |
Source: ACS OMEGA Volume: 7 Issue: 15 Pages: 12624-12636 DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.1c06677 Published Date: 2022 APR 19 |
Record 255 of 514 |
Title: Tuneable conductivity at extreme electric fields in ZnO tetrapod-silicone composites for high-voltage power cable insulation |
Author(s): Greijer, H (Greijer, Helena); Mirotta, N (Mirotta, Nicola); Treossi, E (Treossi, Emanuele); Valorosi, F (Valorosi, Filippo); Schütt, F (Schutt, Fabian); Siebert, L (Siebert, Leonard); Mishra, YK (Mishra, Yogendra Kumar); Adelung, R (Adelung, Rainer); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Hillborg, H (Hillborg, Henrik) |
Source: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Article Number: 6035 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-09966-4 Published Date: 2022 APR 11 |
Record 256 of 514 |
Title: Effects of Oxygen Tension for Membrane Lipidome Remodeling of Cockayne Syndrome Cell Models |
Author(s): Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Krokidis, MG (Krokidis, Marios G.); Masi, A (Masi, Annalisa); Pascucci, B (Pascucci, Barbara); D’Errico, M (D’Errico, Mariarosaria); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos) |
Source: CELLS Volume: 11 Issue: 8 Article Number: 1286 DOI: 10.3390/cells11081286 Published Date: 2022 APR |
Record 257 of 514 |
Title: Biomimetic Radical Chemistry and Applications |
Author(s): Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 27 Issue: 7 Article Number: 2042 DOI: 10.3390/molecules27072042 Published Date: 2022 APR |
Record 258 of 514 |
Title: Visible-Light Assisted Covalent Surface Functionalization of Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanosheets with Arylazo Sulfones |
Author(s): Lombardi, L (Lombardi, Lorenzo); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Mantovani, S (Mantovani, Sebastiano); Bertuzzi, G (Bertuzzi, Giulio); Favaretto, L (Favaretto, Laura); Bettini, C (Bettini, Cristian); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Bandini, M (Bandini, Marco) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 28 Issue: 26 Article Number: e202200333 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202200333 Early Access Date: MAR 2022 Published Date: 2022 MAY 6 |
Record 259 of 514 |
Title: Toward Optimized Charge Transport in Multilayer Reduced Graphene Oxides |
Author(s): Çinar, MN (Cinar, Mustafa Neset); Antidormi, A (Antidormi, Aleandro); Nguyen, VH (Viet-Hung Nguyen); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Lara-Avila, S (Lara-Avila, Samuel); Liscio, A (Liscio, Andrea); Charlier, JC (Charlier, Jean-Christophe); Roche, S (Roche, Stephan); Sevinçli, H (Sevincli, Haldun) |
Source: NANO LETTERS Volume: 22 Issue: 6 Pages: 2202-2208 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c03883 Published Date: 2022 MAR 23 |
Record 260 of 514 |
Title: The role of polymer structure on water confinement in poly(N- isopropylacrylamide) dispersions |
Author(s): Buratti, E (Buratti, Elena); Tavagnacco, L (Tavagnacco, Letizia); Zanatta, M (Zanatta, Marco); Chiessi, E (Chiessi, Ester); Buoso, S (Buoso, Sara); Franco, S (Franco, Silvia); Ruzicka, B (Ruzicka, Barbara); Angelini, R (Angelini, Roberta); Orecchini, A (Orecchini, Andrea); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica); Zaccarelli, E (Zaccarelli, Emanuela) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS Volume: 355 Article Number: 118924 DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2022.118924 Early Access Date: MAR 2022 Published Date: 2022 JUN 1 |
Record 261 of 514 |
Title: All-Electrochemical Nanofabrication of Stacked Ternary Metal Sulfide/Graphene Electrodes for High-Performance Alkaline Batteries |
Author(s): Sanchez, JS (Sanchez, Jaime S.); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Patil, N (Patil, Nagaraj); Grieco, R (Grieco, Rebecca); Sun, JH (Sun, Jinhua); Klement, U (Klement, Uta); Qiu, R (Qiu, Ren); Christian, M (Christian, Meganne); Liscio, F (Liscio, Fabiola); Morandi, V (Morandi, Vittorio); Marcilla, R (Marcilla, Rebeca); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: SMALL Volume: 18 Issue: 16 Article Number: 2106403 DOI: 10.1002/smll.202106403 Early Access Date: MAR 2022 Published Date: 2022 APR |
Record 262 of 514 |
Title: Electroconductive and injectable hydrogels based on gelatin and PEDOT:PSS for a minimally invasive approach in nervous tissue regeneration |
Author(s): Furlani, F (Furlani, Franco); Montanari, M (Montanari, Margherita); Sangiorgi, N (Sangiorgi, Nicola); Saracino, E (Saracino, Emanuela); Campodoni, E (Campodoni, Elisabetta); Sanson, A (Sanson, Alessandra); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina); Tampieri, A (Tampieri, Anna); Panseri, S (Panseri, Silvia); Sandri, M (Sandri, Monica) |
Source: BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 10 Issue: 8 Pages: 2040-2053 DOI: 10.1039/d2bm00116k Early Access Date: MAR 2022 Published Date: 2022 APR 12 |
Record 263 of 514 |
Title: A convenient route to mono-trans polyunsaturated free fatty acids |
Author(s): Vetica, F (Vetica, Fabrizio); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos) |
Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH Volume: 46 Issue: 2 Article Number: 17475198221090908 DOI: 10.1177/17475198221090908 Published Date: 2022 MAR |
Record 264 of 514 |
Title: Two Beats One: Osteosarcoma Therapy with Light-Activated and Chemo-Releasing Keratin Nanoformulation in a Preclinical Mouse Model |
Author(s): Martella, E (Martella, Elisa); Dozza, B (Dozza, Barbara); Ferroni, C (Ferroni, Claudia); Obeyok, CO (Obeyok, Clement Osuru); Guerrini, A (Guerrini, Andrea); Tedesco, D (Tedesco, Daniele); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Columbaro, M (Columbaro, Marta); Ballestri, M (Ballestri, Marco); Martini, L (Martini, Lucia); Fini, M (Fini, Milena); Lucarelli, E (Lucarelli, Enrico); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta); Duchi, S (Duchi, Serena) |
Source: PHARMACEUTICS Volume: 14 Issue: 3 Article Number: 677 DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics14030677 Published Date: 2022 MAR |
Record 265 of 514 |
Title: Organocatalytic synthesis of poly (hydroxymethylfuroate) <i>via</i> ring-opening polymerization of 5-hydroxymethytfurfurat-based cyclic oligoesters |
Author(s): Ragno, D (Ragno, Daniele); Di Carmine, G (Di Carmine, Graziano); Vannini, M (Vannini, Micaela); Bortolini, O (Bortolini, Olga); Perrone, D (Perrone, Daniela); Buoso, S (Buoso, Sara); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica); Massi, A (Massi, Alessandro) |
Source: POLYMER CHEMISTRY Volume: 13 Issue: 10 Pages: 1350-1358 DOI: 10.1039/d1py01687c Early Access Date: FEB 2022 Published Date: 2022 MAR 8 |
Record 266 of 514 |
Title: HSA-Binding Prodrugs-Based Nanoparticles Endowed with Chemo and Photo-Toxicity against Breast Cancer |
Author(s): Rapozzi, V (Rapozzi, Valentina); Moret, F (Moret, Francesca); Menilli, L (Menilli, Luca); Guerrini, A (Guerrini, Andrea); Tedesco, D (Tedesco, Daniele); Naldi, M (Naldi, Marina); Bartolini, M (Bartolini, Manuela); Gani, M (Gani, Mariachiara); Zorzet, S (Zorzet, Sonia); Columbaro, M (Columbaro, Marta); Milani, C (Milani, Celeste); Martini, C (Martini, Cecilia); Ferroni, C (Ferroni, Claudia); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta) |
Source: CANCERS Volume: 14 Issue: 4 Article Number: 877 DOI: 10.3390/cancers14040877 Published Date: 2022 FEB |
Record 267 of 514 |
Title: Erythrocyte Membrane Nanomechanical Rigidity Is Decreased in Obese Patients |
Author(s): Sot, J (Sot, Jesus); García-Arribas, AB (Garcia-Arribas, Aritz B.); Abad, B (Abad, Beatriz); Arranz, S (Arranz, Sara); Portune, K (Portune, Kevin); Andrade, F (Andrade, Fernando); Martín-Nieto, A (Martin-Nieto, Alicia); Velasco, O (Velasco, Olaia); Arana, E (Arana, Eunate); Tueros, I (Tueros, Itziar); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Gaztambide, S (Gaztambide, Sonia); Goñi, FM (Goni, Felix M.); Castaño, L (Castano, Luis); Alonso, A (Alonso, Alicia) |
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Volume: 23 Issue: 3 Article Number: 1920 DOI: 10.3390/ijms23031920 Published Date: 2022 FEB |
Record 268 of 514 |
Title: A glucose-based molecular rotor inhibitor of glycogen phosphorylase as a probe of cellular enzymatic function |
Author(s): Minadakis, MP (Minadakis, Michail-Panagiotis); Mavreas, KF (Mavreas, Konstantinos F.); Neofytos, DD (Neofytos, Dionysios D.); Paschou, M (Paschou, Maria); Kogkaki, A (Kogkaki, Artemis); Athanasiou, V (Athanasiou, Varvara); Mamais, M (Mamais, Michael); Veclani, D (Veclani, Daniele); Iatrou, H (Iatrou, Hermis); Venturini, A (Venturini, Alessandro); Chrysina, ED (Chrysina, Evangelia D.); Papazafiri, P (Papazafiri, Panagiota); Gimisis, T (Gimisis, Thanasis) |
Source: ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY Volume: 20 Issue: 12 Pages: 2407-2423 DOI: 10.1039/d1ob02211c Early Access Date: JAN 2022 Published Date: 2022 MAR 23 |
Record 269 of 514 |
Title: Rose Bengal-photocatalyzed perfluorohexylation reactions of organic substrates in water. Applications to late-stage syntheses |
Author(s): Yerien, DE (Yerien, Damian E.); Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Mansilla, D (Mansilla, Daniela); Postigo, A (Postigo, Al) |
Source: PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Volume: 21 Issue: 5 Special Issue: SI Pages: 803-812 DOI: 10.1007/s43630-021-00154-3 Early Access Date: JAN 2022 Published Date: 2022 MAY |
Record 270 of 514 |
Title: Editorial: Artificial Intelligence for Precision Medicine |
Author(s): Deng, J (Deng, Jun); Hartung, T (Hartung, Thomas); Capobianco, E (Capobianco, Enrico); Chen, J (Chen, Jake Y.); Emmert-Streib, F (Emmert-Streib, Frank) |
Source: FRONTIERS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Volume: 4 Article Number: 834645 DOI: 10.3389/frai.2021.834645 Published Date: 2022 JAN 21 |
Record 271 of 514 |
Title: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Antibacterial Properties of Silver-Functionalized Low-Dimensional Layered Zirconium Phosphonates |
Author(s): Nocchetti, M (Nocchetti, Morena); Donnadio, A (Donnadio, Anna); Vischini, E (Vischini, Eleonora); Posati, T (Posati, Tamara); Albonetti, C (Albonetti, Cristiano); Campoccia, D (Campoccia, Davide); Arciola, CR (Arciola, Carla Renata); Ravaioli, S (Ravaioli, Stefano); Mariani, V (Mariani, Valentina); Montanaro, L (Montanaro, Lucio); Vivani, R (Vivani, Riccardo) |
Source: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 61 Issue: 4 Pages: 2251-2264 DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c03565 Early Access Date: JAN 2022 Published Date: 2022 JAN 31 |
Record 272 of 514 |
Title: 4,4′-Dimethylazobenzene as a chemical actinometer |
Author(s): Casimiro, L (Casimiro, Lorenzo); Andreoni, L (Andreoni, Leonardo); Groppi, J (Groppi, Jessica); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto); Métivier, R (Metivier, Remi); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena) |
Source: PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Volume: 21 Issue: 5 Special Issue: SI Pages: 825-833 DOI: 10.1007/s43630-021-00162-3 Early Access Date: JAN 2022 Published Date: 2022 MAY |
Record 273 of 514 |
Title: Enantiopure, luminescent, cyclometalated Ir(III) complexes with N-heterocyclic carbene-naphthalimide chromophore: design, vibrational circular dichroism and TD-DFT calculations |
Author(s): Groué, A (Groue, Antoine); Montier-Sorkine, E (Montier-Sorkine, Eve); Cheng, YP (Cheng, Yaping); Rager, MN (Rager, Marie Noelle); Jean, M (Jean, Marion); Vanthuyne, N (Vanthuyne, Nicolas); Crassous, J (Crassous, Jeanne); Lopez, AC (Lopez, Amalia C.); Moncada, AS (Moncada, Alejandra Saavedra); Barbieri, A (Barbieri, Andrea); Cooksy, AL (Cooksy, Andrew L.); Amouri, H (Amouri, Hani) |
Source: DALTON TRANSACTIONS Volume: 51 Issue: 7 Pages: 2750-2759 DOI: 10.1039/d1dt04006e Early Access Date: JAN 2022 Published Date: 2022 FEB 14 |
Record 274 of 514 |
Title: Editorial: Big Data Analytics for Precision Health and Prevention |
Author(s): Capobianco, E (Capobianco, Enrico); Deng, J (Deng, Jun) |
Source: FRONTIERS IN BIG DATA Volume: 4 Article Number: 835353 DOI: 10.3389/fdata.2021.835353 Published Date: 2022 JAN 12 |
Record 275 of 514 |
Title: Measuring Adaptive Responses Following Chronic and Low Dose Exposure in Amphibians |
Author(s): Audette-Stuart, M (Audette-Stuart, Marilyne); Kim, SB (Kim, Sang-Bog); McMullin, D (McMullin, Danielle); Festarini, A (Festarini, Amy); Yankovich, TL (Yankovich, Tamara L.); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Carr, J (Carr, James); Mulpuru, S (Mulpuru, Sunita) |
Edited by: Wood MD; Mothersill CE; Tsakanova G; Cresswell T; Woloschak GE |
Source: BIOMARKERS OF RADIATION IN THE ENVIRONMENT: ROBUST TOOLS FOR RISK ASSESSMENT Book Series: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A-Chemistry and Biology Pages: 205-221 DOI: 10.1007/978-94-024-2101-9_13 Published Date: 2022 |
Record 276 of 514 |
Title: Incorporation of 5′,8-cyclo-2’deoxyadenosines by DNA repair polymerases via base excision repair |
Author(s): Tsegay, PS (Tsegay, Pawlos S.); Hernandez, D (Hernandez, Daniela); Brache, C (Brache, Christopher); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Krokidis, MG (Krokidis, Marios G.); Chapagain, P (Chapagain, Prem); Liu, Y (Liu, Yuan) |
Source: DNA REPAIR Volume: 109 Article Number: 103258 DOI: 10.1016/j.dnarep.2021.103258 Published Date: 2022 JAN |
Record 277 of 514 |
Title: Sapienic Acid Metabolism Influences Membrane Plasticity and Protein Signaling in Breast Cancer Cell Lines |
Author(s): Kuecueksayan, E (Kuecueksayan, Ertan); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Ozben, T (Ozben, Tomris); Tekeli, D (Tekeli, Demet); Talibova, G (Talibova, Guenel); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla) |
Source: CELLS Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Article Number: 225 DOI: 10.3390/cells11020225 Published Date: 2022 JAN |
Record 278 of 514 |
Title: Synthesis and Biological Investigation of Bile Acid-Paclitaxel Hybrids |
Author(s): Melloni, E (Melloni, Elisabetta); Marchesi, E (Marchesi, Elena); Preti, L (Preti, Lorenzo); Casciano, F (Casciano, Fabio); Rimondi, E (Rimondi, Erika); Romani, A (Romani, Arianna); Secchiero, P (Secchiero, Paola); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Perrone, D (Perrone, Daniela) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 27 Issue: 2 Article Number: 471 DOI: 10.3390/molecules27020471 Published Date: 2022 JAN |
Record 279 of 514 |
Title: Thermal Behaviour of Microgels Composed of Interpenetrating Polymer Networks of Poly(<i>N</i>-isopropylacrylamide) and Poly(acrylic acid): A Calorimetric Study |
Author(s): Franco, S (Franco, Silvia); Buratti, E (Buratti, Elena); Nigro, V (Nigro, Valentina); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica); Ruzicka, B (Ruzicka, Barbara); Angelini, R (Angelini, Roberta) |
Source: POLYMERS Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Article Number: 115 DOI: 10.3390/polym14010115 Published Date: 2022 JAN |
Record 280 of 514 |
Title: X-Ray-Induced Modification of the Photophysical Properties of MAPbBr<sub>3</sub> Single Crystals |
Author(s): Armaroli, G (Armaroli, Giovanni); Ferlauto, L (Ferlauto, Laura); Lédée, F (Ledee, Ferdinand); Lini, M (Lini, Matilde); Ciavatti, A (Ciavatti, Andrea); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Borgatti, F (Borgatti, Francesco); Calabrese, G (Calabrese, Gabriele); Milita, S (Milita, Silvia); Fraboni, B (Fraboni, Beatrice); Cavalcoli, D (Cavalcoli, Daniela) |
Source: ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Volume: 13 Issue: 49 Pages: 58301-58308 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c16072 Published Date: 2021 DEC 15 |
Record 281 of 514 |
Title: Selective Capture of Anti-<i>N</i>-glucosylated <i>NTHi</i> Adhesin Peptide Antibodies by a Multivalent Dextran Conjugate |
Author(s): Mazzoleni, A (Mazzoleni, Antonio); Real-Fernandez, F (Real-Fernandez, Feliciana); Nuti, F (Nuti, Francesca); Lanzillo, R (Lanzillo, Roberta); Morra, VB (Morra, Vincenzo Brescia); Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica); Rovero, P (Rovero, Paolo); Mallet, JM (Mallet, Jean-Maurice); Papini, AM (Papini, Anna Maria) |
Source: CHEMBIOCHEM Volume: 23 Issue: 3 DOI: 10.1002/cbic.202100515 Early Access Date: DEC 2021 Published Date: 2022 FEB 4 |
Record 282 of 514 |
Title: Photochemical Energy Conversion with Artificial Molecular Machines |
Author(s): Andreoni, L (Andreoni, Leonardo); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Groppi, J (Groppi, Jessica); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena); Taticchi, C (Taticchi, Chiara); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto) |
Source: ENERGY & FUELS Volume: 35 Issue: 23 Pages: 18900-18914 DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c02921 Published Date: 2021 DEC 2 |
Record 283 of 514 |
Title: Silk Fibroin and Pomegranate By-Products to Develop Sustainable Active Pad for Food Packaging Applications |
Author(s): Giannelli, M (Giannelli, Marta); Lacivita, V (Lacivita, Valentina); Posati, T (Posati, Tamara); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa); Conte, A (Conte, Amalia); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Del Nobile, MA (Del Nobile, Matteo Alessandro) |
Source: FOODS Volume: 10 Issue: 12 Article Number: 2921 DOI: 10.3390/foods10122921 Published Date: 2021 DEC |
Record 284 of 514 |
Title: Synthesis and Exon-Skipping Properties of a 3′-Ursodeoxycholic Acid-Conjugated Oligonucleotide Targeting <i>DMD</i> Pre-mRNA: Pre-Synthetic versus Post-Synthetic Approach |
Author(s): Marchesi, E (Marchesi, Elena); Bovolenta, M (Bovolenta, Matteo); Preti, L (Preti, Lorenzo); Capobianco, ML (Capobianco, Massimo L.); Mamchaoui, K (Mamchaoui, Kamel); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica); Perrone, D (Perrone, Daniela) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 26 Issue: 24 Article Number: 7662 DOI: 10.3390/molecules26247662 Published Date: 2021 DEC |
Record 285 of 514 |
Title: Reductive Stress of Sulfur-Containing Amino Acids within Proteins and Implication of Tandem Protein-Lipid Damage |
Author(s): Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla) |
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Volume: 22 Issue: 23 Article Number: 12863 DOI: 10.3390/ijms222312863 Published Date: 2021 DEC |
Record 286 of 514 |
Title: Comparative visible-light driven selective oxidation to aldehydes of phenylmethanol (benzyl alcohol) and 4-pyridinylmethanol (4-pyridinecarbinol) on N-TiO2 and some commercial TiO2 samples |
Author(s): Samiolo, L (Samiolo, Luca); Amadelli, R (Amadelli, Rossano); Maldotti, A (Maldotti, Andrea); Molinari, A (Molinari, Alessandra) |
Source: PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Volume: 20 Issue: 12 Pages: 1635-1644 DOI: 10.1007/s43630-021-00137-4 Early Access Date: NOV 2021 Published Date: 2021 DEC |
Record 287 of 514 |
Title: Unveiling the Enzymatic Degradation Process of Biobased Thiophene Polyesters |
Author(s): Bertolini, FA (Bertolini, Federico A.); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Weinberger, S (Weinberger, Simone); Guidotti, G (Guidotti, Giulia); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Guebitz, GM (Guebitz, Georg M.); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia); Pellis, A (Pellis, Alessandro) |
Source: FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY Volume: 9 Article Number: 771612 DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2021.771612 Published Date: 2021 NOV 15 |
Record 288 of 514 |
Title: The Dark Side of Platinum Based Cytostatic Drugs: From Detection to Removal |
Author(s): Roque-Diaz, Y (Roque-Diaz, Yessica); Sanadar, M (Sanadar, Martina); Han, D (Han, Dong); López-Mesas, M (Lopez-Mesas, Montserrat); Valiente, M (Valiente, Manuel); Tolazzi, M (Tolazzi, Marilena); Melchior, A (Melchior, Andrea); Veclani, D (Veclani, Daniele) |
Source: PROCESSES Volume: 9 Issue: 11 Article Number: 1873 DOI: 10.3390/pr9111873 Published Date: 2021 NOV |
Record 289 of 514 |
Title: Effect of a Fiber D-Limonene-Enriched Food Supplement on Intestinal Microbiota and Metabolic Parameters of Mice on a High-Fat Diet |
Author(s): Valerii, MC (Valerii, Maria Chiara); Turroni, S (Turroni, Silvia); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Zaro, M (Zaro, Michela); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Dalpiaz, A (Dalpiaz, Alessandro); Botti, G (Botti, Giada); Ferraro, L (Ferraro, Luca); Spigarelli, R (Spigarelli, Renato); Bellocchio, I (Bellocchio, Irene); D’Amico, F (D’Amico, Federica); Spisni, E (Spisni, Enzo) |
Source: PHARMACEUTICS Volume: 13 Issue: 11 Article Number: 1753 DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13111753 Published Date: 2021 NOV |
Record 290 of 514 |
Title: Graphene-Paper-Based Electrodes on Plastic and Textile Supports as New Platforms for Amperometric Biosensing |
Author(s): Poletti, F (Poletti, Fabrizio); Scidà, A (Scida, Alessandra); Zanfrognini, B (Zanfrognini, Barbara); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Parkula, V (Parkula, Vitaliy); Favaretto, L (Favaretto, Laura); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Treossi, E (Treossi, Emanuele); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara) |
Source: ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS Volume: 32 Issue: 7 Article Number: 2107941 DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202107941 Early Access Date: OCT 2021 Published Date: 2022 FEB |
Record 291 of 514 |
Title: Improved eradication efficacy of a combination of newly identified antimicrobial agents in<i> C.</i><i> albicans</i> and<i> S.</i><i> aureus</i> mixed-species biofilm |
Author(s): Bonvicini, F (Bonvicini, Francesca); Belluti, F (Belluti, Federica); Bisi, A (Bisi, Alessandra); Gobbi, S (Gobbi, Silvia); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse); Gentilomi, GA (Gentilomi, Giovanna Angela) |
Source: RESEARCH IN MICROBIOLOGY Volume: 172 Issue: 6 Article Number: 103873 DOI: 10.1016/j.resmic.2021.103873 Early Access Date: OCT 2021 Published Date: 2021 SEP-OCT |
Record 292 of 514 |
Title: NiNP@rGO Nanocomposites as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Thiocarboxylation Cross-Coupling Reactions |
Author(s): Lombardi, L (Lombardi, Lorenzo); Mazzaro, R (Mazzaro, Raffaello); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Morandi, V (Morandi, Vittorio); Bertuzzi, G (Bertuzzi, Giulio); Bandini, M (Bandini, Marco) |
Source: SYNTHESIS-STUTTGART Volume: 54 Issue: 06 Pages: 1633-1642 DOI: 10.1055/a-1669-0944 Early Access Date: OCT 2021 Published Date: 2022 MAR 17 |
Record 293 of 514 |
Title: Giant Shape-Persistent Tetrahedral Porphyrin System: Light-Induced Charge Separation |
Author(s): Marchini, M (Marchini, Marianna); Luisa, A (Luisa, Alessandra); Bergamini, G (Bergamini, Giacomo); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Demitri, N (Demitri, Nicola); Iengo, E (Iengo, Elisabetta); Ceroni, P (Ceroni, Paola) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 27 Issue: 65 Pages: 16250-16259 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202102135 Early Access Date: OCT 2021 Published Date: 2021 NOV 22 |
Record 294 of 514 |
Title: A Series of Iron(II)-NHC Sensitizers with Remarkable Power Conversion Efficiency in Photoelectrochemical Cells** |
Author(s): Marri, AR (Marri, Anil Reddy); Marchini, E (Marchini, Edoardo); Cabanes, VD (Cabanes, Valentin Diez); Argazzi, R (Argazzi, Roberto); Pastore, M (Pastore, Mariachiara); Caramori, S (Caramori, Stefano); Bignozzi, CA (Bignozzi, Carlo Alberto); Gros, PC (Gros, Philippe C.) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 27 Issue: 65 Pages: 16260-16269 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202103178 Early Access Date: OCT 2021 Published Date: 2021 NOV 22 |
Record 295 of 514 |
Title: Expanding the Toolbox of Heterogeneous Asymmetric Organocatalysts: Bifunctional Cyclopropenimine Superbases for Enantioselective Catalysis in Batch and Continuous Flow |
Author(s): Leonardi, C (Leonardi, Costanza); Brandolese, A (Brandolese, Arianna); Preti, L (Preti, Lorenzo); Bortolini, O (Bortolini, Olga); Polo, E (Polo, Eleonora); Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo); Ragno, D (Ragno, Daniele); Di Carmine, G (Di Carmine, Graziano); Massi, A (Massi, Alessandro) |
Source: ADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS Volume: 363 Issue: 24 Pages: 5473-5485 DOI: 10.1002/adsc.202100757 Early Access Date: OCT 2021 Published Date: 2021 DEC 21 |
Record 296 of 514 |
Title: Novel Biobased Polylactic Acid/Poly(pentamethylene 2,5-furanoate) Blends for Sustainable Food Packaging |
Author(s): Rigotti, D (Rigotti, Daniele); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Dorigato, A (Dorigato, Andrea); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Siracusa, V (Siracusa, Valentina); Fredi, G (Fredi, Giulia); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia) |
Source: ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING Volume: 9 Issue: 41 Pages: 13742-13750 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c04092 Early Access Date: OCT 2021 Published Date: 2021 OCT 18 |
Record 297 of 514 |
Title: Bioresponsive, Electroactive, and Inkjet-Printable Graphene-Based Inks |
Author(s): Silvestri, A (Silvestri, Alessandro); Criado, A (Criado, Alejandro); Poletti, F (Poletti, Fabrizio); Wang, FX (Wang, Faxing); Fanjul-Bolado, P (Fanjul-Bolado, Pablo); González-García, MB (Gonzalez-Garcia, Maria B.); García-Astrain, C (Garcia-Astrain, Clara); Liz-Marzán, LM (Liz-Marzan, Luis M.); Feng, XL (Feng, Xinliang); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara); Prato, M (Prato, Maurizio) |
Source: ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS Volume: 32 Issue: 2 Article Number: 2105028 DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202105028 Early Access Date: OCT 2021 Published Date: 2022 JAN |
Record 298 of 514 |
Title: Co-Density Distribution Maps for Advanced Molecule Colocalization and Co-Distribution Analysis |
Author(s): De Santis, I (De Santis, Ilaria); Lorenzini, L (Lorenzini, Luca); Moretti, M (Moretti, Marzia); Martella, E (Martella, Elisa); Lucarelli, E (Lucarelli, Enrico); Calzà, L (Calza, Laura); Bevilacqua, A (Bevilacqua, Alessandro) |
Source: SENSORS Volume: 21 Issue: 19 Article Number: 6385 DOI: 10.3390/s21196385 Published Date: 2021 OCT |
Record 299 of 514 |
Title: Keratin-Based Nanoparticles as Drug Delivery Carriers |
Author(s): Ferroni, C (Ferroni, Claudia); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta) |
Source: APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL Volume: 11 Issue: 20 Article Number: 9417 DOI: 10.3390/app11209417 Published Date: 2021 OCT |
Record 300 of 514 |
Title: Methods to Determine Chain-Breaking Antioxidant Activity of Nanomaterials beyond DPPH<SUP>•</SUP>. A Review |
Author(s): Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea); Amorati, R (Amorati, Riccardo) |
Source: ANTIOXIDANTS Volume: 10 Issue: 10 Article Number: 1551 DOI: 10.3390/antiox10101551 Published Date: 2021 OCT |
Record 301 of 514 |
Title: Thioureidocalix[6]arenes Pseudorotaxanes |
Author(s): Cera, G (Cera, Gianpiero); Bazzoni, M (Bazzoni, Margherita); Andreoni, L (Andreoni, Leonardo); Bonati, FC (Bonati, Federica Cester); Massera, C (Massera, Chiara); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto); Secchi, A (Secchi, Andrea); Arduini, A (Arduini, Arturo) |
Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 2021 Issue: 42 Pages: 5788-5798 DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202101080 Early Access Date: SEP 2021 Published Date: 2021 NOV 15 |
Record 302 of 514 |
Title: Fully Recyclable OLEDs Built on a Flexible Biopolymer Substrate |
Author(s): Cocchi, M (Cocchi, Massimo); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica); Seri, M (Seri, Mirko); Maccagnani, P (Maccagnani, Piera); Summonte, C (Summonte, Caterina); Buoso, S (Buoso, Sara); Belletti, G (Belletti, Giada); Dinelli, F (Dinelli, Franco); Capelli, R (Capelli, Raffaella) |
Source: ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING Volume: 9 Issue: 38 Pages: 12733-12737 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c03374 Early Access Date: SEP 2021 Published Date: 2021 SEP 27 |
Record 303 of 514 |
Title: Asymmetric Organocatalysis Accelerated via Self-Assembled Minimal Structures |
Author(s): Sinibaldi, A (Sinibaldi, Arianna); Della Penna, F (Della Penna, Francesca); Ponzetti, M (Ponzetti, Marco); Fini, F (Fini, Francesco); Marchesan, S (Marchesan, Silvia); Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea); Pesciaioli, F (Pesciaioli, Fabio); Carlone, A (Carlone, Armando) |
Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 2021 Issue: 39 Pages: 5403-5406 DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202101042 Early Access Date: SEP 2021 Published Date: 2021 OCT 21 |
Record 304 of 514 |
Title: Defective graphene nanosheets for drinking water purification: Adsorption mechanism, performance, and recovery |
Author(s): Khaliha, S (Khaliha, Sara); Marforio, TD (Marforio, Tainah D.); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Mantovani, S (Mantovani, Sebastiano); Bianchi, A (Bianchi, Antonio); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Zambianchi, M (Zambianchi, Massimo); Bocchi, L (Bocchi, Letizia); Boulanger, N (Boulanger, Nicoals); Iakunkov, A (Iakunkov, Artem); Calvaresi, M (Calvaresi, Matteo); Talyzin, AV (V. Talyzin, Alexandr); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela) |
Source: FLATCHEM Volume: 29 Article Number: 100283 DOI: 10.1016/j.flatc.2021.100283 Early Access Date: SEP 2021 Published Date: 2021 SEP |
Record 305 of 514 |
Title: Bioinspired photocatalysed C-H fluoroalkylation of arenes in water promoted by native vitamin B<sub>12</sub> and Rose Bengal |
Author(s): Yerien, DE (Yerien, Damian E.); Postigo, A (Postigo, Al); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian) |
Source: GREEN CHEMISTRY Volume: 23 Issue: 20 Pages: 8147-8153 DOI: 10.1039/d1gc02654b Early Access Date: SEP 2021 Published Date: 2021 OCT 18 |
Record 306 of 514 |
Title: Omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in red blood cell membrane are associated with xerostomia and taste loss in patients with breast cancer |
Author(s): Amézaga, J (Amezaga, J.); Ugartemendia, G (Ugartemendia, G.); Larraioz, A (Larraioz, A.); Bretaña, N (Bretana, N.); Iruretagoyena, A (Iruretagoyena, A.); Camba, J (Camba, J.); Urruticoechea, A (Urruticoechea, A.); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, C.); Tueros, I (Tueros, I) |
Source: PROSTAGLANDINS LEUKOTRIENES AND ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS Volume: 173 Article Number: 102336 DOI: 10.1016/j.plefa.2021.102336 Early Access Date: SEP 2021 Published Date: 2021 OCT |
Record 307 of 514 |
Title: Evaluation of the Factors Affecting the Disintegration under a Composting Process of Poly(lactic acid)/Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PLA/PHB) Blends |
Author(s): Iglesias-Montes, ML (Iglesias-Montes, Magdalena L.); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Luzi, F (Luzi, Francesca); Puglia, D (Puglia, Debora); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia); Manfredi, LB (Manfredi, Liliana B.); Cyras, VP (Cyras, Viviana P.) |
Source: POLYMERS Volume: 13 Issue: 18 Article Number: 3171 DOI: 10.3390/polym13183171 Published Date: 2021 SEP |
Record 308 of 514 |
Title: Biomimetic Ketone Reduction by Disulfide Radical Anion |
Author(s): Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Skotnicki, K (Skotnicki, Konrad); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Marciniak, B (Marciniak, Bronislaw); Bobrowski, K (Bobrowski, Krzysztof); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 26 Issue: 18 Article Number: 5429 DOI: 10.3390/molecules26185429 Published Date: 2021 SEP |
Record 309 of 514 |
Title: The Fatty Acid-Based Erythrocyte Membrane Lipidome in Dogs with Chronic Enteropathy |
Author(s): Crisi, PE (Crisi, Paolo Emidio); Luciani, A (Luciani, Alessia); Di Tommaso, M (Di Tommaso, Morena); Prasinou, P (Prasinou, Paraskevi); De Santis, F (De Santis, Francesca); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Pietra, M (Pietra, Marco); Procoli, F (Procoli, Fabio); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Giordano, MV (Giordano, Maria Veronica); Gramenzi, A (Gramenzi, Alessandro); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Boari, A (Boari, Andrea) |
Source: ANIMALS Volume: 11 Issue: 9 Article Number: 2604 DOI: 10.3390/ani11092604 Published Date: 2021 SEP |
Record 310 of 514 |
Title: Young Raw Matters Ambassadors: High School Students Act as Science Communicators |
Author(s): Canino, M (Canino, Mariaconcetta); Zanelli, A (Zanelli, Alberto); Seri, M (Seri, Mirko); Degli Esposti, A (Degli Esposti, Alessandra); Torreggiani, A (Torreggiani, Armida) |
Source: FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION Volume: 6 Article Number: 690294 DOI: 10.3389/feduc.2021.690294 Published Date: 2021 SEP 1 |
Record 311 of 514 |
Title: Absolute Antioxidant Activity of Five Phenol-Rich Essential Oils |
Author(s): Guo, YF (Guo, Yafang); Pizzol, R (Pizzol, Romeo); Gabbanini, S (Gabbanini, Simone); Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea); Amorati, R (Amorati, Riccardo); Valgimigli, L (Valgimigli, Luca) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 26 Issue: 17 Article Number: 5237 DOI: 10.3390/molecules26175237 Published Date: 2021 SEP |
Record 312 of 514 |
Title: Microplastic Contamination in Protected Areas of the Gulf of Venice |
Author(s): Mistri, M (Mistri, Michele); Scoponi, M (Scoponi, Marco); Sfriso, AA (Sfriso, Andrea A.); Munari, C (Munari, Cristina); Curiotto, M (Curiotto, Marta); Sfriso, A (Sfriso, Adriano); Orlando-Bonaca, M (Orlando-Bonaca, Martina); Lipej, L (Lipej, Lovrenc) |
Source: WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION Volume: 232 Issue: 9 Article Number: 379 DOI: 10.1007/s11270-021-05323-9 Published Date: 2021 SEP |
Record 313 of 514 |
Title: Circumneutral concentrated ammonium acetate solution as water-in-salt electrolyte |
Author(s): El Halimi, MS (El Halimi, Mohammad Said); Poli, F (Poli, Federico); Mancuso, N (Mancuso, Nicola); Olivieri, A (Olivieri, Alessandro); Mattioli, EJ (Mattioli, Edoardo Jun); Calvaresi, M (Calvaresi, Matteo); Chafik, T (Chafik, Tarik); Zanelli, A (Zanelli, Alberto); Soavi, F (Soavi, Francesca) |
Source: ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 389 Article Number: 138653 DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2021.138653 Published Date: 2021 SEP 1 |
Record 314 of 514 |
Title: Catalytic Fluoroalkylation Reactions of Alkoxy-substituted (Hetero)Arenes |
Author(s): Yerien, DE (Yerien, Damian E.); Lantaño, B (Lantano, Beatriz); Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Postigo, A (Postigo, Al) |
Source: CHEMCATCHEM Volume: 13 Issue: 21 Pages: 4497-4506 DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202100997 Early Access Date: AUG 2021 Published Date: 2021 NOV 8 |
Record 315 of 514 |
Title: Poly(butylene 2,4-furanoate), an Added Member to the Class of Smart Furan-Based Polyesters for Sustainable Packaging: Structural Isomerism as a Key to Tune the Final Properties |
Author(s): Bianchi, E (Bianchi, Enrico); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Siracusa, V (Siracusa, Valentina); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Thiyagarajan, S (Thiyagarajan, Shanmugam); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia) |
Source: ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING Volume: 9 Issue: 35 Pages: 11937-11949 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c04104 Early Access Date: AUG 2021 Published Date: 2021 SEP 6 |
Record 316 of 514 |
Title: The bacterial protective armor against stress: The<i> cis</i><i>-trans</i> isomerase of unsaturated fatty acids, a cytochrome-c type enzyme |
Author(s): Mauger, M (Mauger, Mickael); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Seemann, M (Seemann, Myriam) |
Source: JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY Volume: 224 Article Number: 111564 DOI: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2021.111564 Early Access Date: AUG 2021 Published Date: 2021 NOV |
Record 317 of 514 |
Title: Silencing Survivin: a Key Therapeutic Strategy for Cardiac Hypertrophy |
Author(s): Kusmic, C (Kusmic, Claudia); Vizzoca, A (Vizzoca, Alessio); Taranta, M (Taranta, Monia); Tedeschi, L (Tedeschi, Lorena); Gherardini, L (Gherardini, Lisa); Pelosi, G (Pelosi, Gualtiero); Giannetti, A (Giannetti, Ambra); Tombelli, S (Tombelli, Sara); Grimaldi, S (Grimaldi, Settimio); Baldini, F (Baldini, Francesco); Domenici, C (Domenici, Claudio); Trivella, MG (Trivella, Maria Giovanna); Cinti, C (Cinti, Caterina) |
Source: JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Pages: 391-407 DOI: 10.1007/s12265-021-10165-1 Early Access Date: AUG 2021 Published Date: 2022 APR |
Record 318 of 514 |
Title: Stereodynamics of <i>E/Z</i> isomerization in rotaxanes through mechanical shuttling and covalent bond rotation |
Author(s): Corra, S (Corra, Stefano); de Vet, C (de Vet, Christiaan); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena) |
Source: CHEM Volume: 7 Issue: 8 Pages: 2137-2150 DOI: 10.1016/j.chempr.2021.04.010 Early Access Date: AUG 2021 Published Date: 2021 AUG 12 |
Record 319 of 514 |
Title: The carbon-carbon triple bond as a tool to design organic semiconductors for photovoltaic applications: an assessment of prospects and challenges |
Author(s): Seri, M (Seri, Mirko); Marrocchi, A (Marrocchi, Assunta) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C Volume: 9 Issue: 45 Pages: 16164-16186 DOI: 10.1039/d1tc02958d Early Access Date: AUG 2021 Published Date: 2021 NOV 25 |
Record 320 of 514 |
Title: Temporal variation of floatable plastic particles in the largest Italian river, the Po |
Author(s): Munari, C (Munari, Cristina); Scoponi, M (Scoponi, Marco); Sfriso, AA (Sfriso, Andrea A.); Sfriso, A (Sfriso, Adriano); Aiello, J (Aiello, Jacqueline); Casoni, E (Casoni, Elia); Mistri, M (Mistri, Michele) |
Source: MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN Volume: 171 Article Number: 112805 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112805 Early Access Date: AUG 2021 Published Date: 2021 OCT |
Record 321 of 514 |
Title: Push-pull thiophene-based small molecules with donor and acceptor units of varying strength for photovoltaic application: beyond P3HT and PCBM |
Author(s): Marinelli, M (Marinelli, Martina); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Monti, F (Monti, Filippo); Boschi, A (Boschi, Alex); Zangoli, M (Zangoli, Mattia); Salatelli, E (Salatelli, Elisabetta); Pierini, F (Pierini, Filippo); Lanzi, M (Lanzi, Massimiliano); Zanelli, A (Zanelli, Alberto); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C Volume: 9 Issue: 34 Pages: 11216-11228 DOI: 10.1039/d1tc02641k Early Access Date: AUG 2021 Published Date: 2021 SEP 14 |
Record 322 of 514 |
Title: Temperature dependence of the rigid amorphous fraction of poly(butylene succinate) |
Author(s): Righetti, MC (Righetti, Maria Cristina); Di Lorenzo, ML (Di Lorenzo, Maria Laura); Cinelli, P (Cinelli, Patrizia); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo) |
Source: RSC ADVANCES Volume: 11 Issue: 41 Pages: 25731-25737 DOI: 10.1039/d1ra03775g Published Date: 2021 AUG 3 |
Record 323 of 514 |
Title: Pheophorbide A and Paclitaxel Bioresponsive Nanoparticles as Double-Punch Platform for Cancer Therapy |
Author(s): Moret, F (Moret, Francesca); Menilli, L (Menilli, Luca); Battan, M (Battan, Manuele); Tedesco, D (Tedesco, Daniele); Columbaro, M (Columbaro, Marta); Guerrini, A (Guerrini, Andrea); Avancini, G (Avancini, Greta); Ferroni, C (Ferroni, Claudia); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta) |
Source: PHARMACEUTICS Volume: 13 Issue: 8 Article Number: 1130 DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13081130 Published Date: 2021 AUG |
Record 324 of 514 |
Title: Preparations of Poly(lactic acid) Dispersions in Water for Coating Applications |
Author(s): Belletti, G (Belletti, Giada); Buoso, S (Buoso, Sara); Ricci, L (Ricci, Lucia); Guillem-Ortiz, A (Guillem-Ortiz, Alejandro); Aragón-Gutiérrez, A (Aragon-Gutierrez, Alejandro); Bortolini, O (Bortolini, Olga); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica) |
Source: POLYMERS Volume: 13 Issue: 16 Article Number: 2767 DOI: 10.3390/polym13162767 Published Date: 2021 AUG |
Record 325 of 514 |
Title: Chemical Modification of Poly(butylene <i>trans</i>-1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylate) by Camphor: A New Example of Bio-Based Polyesters for Sustainable Food Packaging |
Author(s): Guidotti, G (Guidotti, Giulia); Burzotta, G (Burzotta, Gianfranco); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Siracusa, V (Siracusa, Valentina); Munari, A (Munari, Andrea); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia) |
Source: POLYMERS Volume: 13 Issue: 16 Article Number: 2707 DOI: 10.3390/polym13162707 Published Date: 2021 AUG |
Record 326 of 514 |
Title: Effects of the Blending Ratio on the Design of Keratin/Poly(butylene succinate) Nanofibers for Drug Delivery Applications |
Author(s): Guidotti, G (Guidotti, Giulia); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Bondi, E (Bondi, Edoardo); Posati, T (Posati, Tamara); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Torreggiani, A (Torreggiani, Armida); Corticelli, F (Corticelli, Franco); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa) |
Source: BIOMOLECULES Volume: 11 Issue: 8 Article Number: 1194 DOI: 10.3390/biom11081194 Published Date: 2021 AUG |
Record 327 of 514 |
Title: Poly(Alkylene 2,5-Thiophenedicarboxylate) Polyesters: A New Class of Bio-Based High-Performance Polymers for Sustainable Packaging |
Author(s): Guidotti, G (Guidotti, Giulia); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Siracusa, V (Siracusa, Valentina); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia) |
Source: POLYMERS Volume: 13 Issue: 15 Article Number: 2460 DOI: 10.3390/polym13152460 Published Date: 2021 AUG |
Record 328 of 514 |
Title: Nitric Oxide Photo-Donor Hybrids of Ciprofloxacin and Norfloxacin: A Shift in Activity from Antimicrobial to Anticancer Agents |
Author(s): Fallica, AN (Fallica, Antonino Nicolo); Barbaraci, C (Barbaraci, Carla); Amata, E (Amata, Emanuele); Pasquinucci, L (Pasquinucci, Lorella); Turnaturi, R (Turnaturi, Rita); Dichiara, M (Dichiara, Maria); Intagliata, S (Intagliata, Sebastiano); Gariboldi, MB (Gariboldi, Marzia Bruna); Marras, E (Marras, Emanuela); Orlandi, VT (Orlandi, Viviana Teresa); Ferroni, C (Ferroni, Claudia); Martini, C (Martini, Cecilia); Rescifina, A (Rescifina, Antonio); Gentile, D (Gentile, Davide); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta); Marrazzo, A (Marrazzo, Agostino) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 15 Pages: 11597-11613 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.1c00917 Early Access Date: JUL 2021 Published Date: 2021 AUG 12 |
Record 329 of 514 |
Title: Advances in Photocatalytic Organic Synthetic Transformations in Water and Aqueous Media |
Author(s): Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Yerien, DE (Yerien, Damian E.); Postigo, A (Postigo, Al) |
Source: ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING Volume: 9 Issue: 30 Pages: 10016-10047 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c03384 Early Access Date: JUL 2021 Published Date: 2021 AUG 2 |
Record 330 of 514 |
Title: Second-Generation Light-Fueled Supramolecular Pump |
Author(s): Canton, M (Canton, Martina); Groppi, J (Groppi, Jessica); Casimiro, L (Casimiro, Lorenzo); Corra, S (Corra, Stefano); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto) |
Source: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 143 Issue: 29 Pages: 10890-10894 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c06027 Early Access Date: JUL 2021 Published Date: 2021 JUL 28 |
Record 331 of 514 |
Title: Structural interplay between strontium and calcium in α-CaHPO4 and β-SrHPO<sub>4</sub> |
Author(s): Boanini, E (Boanini, Elisa); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Rubini, K (Rubini, Katia); Mazzeo, PP (Mazzeo, Paolo P.); Bigi, A (Bigi, Adriana) |
Source: CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL Volume: 47 Issue: 17 Pages: 24412-24420 DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2021.05.156 Early Access Date: JUL 2021 Published Date: 2021 SEP 1 |
Record 332 of 514 |
Title: Visible light-catalyzed fluoroalkylation reactions of free aniline derivatives |
Author(s): Lantaño, B (Lantano, Beatriz); Yerien, DE (Yerien, Damian E.); Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Postigo, A (Postigo, Al) |
Source: PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Volume: 20 Issue: 8 Pages: 971-983 DOI: 10.1007/s43630-021-00078-y Early Access Date: JUL 2021 Published Date: 2021 AUG |
Record 333 of 514 |
Title: Thermoresponsivity of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microgels in water-trehalose solution and its relation to protein behavior |
Author(s): Rosi, BP (Rosi, Benedetta Petra); Tavagnacco, L (Tavagnacco, Letizia); Comez, L (Comez, Lucia); Sassi, P (Sassi, Paola); Ricci, M (Ricci, Maria); Buratti, E (Buratti, Elena); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica); Petrillo, C (Petrillo, Caterina); Zaccarelli, E (Zaccarelli, Emanuela); Chiessi, E (Chiessi, Ester); Corezzi, S (Corezzi, Silvia) |
Source: JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE Volume: 604 Pages: 705-718 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2021.07.006 Early Access Date: JUL 2021 Published Date: 2021 DEC 15 |
Record 334 of 514 |
Title: Photophysical properties of 1,2,3,4,5-pentaarylcyclopentadienyl-hydrotris(indazolyl)borate ruthenium(ii) complexes |
Author(s): Gao, S (Gao, Sheng); Gisbert, Y (Gisbert, Yohan); Erbland, G (Erbland, Guillaume); Abid, S (Abid, Seifallah); Kammerer, C (Kammerer, Claire); Venturini, A (Venturini, Alessandro); Rapenne, G (Rapenne, Gwenael); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola) |
Source: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 23 Issue: 31 Pages: 17049-17056 DOI: 10.1039/d1cp02261j Early Access Date: JUL 2021 Published Date: 2021 AUG 21 |
Record 335 of 514 |
Title: An easy 3D printing approach to manufacture vertical diffusion cells for in vitro release and permeation studies |
Author(s): Tiboni, M (Tiboni, Mattia); Curzi, G (Curzi, Giulia); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa); Casettari, L (Casettari, Luca) |
Source: JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 65 Article Number: 102661 DOI: 10.1016/j.jddst.2021.102661 Early Access Date: JUL 2021 Published Date: 2021 OCT |
Record 336 of 514 |
Title: Paraffin-graphene oxide hybrid nano emulsions for thermal management systems |
Author(s): Barison, S (Barison, S.); Cabaleiro, D (Cabaleiro, D.); Rossi, S (Rossi, S.); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, A.); Melucci, M (Melucci, M.); Agresti, F (Agresti, F.) |
Source: COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS Volume: 627 Article Number: 127132 DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2021.127132 Early Access Date: JUL 2021 Published Date: 2021 OCT 20 |
Record 337 of 514 |
Title: Harnessing the Role of HDAC6 in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Design, Synthesis, Structural Analysis, and Biological Evaluation of Potent Inhibitors |
Author(s): Campiani, G (Campiani, Giuseppe); Cavella, C (Cavella, Caterina); Osko, JD (Osko, Jeremy D.); Brindisi, M (Brindisi, Margherita); Relitti, N (Relitti, Nicola); Brogi, S (Brogi, Simone); Saraswati, AP (Saraswati, A. Prasanth); Federico, S (Federico, Stefano); Chemi, G (Chemi, Giulia); Maramai, S (Maramai, Samuele); Carullo, G (Carullo, Gabriele); Jaeger, B (Jaeger, Benedikt); Carleo, A (Carleo, Alfonso); Benedetti, R (Benedetti, Rosaria); Sarno, F (Sarno, Federica); Lamponi, S (Lamponi, Stefania); Rottoli, P (Rottoli, Paola); Bargagli, E (Bargagli, Elena); Bertucci, C (Bertucci, Carlo); Tedesco, D (Tedesco, Daniele); Herp, D (Herp, Daniel); Senger, J (Senger, Johanna); Ruberti, G (Ruberti, Giovina); Saccoccia, F (Saccoccia, Fulvio); Saponara, S (Saponara, Simona); Gorelli, B (Gorelli, Beatrice); Valoti, M (Valoti, Massimo); Kennedy, B (Kennedy, Breandan); Sundaramurthi, H (Sundaramurthi, Husvinee); Butini, S (Butini, Stefania); Jung, M (Jung, Manfred); Roach, KM (Roach, Katy M.); Altucci, L (Altucci, Lucia); Bradding, P (Bradding, Peter); Christianson, DW (Christianson, David W.); Gemma, S (Gemma, Sandra); Prasse, A (Prasse, Antje) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 64 Issue: 14 Pages: 9960-9988 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.1c00184 Early Access Date: JUL 2021 Published Date: 2021 JUL 22 |
Record 338 of 514 |
Title: The Binding Pocket at the Interface of Multimeric Telomere G-quadruplexes: Myth or Reality? |
Author(s): Manoli, F (Manoli, Francesco); Doria, F (Doria, Filippo); Colombo, G (Colombo, Giorgio); Zambelli, B (Zambelli, Barbara); Freccero, M (Freccero, Mauro); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 27 Issue: 45 Pages: 11707-11720 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202101486 Early Access Date: JUL 2021 Published Date: 2021 AUG 11 |
Record 339 of 514 |
Title: Human Serum Albumin-Oligothiophene Bioconjugate: A Phototheranostic Platform for Localized Killing of Cancer Cells by Precise Light Activation |
Author(s): Cantelli, A (Cantelli, Andrea); Malferrari, M (Malferrari, Marco); Soldà, A (Solda, Alice); Simonetti, G (Simonetti, Giorgia); Forni, S (Forni, Sonny); Toscanella, E (Toscanella, Edoardo); Mattioli, EJ (Mattioli, Edoardo J.); Zerbetto, F (Zerbetto, Francesco); Zanelli, A (Zanelli, Alberto); Di Giosia, M (Di Giosia, Matteo); Zangoli, M (Zangoli, Mattia); Barbarella, G (Barbarella, Giovanna); Rapino, S (Rapino, Stefania); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca); Calvaresi, M (Calvaresi, Matteo) |
Source: JACS AU Volume: 1 Issue: 7 Pages: 925-935 DOI: 10.1021/jacsau.1c00061 Early Access Date: JUL 2021 Published Date: 2021 JUL 26 |
Record 340 of 514 |
Title: SERS Investigation on Oligopeptides Used as Biomimetic Coatings for Medical Devices |
Author(s): Di Foggia, M (Di Foggia, Michele); Tugnoli, V (Tugnoli, Vitaliano); Ottani, S (Ottani, Stefano); Dettin, M (Dettin, Monica); Zamuner, A (Zamuner, Annj); Sanchez-Cortes, S (Sanchez-Cortes, Santiago); Cesini, D (Cesini, Daniele); Torreggiani, A (Torreggiani, Armida) |
Source: BIOMOLECULES Volume: 11 Issue: 7 Article Number: 959 DOI: 10.3390/biom11070959 Published Date: 2021 JUL |
Record 341 of 514 |
Title: Anthradithiophene-based organic semiconductors through regiodirected double annulations |
Author(s): Nitti, A (Nitti, Andrea); Forti, G (Forti, Giacomo); Bianchi, G (Bianchi, Gabriele); Botta, C (Botta, Chiara); Tinti, F (Tinti, Francesca); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Camaioni, N (Camaioni, Nadia); Po, R (Po, Riccardo); Pasini, D (Pasini, Dario) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C Volume: 9 Issue: 29 Pages: 9302-9308 DOI: 10.1039/d1tc01887f Early Access Date: JUL 2021 Published Date: 2021 AUG 7 |
Record 342 of 514 |
Title: Unconventional role of TRPV4 in astrocytes swelling |
Author(s): Barile, B (Barile, B.); Formaggio, F (Formaggio, F.); Mola, MG (Mola, M. G.); Gargano, CD (Gargano, C. D.); Saracino, E (Saracino, E.); Frigeri, A (Frigeri, A.); Caprini, M (Caprini, M.); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, V.); Nicchia, GP (Nicchia, G. P.) |
Source: GLIA Meeting Abstract: T17-002A Volume: 69 Special Issue: SI Pages: E536-E536 Published Date: 2021 JUL Supplement: 1 |
Record 343 of 514 |
Title: Postnatal expression of the AQP4, TRPV4 and Cx43 in the CNS: potential differences between Muller cells and astrocytes |
Author(s): Cibelli, A (Cibelli, A.); Mola, MG (Mola, M. G.); Barile, B (Barile, B.); Saracino, E (Saracino, E.); Frigeri, A (Frigeri, A.); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, V.); Nicchia, GP (Nicchia, G. P.) |
Source: GLIA Meeting Abstract: T09-073E Volume: 69 Special Issue: SI Pages: E326-E327 Published Date: 2021 JUL Supplement: 1 |
Record 344 of 514 |
Title: Direct synthetic routes to functionalised crown ethers |
Author(s): Nicoli, F (Nicoli, Federico); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena); Groppi, J (Groppi, Jessica); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto) |
Source: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS Volume: 8 Issue: 19 Pages: 5531-5549 DOI: 10.1039/d1qo00699a Early Access Date: JUL 2021 Published Date: 2021 OCT 7 |
Record 345 of 514 |
Title: One pot synthesis of new cross-linked chitosan-Schiff’ base: Characterization, and anti-proliferative activities |
Author(s): Elhag, M (Elhag, Mohammed); Abdelwahab, HE (Abdelwahab, Huda E.); Mostafa, MA (Mostafa, Mohamed A.); Yacout, GA (Yacout, Galila A.); Nasr, AZ (Nasr, Adel Z.); Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo); El Sadek, MM (El Sadek, Mohamed M.) |
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES Volume: 184 Pages: 558-565 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.06.137 Early Access Date: JUN 2021 Published Date: 2021 AUG 1 |
Record 346 of 514 |
Title: Nitroxides as Building Blocks for Nanoantioxidants |
Author(s): Genovese, D (Genovese, Damiano); Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea); Vona, D (Vona, Danilo); Baboi, RE (Baboi, Ruxandra Elena); Mollica, F (Mollica, Fabio); Prodi, L (Prodi, Luca); Amorati, R (Amorati, Riccardo); Zaccheroni, N (Zaccheroni, Nelsi) |
Source: ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Volume: 13 Issue: 27 Pages: 31996-32004 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c06674 Early Access Date: JUN 2021 Published Date: 2021 JUL 14 |
Record 347 of 514 |
Title: A Cu(ii)-MOF based on a propargyl carbamate-functionalized isophthalate ligand |
Author(s): Cassani, MC (Cassani, Maria Cristina); Gambassi, F (Gambassi, Francesca); Ballarin, B (Ballarin, Barbara); Nanni, D (Nanni, Daniele); Ragazzini, I (Ragazzini, Ilaria); Barreca, D (Barreca, Davide); Maccato, C (Maccato, Chiara); Guagliardi, A (Guagliardi, Antonietta); Masciocchi, N (Masciocchi, Norberto); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Rubini, K (Rubini, Katia); Boanini, E (Boanini, Elisa) |
Source: RSC ADVANCES Volume: 11 Issue: 33 Pages: 20429-20438 DOI: 10.1039/d1ra02686k Published Date: 2021 JUN 17 |
Record 348 of 514 |
Title: Lateral dimension and amino-functionalization on the balance to assess the single-cell toxicity of graphene on fifteen immune cell types |
Author(s): Fusco, L (Fusco, Laura); Orecchioni, M (Orecchioni, Marco); Reina, G (Reina, Giacomo); Bordoni, V (Bordoni, Valentina); Fuoco, C (Fuoco, Claudia); Gurcan, C (Gurcan, Cansu); Guo, S (Guo, Shi); Zoccheddu, M (Zoccheddu, Martina); Collino, F (Collino, Federica); Zavan, B (Zavan, Barbara); Treossi, E (Treossi, Emanuele); Yilmazer, A (Yilmazer, Acelya); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Bianco, A (Bianco, Alberto); Delogu, LG (Delogu, Lucia Gemma) |
Source: NANOIMPACT Volume: 23 Article Number: 100330 DOI: 10.1016/j.impact.2021.100330 Early Access Date: JUN 2021 Published Date: 2021 JUL |
Record 349 of 514 |
Title: Continuous capillary-flow sensing of glucose and lactate in sweat with an electrochemical sensor based on functionalized graphene oxide |
Author(s): Poletti, F (Poletti, Fabrizio); Zanfrognini, B (Zanfrognini, Barbara); Favaretto, L (Favaretto, Laura); Quintano, V (Quintano, Vanesa); Sun, JH (Sun, Jinhua); Treossi, E (Treossi, Emanuele); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara) |
Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 344 Article Number: 130253 DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2021.130253 Early Access Date: JUN 2021 Published Date: 2021 OCT 1 |
Record 350 of 514 |
Title: Artificial Supramolecular Pumps Powered by Light |
Author(s): Corra, S (Corra, Stefano); Casimiro, L (Casimiro, Lorenzo); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Groppi, J (Groppi, Jessica); La Rosa, M (La Rosa, Marcello); Bakic, MT (Tranfic Bakic, Marina); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 27 Issue: 43 Pages: 11076-11083 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202101163 Early Access Date: JUN 2021 Published Date: 2021 AUG 2 |
Record 351 of 514 |
Title: The Two Faces of the Guanyl Radical: Molecular Context and Behavior |
Author(s): Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 26 Issue: 12 Article Number: 3511 DOI: 10.3390/molecules26123511 Published Date: 2021 JUN |
Record 352 of 514 |
Title: Simultaneous Detection of Glucose and Fructose in Synthetic Musts by Multivariate Analysis of Silica-Based Amperometric Sensor Signals |
Author(s): Crespo-Rosa, JR (Crespo-Rosa, Joaquin Rafael); Foca, G (Foca, Giorgia); Ulrici, A (Ulrici, Alessandro); Pigani, L (Pigani, Laura); Zanfrognini, B (Zanfrognini, Barbara); Cubillana-Aguilera, L (Cubillana-Aguilera, Laura); Palacios-Santander, JM (Palacios-Santander, Jose Maria); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara) |
Source: SENSORS Volume: 21 Issue: 12 Article Number: 4190 DOI: 10.3390/s21124190 Published Date: 2021 JUN |
Record 353 of 514 |
Title: Space Charge Behavior of Quantum Dot-Doped Polystyrene Polymers |
Author(s): Lei, ZP (Lei, Zhipeng); Fabiani, D (Fabiani, Davide); Bray, T (Bray, Tommaso); Li, CAY (Li, Chuanyang); Wang, XY (Wang, Xinyu); Andritsch, T (Andritsch, Thomas); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto); La Rosa, M (La Rosa, Marcello) |
Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION Volume: 28 Issue: 3 Pages: 753-761 DOI: 10.1109/TDEI.2021.009223 Published Date: 2021 JUN |
Record 354 of 514 |
Title: Modified Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids via Click Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition for Pharmacological Applications |
Author(s): Perrone, D (Perrone, Daniela); Marchesi, E (Marchesi, Elena); Preti, L (Preti, Lorenzo); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 26 Issue: 11 Article Number: 3100 DOI: 10.3390/molecules26113100 Published Date: 2021 JUN |
Record 355 of 514 |
Title: Application of the SMALP technology to the isolation of GPCRs from low-yielding cell lines |
Author(s): Tedesco, D (Tedesco, Daniele); Maj, M (Maj, Maciej); Malarczyk, P (Malarczyk, Paulina); Cingolani, A (Cingolani, Andrea); Zaffagnini, M (Zaffagnini, Mirko); Wnorowski, A (Wnorowski, Artur); Czapinski, J (Czapinski, Jakub); Benelli, T (Benelli, Tiziana); Mazzoni, R (Mazzoni, Rita); Bartolini, M (Bartolini, Manuela); Józwiak, K (Jozwiak, Krzysztof) |
Source: BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES Volume: 1863 Issue: 9 Article Number: 183641 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2021.183641 Early Access Date: MAY 2021 Published Date: 2021 SEP 1 |
Record 356 of 514 |
Title: Processable Thiophene-Based Polymers with Tailored Electronic Properties and their Application in Solid-State Electrochromic Devices Using Nanoparticle Films |
Author(s): Moreira, T (Moreira, Tiago); Di Maria, F (Maria, Francesca Di); Zangoli, M (Zangoli, Mattia); Fabiano, E (Fabiano, Eduardo); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse); Mazzaro, R (Mazzaro, Raffaello); Morandi, V (Morandi, Vittorio); Marinelli, M (Marinelli, Martina); Gigli, G (Gigli, Giuseppe); Parola, AJ (Parola, Antonio Jorge); Laia, CAT (Laia, Cesar A. T.); Barbarella, G (Barbarella, Giovanna) |
Source: ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS Volume: 7 Issue: 7 Article Number: 2100166 DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202100166 Early Access Date: MAY 2021 Published Date: 2021 JUL |
Record 357 of 514 |
Title: A harmonized and standardized in vitro approach produces reliable results on silver nanoparticles toxicity in different cell lines |
Author(s): Andreoli, C (Andreoli, Cristina); Prota, V (Prota, Valentina); De Angelis, I (De Angelis, Isabella); Facchini, E (Facchini, Emiliano); Zijno, A (Zijno, Andrea); Meccia, E (Meccia, Ettore); Barletta, B (Barletta, Bianca); Butteroni, C (Butteroni, Cinzia); Corinti, S (Corinti, Silvia); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Krokidis, MG (Krokidis, Marios G.); Masi, A (Masi, Annalisa); Condello, M (Condello, Maria); Meschini, S (Meschini, Stefania); Di Felice, G (Di Felice, Gabriella); Barone, F (Barone, Flavia) |
Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED TOXICOLOGY Volume: 41 Issue: 12 Pages: 1980-1997 DOI: 10.1002/jat.4178 Early Access Date: MAY 2021 Published Date: 2021 DEC |
Record 358 of 514 |
Title: Can mesoporous nanoparticles promote bioavailability of topical pharmaceutics? |
Author(s): Valetti, S (Valetti, Sabrina); Thomsen, H (Thomsen, Hanna); Wankar, J (Wankar, Jitendra); Falkman, P (Falkman, Peter); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse); Feiler, A (Feiler, Adam); Ericson, MB (Ericson, Marica B.); Engblom, J (Engblom, Johan) |
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS Volume: 602 Article Number: 120609 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2021.120609 Early Access Date: MAY 2021 Published Date: 2021 JUN 1 |
Record 359 of 514 |
Title: Potential of Erythrocyte Membrane Lipid Profile as a Novel Inflammatory Biomarker to Distinguish Metabolically Healthy Obesity in Children |
Author(s): Jauregibeitia, I (Jauregibeitia, Iker); Portune, K (Portune, Kevin); Rica, I (Rica, Itxaso); Tueros, I (Tueros, Itziar); Velasco, O (Velasco, Olaia); Grau, G (Grau, Gema); Castaño, L (Castano, Luis); Di Nolfo, F (Di Nolfo, Federica); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Arranz, S (Arranz, Sara) |
Source: JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE Volume: 11 Issue: 5 Article Number: 337 DOI: 10.3390/jpm11050337 Published Date: 2021 MAY |
Record 360 of 514 |
Title: Real-time imaging of Na<SUP>+</SUP> reversible intercalation in “Janus” graphene stacks for battery applications |
Author(s): Sun, JH (Sun, Jinhua); Sadd, M (Sadd, Matthew); Edenborg, P (Edenborg, Philip); Grönbeck, H (Gronbeck, Henrik); Thiesen, PH (Thiesen, Peter H.); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Quintano, V (Quintano, Vanesa); Qiu, R (Qiu, Ren); Matic, A (Matic, Aleksandar); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: SCIENCE ADVANCES Volume: 7 Issue: 22 Article Number: eabf0812 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abf0812 Published Date: 2021 MAY |
Record 361 of 514 |
Title: Radiation- and Photo-Induced Oxidation Pathways of Methionine in Model Peptide Backbone under Anoxic Conditions |
Author(s): Pedzinski, T (Pedzinski, Tomasz); Grzyb, K (Grzyb, Katarzyna); Skotnicki, K (Skotnicki, Konrad); Filipiak, P (Filipiak, Piotr); Bobrowski, K (Bobrowski, Krzysztof); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Marciniak, B (Marciniak, Bronislaw) |
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Volume: 22 Issue: 9 Article Number: 4773 DOI: 10.3390/ijms22094773 Published Date: 2021 MAY |
Record 362 of 514 |
Title: Chemically Induced Mismatch of Rings and Stations in [3]Rotaxanes |
Author(s): Curcio, M (Curcio, Massimiliano); Nicoli, F (Nicoli, Federico); Paltrinieri, E (Paltrinieri, Erica); Fois, E (Fois, Ettore); Tabacchi, G (Tabacchi, Gloria); Cavallo, L (Cavallo, Luigi); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto) |
Source: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 143 Issue: 21 Pages: 8046-8055 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c02230 Early Access Date: APR 2021 Published Date: 2021 JUN 2 |
Record 363 of 514 |
Title: Highly Permeable Fluorinated Polymer Nanocomposites for Plasmonic Hydrogen Sensing |
Author(s): Östergren, I (Ostergren, Ida); Pourrahimi, AM (Pourrahimi, Amir Masoud); Darmadi, I (Darmadi, Iwan); Da Silva, R (da Silva, Robson); Stolás, A (Stolas, Alicja); Lerch, S (Lerch, Sarah); Berke, B (Berke, Barbara); Guizar-Sicairos, M (Guizar-Sicairos, Manuel); Liebi, M (Liebi, Marianne); Foli, G (Foli, Giacomo); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Minelli, M (Minelli, Matteo); Moth-Poulsen, K (Moth-Poulsen, Kasper); Langhammer, C (Langhammer, Christoph); Müller, C (Muller, Christian) |
Source: ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Volume: 13 Issue: 18 Pages: 21724-21732 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c01968 Early Access Date: APR 2021 Published Date: 2021 MAY 12 |
Record 364 of 514 |
Title: Magnetic keratin/hydrotalcites sponges as potential scaffolds for tissue regeneration |
Author(s): Giannelli, M (Giannelli, Marta); Barbalinardo, M (Barbalinardo, Marianna); Riminucci, A (Riminucci, Alberto); Belvedere, K (Belvedere, Katia); Boccalon, E (Boccalon, Elisa); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Corticelli, F (Corticelli, Franco); Ruani, G (Ruani, Giampiero); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa); Posati, T (Posati, Tamara) |
Source: APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: 207 Article Number: 106090 DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2021.106090 Early Access Date: APR 2021 Published Date: 2021 JUN 15 |
Record 365 of 514 |
Title: Measurement of the conformational switching of azobenzenes from the macro- to attomolar scale in self-assembled 2D and 3D nanostructures |
Author(s): Quintano, V (Quintano, Vanesa); Diez-Cabanes, V (Diez-Cabanes, Valentin); Dell’Elce, S (Dell’Elce, Simone); Di Mario, L (Di Mario, Lorenzo); Cresi, SP (Pelli Cresi, Stefano); Paladini, A (Paladini, Alessandra); Beljonne, D (Beljonne, David); Liscio, A (Liscio, Andrea); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 23 Issue: 20 Pages: 11698-11708 DOI: 10.1039/d1cp00740h Early Access Date: APR 2021 Published Date: 2021 MAY 28 |
Record 366 of 514 |
Title: Scalable synthesis and purification of functionalized graphene nanosheets for water remediation |
Author(s): Mantovani, S (Mantovani, Sebastiano); Khaliha, S (Khaliha, Sara); Favaretto, L (Favaretto, Laura); Bettini, C (Bettini, Cristian); Bianchi, A (Bianchi, Antonio); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Zambianchi, M (Zambianchi, Massimo); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Casentini, B (Casentini, Barbara); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela) |
Source: CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 57 Issue: 31 Pages: 3765-3768 DOI: 10.1039/d1cc00704a Published Date: 2021 APR 21 |
Record 367 of 514 |
Title: Rubbing induced reversible fluorescence switching in thiophene-based organic semiconductor films by mechanical amorphisation |
Author(s): Cavallini, M (Cavallini, Massimiliano); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse); Brucale, M (Brucale, Marco); Favaretto, L (Favaretto, Laura); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Maini, L (Maini, Lucia); Liscio, F (Liscio, Fabiola); della Ciana, M (della Ciana, Michele); Gentili, D (Gentili, Denis) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C Volume: 9 Issue: 19 Pages: 6234-6240 DOI: 10.1039/d1tc01036k Early Access Date: APR 2021 Published Date: 2021 MAY 21 |
Record 368 of 514 |
Title: Toward Real Setting Applications of Organic and Perovskite Solar Cells: A Comparative Review |
Author(s): Seri, M (Seri, Mirko); Mercuri, F (Mercuri, Francesco); Ruani, G (Ruani, Giampiero); Feng, YM (Feng, Yaomiao); Li, MZ (Li, Minzhang); Xu, ZX (Xu, Zong-Xiang); Muccini, M (Muccini, Michele) |
Source: ENERGY TECHNOLOGY Volume: 9 Issue: 5 Article Number: 2000901 DOI: 10.1002/ente.202000901 Early Access Date: APR 2021 Published Date: 2021 MAY |
Record 369 of 514 |
Title: Biodegradation of graphene materials catalyzed by human eosinophil peroxidase |
Author(s): Kurapati, R (Kurapati, Rajendra); Martìn, C (Martin, Cristina); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Nishina, Y (Nishina, Yuta); Bianco, A (Bianco, Alberto) |
Source: FARADAY DISCUSSIONS Volume: 227 Issue: 0 Pages: 189-203 DOI: 10.1039/c9fd00094a Published Date: 2021 APR 1 |
Record 370 of 514 |
Title: Core-shell graphene oxide-polymer hollow fibers as water filters with enhanced performance and selectivity |
Author(s): Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Bianchi, A (Bianchi, Antonio); Zambianchi, M (Zambianchi, Massimo); Bettini, C (Bettini, Cristian); Corticelli, F (Corticelli, Franco); Ruani, G (Ruani, Giampiero); Bocchi, L (Bocchi, Letizia); Stante, F (Stante, Francesco); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Marforio, TD (Marforio, Tainah Dorina); Calvaresi, M (Calvaresi, Matteo); Minelli, M (Minelli, Matteo); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela) |
Source: FARADAY DISCUSSIONS Volume: 227 Issue: 0 Pages: 274-290 DOI: 10.1039/c9fd00117d Published Date: 2021 APR 1 |
Record 371 of 514 |
Title: Electrochemical exfoliation of graphite in H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>, Li<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> and NaClO<sub>4</sub> solutions monitored <i>in situ</i> by Raman microscopy and spectroscopy |
Author(s): Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Bellani, V (Bellani, Vittorio); Sun, JH (Sun, Jinhua); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: FARADAY DISCUSSIONS Volume: 227 Issue: 0 Pages: 291-305 DOI: 10.1039/c9fd00123a Published Date: 2021 APR 1 |
Record 372 of 514 |
Title: Selective access to constitutionally identical, orientationally isomeric calix[6]arene-based [3]rotaxanes by an active template approach |
Author(s): Bazzoni, M (Bazzoni, Margherita); Andreoni, L (Andreoni, Leonardo); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto); Cera, G (Cera, Gianpiero); Secchi, A (Secchi, Andrea); Arduini, A (Arduini, Arturo) |
Source: CHEMICAL SCIENCE Volume: 12 Issue: 18 Pages: 6419-6428 DOI: 10.1039/d1sc00279a Early Access Date: APR 2021 Published Date: 2021 MAY 14 |
Record 373 of 514 |
Title: Polyaniline nano-needles into electrospun bio active fibres support <i>in vitro</i> astrocyte response |
Author(s): Saracino, E (Saracino, Emanuela); Zuppolini, S (Zuppolini, Simona); Guarino, V (Guarino, Vincenzo); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina); Borriello, A (Borriello, Anna); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Ambrosio, L (Ambrosio, Luigi) |
Source: RSC ADVANCES Volume: 11 Issue: 19 Pages: 11347-11355 DOI: 10.1039/d1ra00596k Published Date: 2021 MAR 31 |
Record 374 of 514 |
Title: Electrophoretic coating of LiFePO<sub>4</sub>/Graphene oxide on carbon fibers as cathode electrodes for structural lithium ion batteries |
Author(s): Sanchez, JS (Sanchez, Jaime S.); Xu, J (Xu, Johanna); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Sun, JH (Sun, Jinhua); Asp, LE (Asp, Leif E.); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 208 Article Number: 108768 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108768 Early Access Date: MAR 2021 Published Date: 2021 MAY 26 |
Record 375 of 514 |
Title: Critical Role of Functional Groups Containing N, S, and O on Graphene Surface for Stable and Fast Charging Li-S Batteries |
Author(s): Sun, JH (Sun, Jinhua); Hwang, JY (Hwang, Jang-Yeon); Jankowski, P (Jankowski, Piotr); Xiao, LH (Xiao, Linhong); Sanchez, JS (Sanchez, Jaime S.); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Lee, S (Lee, Suyeong); Talyzin, AV (Talyzin, Alexandr V.); Matic, A (Matic, Aleksandar); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Sun, YK (Sun, Yang-Kook); Agostini, M (Agostini, Marco) |
Source: SMALL Volume: 17 Issue: 17 Article Number: 2007242 DOI: 10.1002/smll.202007242 Early Access Date: MAR 2021 Published Date: 2021 APR |
Record 376 of 514 |
Title: Self-Assembled Multinuclear Complexes for Cobalt(II/III) Mediated Sensitized Solar Cells |
Author(s): Marchini, E (Marchini, Edoardo); Caramori, S (Caramori, Stefano); Boaretto, R (Boaretto, Rita); Cristino, V (Cristino, Vito); Argazzi, R (Argazzi, Roberto); Niorettini, A (Niorettini, Alessandro); Bignozzi, CA (Bignozzi, Carlo Alberto) |
Source: APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL Volume: 11 Issue: 6 Article Number: 2769 DOI: 10.3390/app11062769 Published Date: 2021 MAR |
Record 377 of 514 |
Title: Electric Transport in Gold-Covered Sodium-Alginate Free-Standing Foils |
Author(s): Barone, C (Barone, Carlo); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica); Capelli, R (Capelli, Raffaella); Dinelli, F (Dinelli, Franco); Maccagnani, P (Maccagnani, Piera); Martucciello, N (Martucciello, Nadia); Mauro, C (Mauro, Costantino); Pagano, S (Pagano, Sergio) |
Source: NANOMATERIALS Volume: 11 Issue: 3 Article Number: 565 DOI: 10.3390/nano11030565 Published Date: 2021 MAR |
Record 378 of 514 |
Title: Evaluating the use of graphene electrodes in sub-micrometric, high-frequency n-type organic transistors |
Author(s): Chianese, F (Chianese, Federico); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Lumetti, S (Lumetti, Stefano); Mishra, N (Mishra, Neeraj); Coletti, C (Coletti, Camilla); Affronte, M (Affronte, Marco); Cassinese, A (Cassinese, Antonio) |
Source: SYNTHETIC METALS Volume: 273 Article Number: 116683 DOI: 10.1016/j.synthmet.2020.116683 Published Date: 2021 MAR |
Record 379 of 514 |
Title: Polymer Identification and Specific Analysis (PISA) of Microplastic Total Mass in Sediments of the Protected Marine Area of the Meloria Shoals |
Author(s): Castelvetro, V (Castelvetro, Valter); Corti, A (Corti, Andrea); La Nasa, J (La Nasa, Jacopo); Modugno, F (Modugno, Francesca); Ceccarini, A (Ceccarini, Alessio); Giannarelli, S (Giannarelli, Stefania); Vinciguerra, V (Vinciguerra, Virginia); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica) |
Source: POLYMERS Volume: 13 Issue: 5 Article Number: 796 DOI: 10.3390/polym13050796 Published Date: 2021 MAR |
Record 380 of 514 |
Title: Graphene glial-interfaces: challenges and perspectives |
Author(s): Fabbri, R (Fabbri, Roberta); Saracino, E (Saracino, Emanuela); Treossi, E (Treossi, Emanuele); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina) |
Source: NANOSCALE Volume: 13 Issue: 8 Pages: 4390-4407 DOI: 10.1039/d0nr07824g Published Date: 2021 FEB 28 |
Record 381 of 514 |
Title: Excited-State Engineering in Heteroleptic Ionic Iridium(III) Complexes |
Author(s): Monti, F (Monti, Filippo); Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea); Sambri, L (Sambri, Letizia); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola) |
Source: ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH Volume: 54 Issue: 6 Pages: 1492-1505 DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.0c00825 Early Access Date: FEB 2021 Published Date: 2021 MAR 16 |
Record 382 of 514 |
Title: Enhanced Thermal Stability of Inverted Polymer Solar Cells Based on Solution-Processed WO<sub><i>x</i></sub> as an Anode Interlayer |
Author(s): Albonetti, C (Albonetti, Cristiano); El Qacemi, V (El Qacemi, Virginie); Limage, S (Limage, Stephanie); Versini, C (Versini, Corinne); Kauffmann, LD (Kauffmann, Louis-Dominique); Muccini, M (Muccini, Michele); Seri, M (Seri, Mirko) |
Source: PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 218 Issue: 8 Article Number: 2000748 DOI: 10.1002/pssa.202000748 Early Access Date: FEB 2021 Published Date: 2021 APR |
Record 383 of 514 |
Title: Photoluminescence emission induced by localized states in halide-passivated colloidal two-dimensional WS<sub>2</sub> nanoflakes |
Author(s): Mastria, R (Mastria, Rosanna); Loiudice, A (Loiudice, Anna); Vávra, J (Vavra, Jan); Nobile, C (Nobile, Concetta); Scarfiello, R (Scarfiello, Riccardo); Cozzoli, PD (Cozzoli, P. Davide); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Liscio, A (Liscio, Andrea); Sestu, N (Sestu, Nicola); Marongiu, D (Marongiu, Daniela); Quochi, F (Quochi, Francesco); Buonsanti, R (Buonsanti, Raffaella); Saba, M (Saba, Michele); Calzolari, A (Calzolari, Arrigo); Rizzo, A (Rizzo, Aurora) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C Volume: 9 Issue: 7 Pages: 2398-2407 DOI: 10.1039/d0tc05285j Published Date: 2021 FEB 21 |
Record 384 of 514 |
Title: Mathematical modelling of drug delivery from pH-responsive nanocontainers |
Author(s): Pontrelli, G (Pontrelli, G.); Toniolo, G (Toniolo, G.); McGinty, S (McGinty, S.); Peri, D (Peri, D.); Succi, S (Succi, S.); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, C.) |
Source: COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Volume: 131 Article Number: 104238 DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104238 Early Access Date: FEB 2021 Published Date: 2021 APR |
Record 385 of 514 |
Title: Synthesis and Hydrolysis of Brushite (DCPD): The Role of Ionic Substitution |
Author(s): Boanini, E (Boanini, Elisa); Silingardi, F (Silingardi, Francesca); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Bigi, A (Bigi, Adriana) |
Source: CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN Volume: 21 Issue: 3 Pages: 1689-1697 DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.0c01569 Early Access Date: FEB 2021 Published Date: 2021 MAR 3 |
Record 386 of 514 |
Title: Record power conversion efficiencies for iron(ii)-NHC-sensitized DSSCs from rational molecular engineering and electrolyte optimization |
Author(s): Marri, AR (Reddy Marri, Anil); Marchini, E (Marchini, Edoardo); Cabanes, VD (Cabanes, Valentin Diez); Argazzi, R (Argazzi, Roberto); Pastore, M (Pastore, Mariachiara); Caramori, S (Caramori, Stefano); Gros, PC (Gros, Philippe C.) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Pages: 3540-3554 DOI: 10.1039/d0ta10841c Published Date: 2021 FEB 14 |
Record 387 of 514 |
Title: Discovery of an Allosteric Ligand Binding Site in SMYD3 Lysine Methyltransferase |
Author(s): Talibov, VO (Talibov, Vladimir O.); Fabini, E (Fabini, Edoardo); FitzGerald, EA (FitzGerald, Edward A.); Tedesco, D (Tedesco, Daniele); Cederfeldt, D (Cederfeldt, Daniela); Talu, MJ (Talu, Martin J.); Rachman, MM (Rachman, Moira M.); Mihalic, F (Mihalic, Filip); Manoni, E (Manoni, Elisabetta); Naldi, M (Naldi, Marina); Sanese, P (Sanese, Paola); Forte, G (Forte, Giovanna); Signorile, ML (Signorile, Martina Lepore); Barril, X (Barril, Xavier); Simone, C (Simone, Cristiano); Bartolini, M (Bartolini, Manuela); Dobritzsch, D (Dobritzsch, Doreen); Del Rio, A (Del Rio, Alberto); Danielson, UH (Danielson, U. Helena) |
Source: CHEMBIOCHEM Volume: 22 Issue: 9 Pages: 1597-1608 DOI: 10.1002/cbic.202000736 Early Access Date: FEB 2021 Published Date: 2021 MAY 4 |
Record 388 of 514 |
Title: Selective deposition of metal oxide nanoflakes on graphene electrodes to obtain high-performance asymmetric micro-supercapacitors |
Author(s): Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Mishukova, V (Mishukova, Viktoriia); Delekta, SS (Sollami Delekta, Szymon); Sun, JH (Sun, Jinhua); Sanchez, JS (Sanchez, Jaime S.); Li, JT (Li, Jiantong); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: NANOSCALE Volume: 13 Issue: 5 Pages: 3285-3294 DOI: 10.1039/d0nr07076a Published Date: 2021 FEB 7 |
Record 389 of 514 |
Title: Keratin nanoparticles and photodynamic therapy enhance the anticancer stem cells activity of salinomycin |
Author(s): Avancini, G (Avancini, Greta); Guerrini, A (Guerrini, Andrea); Ferroni, C (Ferroni, Claudia); Tedesco, D (Tedesco, Daniele); Ballestri, M (Ballestri, Marco); Columbaro, M (Columbaro, Marta); Menilli, L (Menilli, Luca); Reddi, E (Reddi, Elena); Costa, R (Costa, Roberto); Leanza, L (Leanza, Luigi); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta); Moret, F (Moret, Francesca) |
Source: MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS Volume: 122 Article Number: 111899 DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2021.111899 Early Access Date: FEB 2021 Published Date: 2021 MAR |
Record 390 of 514 |
Title: Synthesis, characterization, and biological applications of semiconducting polythiophene-based nanoparticles |
Author(s): Zangoli, M (Zangoli, Mattia); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca) |
Source: VIEW Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Article Number: 20200086 DOI: 10.1002/VIW.20200086 Published Date: 2021 FEB |
Record 391 of 514 |
Title: Autism Spectrum Disorder from the Womb to Adulthood: Suggestions for a Paradigm Shift |
Author(s): Panisi, C (Panisi, Cristina); Guerini, FR (Guerini, Franca Rosa); Abruzzo, PM (Abruzzo, Provvidenza Maria); Balzola, F (Balzola, Federico); Biava, PM (Biava, Pier Mario); Bolotta, A (Bolotta, Alessandra); Brunero, M (Brunero, Marco); Burgio, E (Burgio, Ernesto); Chiara, A (Chiara, Alberto); Clerici, M (Clerici, Mario); Croce, L (Croce, Luigi); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Giovannini, N (Giovannini, Niccolo); Ghezzo, A (Ghezzo, Alessandro); Grossi, E (Grossi, Enzo); Keller, R (Keller, Roberto); Manzotti, A (Manzotti, Andrea); Marini, M (Marini, Marina); Migliore, L (Migliore, Lucia); Moderato, L (Moderato, Lucio); Moscone, D (Moscone, Davide); Mussap, M (Mussap, Michele); Parmeggiani, A (Parmeggiani, Antonia); Pasin, V (Pasin, Valentina); Perotti, M (Perotti, Monica); Piras, C (Piras, Cristina); Saresella, M (Saresella, Marina); Stoccoro, A (Stoccoro, Andrea); Toso, T (Toso, Tiziana); Vacca, RA (Vacca, Rosa Anna); Vagni, D (Vagni, David); Vendemmia, S (Vendemmia, Salvatore); Villa, L (Villa, Laura); Politi, P (Politi, Pierluigi); Fanos, V (Fanos, Vassilios) |
Source: JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Article Number: 70 DOI: 10.3390/jpm11020070 Published Date: 2021 FEB |
Record 392 of 514 |
Title: Binary logic operations with artificial molecular machines |
Author(s): Nicoli, F (Nicoli, Federico); Paltrinieri, E (Paltrinieri, Erica); Bakic, MT (Bakic, Marina Tranfic); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto) |
Source: COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS Volume: 428 Article Number: 213589 DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2020.213589 Published Date: 2021 FEB 1 |
Record 393 of 514 |
Title: Ruthenium tris(bipyridine) complexes: Interchange between photons and electrons in molecular-scale devices and machines |
Author(s): Balzani, V (Balzani, Vincenzo); Ceroni, P (Ceroni, Paola); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto); Venturi, M (Venturi, Margherita) |
Source: COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS Volume: 433 Article Number: 213758 DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2020.213758 Early Access Date: JAN 2021 Published Date: 2021 APR 15 |
Record 394 of 514 |
Title: Long-range selective transport of anions and cations in graphene oxide membranes, causing selective crystallization on the macroscale |
Author(s): Quintano, V (Quintano, Vanesa); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Biscarini, F (Biscarini, Fabio); Liscio, F (Liscio, Fabiola); Liscio, A (Liscio, Andrea); Vincenzo, (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: NANOSCALE ADVANCES Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Pages: 353-358 DOI: 10.1039/d0na00807a Published Date: 2021 JAN 21 |
Record 395 of 514 |
Title: Development of an electrochemical sensor based on carbon black for the detection of cannabidiol in vegetable extracts |
Author(s): Cirrincione, M (Cirrincione, Marco); Zanfrognini, B (Zanfrognini, Barbara); Pigani, L (Pigani, Laura); Protti, M (Protti, Michele); Mercolini, L (Mercolini, Laura); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara) |
Source: ANALYST Volume: 146 Issue: 2 Pages: 612-619 DOI: 10.1039/d0an01932a Published Date: 2021 JAN 21 |
Record 396 of 514 |
Title: New thermoplastic elastomer triblock copolymer of PLLA for cardiovascular tissue engineering: Annealing as efficient tool to tailor the solid-state properties |
Author(s): Guidotti, G (Guidotti, G.); Soccio, M (Soccio, M.); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, M.); Fusaro, L (Fusaro, L.); Boccafoschi, F (Boccafoschi, F.); Munari, A (Munari, A.); Lotti, N (Lotti, N.) |
Source: POLYMER Volume: 213 Article Number: 123336 DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2020.123336 Published Date: 2021 JAN 20 |
Record 397 of 514 |
Title: Multiscale Charge Transport in van der Waals Thin Films: Reduced Graphene Oxide as a Case Study |
Author(s): Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Vianelli, A (Vianelli, Anna); Boschi, A (Boschi, Alex); Dell’Elce, S (Dell’Elce, Simone); Gobbi, M (Gobbi, Marco); Kim, KH (Kim, Kyung Ho); Avila, SL (Avila, Samuel Lara); Samorì, P (Samori, Paolo); Affronte, M (Affronte, Marco); Liscio, A (Liscio, Andrea); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: ACS NANO Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Pages: 2654-2667 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c07771 Early Access Date: JAN 2021 Published Date: 2021 FEB 23 |
Record 398 of 514 |
Title: On the relevance of hydroxyl radical to purine DNA damage |
Author(s): Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Krokidis, MG (Krokidis, Marios G.); Masi, A (Masi, Annalisa); Terzidis, MA (Terzidis, Michael A.) |
Source: FREE RADICAL RESEARCH Volume: 55 Issue: 4 Special Issue: SI Pages: 384-404 DOI: 10.1080/10715762.2021.1876855 Early Access Date: JAN 2021 Published Date: 2021 APR 3 |
Record 399 of 514 |
Title: Overcoming mass and photon transfer limitations in a scalable reactor: Oxidation in an aerosol photoreactor |
Author(s): Kayahan, E (Kayahan, Emine); Urbani, D (Urbani, Daniele); Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo); Massi, A (Massi, Alessandro); Braeken, L (Braeken, Leen); Van Gerven, T (Van Gerven, Tom); Leblebici, ME (Leblebici, M. Enis) |
Source: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL Volume: 408 Article Number: 127357 DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.127357 Early Access Date: JAN 2021 Published Date: 2021 MAR 15 |
Record 400 of 514 |
Title: Sterilization of Semiconductive Nanomaterials: The Case of Water-Suspended Poly-3-Hexylthiophene Nanoparticles |
Author(s): Monti, F (Monti, Filippo); Manfredi, G (Manfredi, Giovanni); Palamà, IE (Palama, Ilaria Elena); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Zangoli, M (Zangoli, Mattia); D’Amone, S (D’Amone, Stefania); Ortolani, L (Ortolani, Luca); Bondelli, G (Bondelli, Gaia); Szreder, T (Szreder, Tomasz); Bobrowski, K (Bobrowski, Krzysztof); D’Angelantonio, M (D’Angelantonio, Mila); Lanzani, G (Lanzani, Guglielmo); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca) |
Source: ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS Volume: 10 Issue: 6 Article Number: 2001306 DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202001306 Early Access Date: JAN 2021 Published Date: 2021 MAR |
Record 401 of 514 |
Title: The Italian National Research Council Operations Within the EIT Raw Materials Framework |
Author(s): Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo); Siano, S (Siano, Salvatore); Torreggiani, A (Torreggiani, Armida); Russo, O (Russo, Ornella); Marzocchi, S (Marzocchi, Stefania); Dal Santo, V (Dal Santo, Vladimiro) |
Edited by: Azimi G; Ouchi T; Forsberg K; Kim H; Alam S; Baba AA; Neelameggham NR |
Source: RARE METAL TECHNOLOGY 2021 Book Series: Minerals Metals & Materials Series Pages: 249-263 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-65489-4_25 Published Date: 2021 |
Record 402 of 514 |
Title: How to Prepare Future Generations for the Challenges in the Raw Materials Sector |
Author(s): Torreggiani, A (Torreggiani, Armida); Zanelli, A (Zanelli, Alberto); Degli Esposti, A (Degli Esposti, Alessandra); Polo, E (Polo, Eleonora); Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo); Lapinska-Viola, R (Lapinska-Viola, Renata); Forsberg, K (Forsberg, Kerstin); Benvenuti, E (Benvenuti, Emilia) |
Edited by: Azimi G; Ouchi T; Forsberg K; Kim H; Alam S; Baba AA; Neelameggham NR |
Source: RARE METAL TECHNOLOGY 2021 Book Series: Minerals Metals & Materials Series Pages: 277-287 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-65489-4_27 Published Date: 2021 |
Record 403 of 514 |
Title: Oxidation of the C5′ Position in DNA and the Role of Purine 5′,8-Cyclo-2′-deoxynucleoside Lesions |
Author(s): Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, C.); Krokidis, MG (Krokidis, M. G.); Masi, A (Masi, A.) |
Edited by: Dizdaroglu M; Lloyd RS |
Source: DNA DAMAGE, DNA REPAIR AND DISEASE, VOL. 1 Book Series: Chemical Biology Volume: 14 Pages: 117-139 Published Date: 2021 |
Record 404 of 514 |
Title: Synthesis, electronic and photophysical properties of a bisacridinium-Zn(II) porphyrin conjugate |
Author(s): Edo-Osagie, A (Edo-Osagie, Amy); Sánchez-Resa, D (Sanchez-Resa, Daniel); Serillon, D (Serillon, Dylan); Bandini, E (Bandini, Elisa); Gourlaouen, C (Gourlaouen, Christophe); de Rouville, HPJ (de Rouville, Henri-Pierre Jacquot); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Heitz, V (Heitz, Valerie) |
Source: COMPTES RENDUS CHIMIE Volume: 24 Pages: 47-55 DOI: 10.5802/crchim.100 Published Date: 2021 Supplement: 3 |
Record 405 of 514 |
Title: The applications of protein electrospinning in wound healing, tissue engineering and drug delivery. |
Author(s): Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Posati, T (Posati, Tamara); Barbalinardo, M (Barbalinardo, Marianna) |
Edited by: Ferraro P; Grilli S; RitschMarte M; Hitzenberger CK |
Source: OPTICAL METHODS FOR INSPECTION, CHARACTERIZATION, AND IMAGING OF BIOMATERIALS V Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE Volume: 11786 Article Number: 117861O DOI: 10.1117/12.2593453 Published Date: 2021 |
Record 406 of 514 |
Title: Electrospinnable composites for laser-activated tissue bonding and wound monitoring |
Author(s): Ratto, F (Ratto, Fulvio); Milanesi, A (Milanesi, Alessio); Magni, G (Magni, Giada); Centi, S (Centi, Sonia); Schifino, G (Schifino, Gioacchino); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa); Khlebtsov, BN (Khlebtsov, Boris N.); Cavigli, L (Cavigli, Lucia); Barucci, A (Barucci, Andrea); Matteini, P (Matteini, Paolo); Khlebtsov, NG (Khlebtsov, Nikolai G.); Pini, R (Pini, Roberto); Rossi, F (Rossi, Francesca) |
Edited by: Ferraro P; Grilli S; RitschMarte M; Hitzenberger CK |
Source: OPTICAL METHODS FOR INSPECTION, CHARACTERIZATION, AND IMAGING OF BIOMATERIALS V Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE Volume: 11786 Article Number: 117861M DOI: 10.1117/12.2593263 Published Date: 2021 |
Record 407 of 514 |
Title: Oxygen-Dependent Accumulation of Purine DNA Lesions in Cockayne Syndrome Cells (vol 9, 1671, 2020) |
Author(s): Krokidis, MG (Krokidis, Marios G.); D’Errico, M (D’Errico, Mariarosaria); Pascucci, B (Pascucci, Barbara); Parlanti, E (Parlanti, Eleonora); Masi, A (Masi, Annalisa); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos) |
Source: CELLS Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Article Number: 41 DOI: 10.3390/cells10010041 Published Date: 2021 JAN |
Record 408 of 514 |
Title: Molecular Differences Based on Erythrocyte Fatty Acid Profile to Personalize Dietary Strategies between Adults and Children with Obesity |
Author(s): Jauregibeitia, I (Jauregibeitia, Iker); Portune, K (Portune, Kevin); Gaztambide, S (Gaztambide, Sonia); Rica, I (Rica, Itxaso); Tueros, I (Tueros, Itziar); Velasco, O (Velasco, Olaia); Grau, G (Grau, Gema); Martín, A (Martin, Alicia); Castaño, L (Castano, Luis); Larocca, AV (Larocca, Anna Vita); Di Nolfo, F (Di Nolfo, Federica); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Arranz, S (Arranz, Sara) |
Source: METABOLITES Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Article Number: 43 DOI: 10.3390/metabo11010043 Published Date: 2021 JAN |
Record 409 of 514 |
Title: Structural and functional insights into nitrosoglutathione reductase from <i>Chlamydomonas reinhardtii</i> |
Author(s): Tagliani, A (Tagliani, Andrea); Rossi, J (Rossi, Jacopo); Marchand, CH (Marchand, Christophe H.); De Mia, M (De Mia, Marcello); Tedesco, D (Tedesco, Daniele); Gurrieri, L (Gurrieri, Libero); Meloni, M (Meloni, Maria); Falini, G (Falini, Giuseppe); Trost, P (Trost, Paolo); Lemaire, SD (Lemaire, Stephane D.); Fermani, S (Fermani, Simona); Zaffagnini, M (Zaffagnini, Mirko) |
Source: REDOX BIOLOGY Volume: 38 Article Number: 101806 DOI: 10.1016/j.redox.2020.101806 Published Date: 2021 JAN |
Record 410 of 514 |
Title: Bile Acid Conjugates with Anticancer Activity: Most Recent Research |
Author(s): Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Marchesi, E (Marchesi, Elena); Perrone, D (Perrone, Daniela) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 26 Issue: 1 Article Number: 25 DOI: 10.3390/molecules26010025 Published Date: 2021 JAN |
Record 411 of 514 |
Title: Structural and functional properties of astrocytes on PCL based electrospun fibres |
Author(s): Saracino, E (Saracino, Emanuela); Cirillo, V (Cirillo, Valentina); Marrese, M (Marrese, Marica); Guarino, V (Guarino, Vincenzo); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Ambrosio, L (Ambrosio, Luigi) |
Source: MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS Volume: 118 Article Number: 111363 DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2020.111363 Published Date: 2021 JAN |
Record 412 of 514 |
Title: Cell Volume Regulation Mechanisms in Differentiated Astrocytes |
Author(s): Mola, MG (Mola, Maria Grazia); Saracino, E (Saracino, Emanuela); Formaggio, F (Formaggio, Francesco); Amerotti, AG (Amerotti, Arcangela Gabriella); Barile, B (Barile, Barbara); Posati, T (Posati, Tamara); Cibelli, A (Cibelli, Antonio); Frigeri, A (Frigeri, Antonio); Palazzo, C (Palazzo, Claudia); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Caprini, M (Caprini, Marco); Nicchia, GP (Nicchia, Grazia Paola); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina) |
Source: CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Volume: 55 Special Issue: 1 Pages: 196-212 DOI: 10.33594/000000469 Published Date: 2021 |
Record 413 of 514 |
Title: Electrosynthesis of Ni/Al layered double hydroxide and re duce d graphene oxide composites for the development of hybrid capacitors |
Author(s): Musella, E (Musella, Elisa); Gualandi, I (Gualandi, Isacco); Ferrari, G (Ferrari, Giacomo); Mastroianni, D (Mastroianni, Davide); Scavetta, E (Scavetta, Erika); Giorgetti, M (Giorgetti, Marco); Migliori, A (Migliori, Andrea); Christian, M (Christian, Meganne); Morandi, V (Morandi, Vittorio); Denecke, R (Denecke, Reinhard); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Tonelli, D (Tonelli, Domenica) |
Source: ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 365 Article Number: 137294 DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2020.137294 Published Date: 2021 JAN 1 |
Record 414 of 514 |
Title: Introduction to ‘Chemistry of 2D materials: graphene and beyond’ |
Author(s): Samorì, P (Samori, Paolo); Feng, XL (Feng, Xinliang); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: NANOSCALE Volume: 12 Issue: 48 Pages: 24309-24310 DOI: 10.1039/d0nr90263b Published Date: 2020 DEC 28 |
Record 415 of 514 |
Title: Exploring Oxidative NHC-Catalysis as Organocatalytic Polymerization Strategy towards Polyamide Oligomers |
Author(s): Ragno, D (Ragno, Daniele); Brandolese, A (Brandolese, Arianna); Di Carmine, G (Di Carmine, Graziano); Buoso, S (Buoso, Sara); Belletti, G (Belletti, Giada); Leonardi, C (Leonardi, Costanza); Bortolini, O (Bortolini, Olga); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica); Massi, A (Massi, Alessandro) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 27 Issue: 5 Pages: 1839-1848 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202004296 Early Access Date: DEC 2020 Published Date: 2021 JAN 21 |
Record 416 of 514 |
Title: Effect of Different Ionic Surfactants on the Structural, Photophysical, and Morphological Properties of Water-Based P3HT:PCBM Nanoparticle Dispersions and Films |
Author(s): Bellacanzone, C (Bellacanzone, Christian); Prosa, M (Prosa, Mario); Muccini, M (Muccini, Michele); Ruani, G (Ruani, Giampiero); Seri, M (Seri, Mirko); Bolognesi, M (Bolognesi, Margherita) |
Source: PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION Volume: 38 Issue: 2 Article Number: 2000219 DOI: 10.1002/ppsc.202000219 Early Access Date: DEC 2020 Published Date: 2021 FEB |
Record 417 of 514 |
Title: Ultrafast Charge Carrier Dynamics in Vanadium-Modified TiO<sub>2</sub> Thin Films and Its Relation to Their Photoelectrocatalytic Efficiency for Water Splitting |
Author(s): Piccioni, A (Piccioni, Alberto); Catone, D (Catone, Daniele); Paladini, A (Paladini, Alessandra); O’Keeffe, P (O’Keeffe, Patrick); Boschi, A (Boschi, Alex); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Katsikini, M (Katsikini, Maria); Boscherini, F (Boscherini, Federico); Pasquini, L (Pasquini, Luca) |
Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Volume: 124 Issue: 49 Pages: 26572-26582 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c06790 Published Date: 2020 DEC 10 |
Record 418 of 514 |
Title: Evidence of Nanostructure Development from the Molecular Dynamics of Poly(pentamethylene 2,5-furanoate) |
Author(s): Martínez-Tong, DE (Martinez-Tong, Daniel E.); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Robles-Hernández, B (Robles-Hernandez, Beatriz); Guidotti, G (Guidotti, Giulia); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia); Alegria, A (Alegria, Angel) |
Source: MACROMOLECULES Volume: 53 Issue: 23 Pages: 10526-10537 DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.0c02297 Published Date: 2020 DEC 8 |
Record 419 of 514 |
Title: New visible light organo(metal)-photocatalyzed fluoroalkylsulfanylation (R<sub>F</sub>S-) and fluoroalkylselenolation (R<sub>F</sub>Se-) reactions of organic substrates |
Author(s): Yerien, DE (Yerien, Damian E.); Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Postigo, A (Postigo, Al) |
Source: JOURNAL OF FLUORINE CHEMISTRY Volume: 240 Article Number: 109652 DOI: 10.1016/j.jfluchem.2020.109652 Published Date: 2020 DEC |
Record 420 of 514 |
Title: Biocompatible PBS-based copolymer for soft tissue engineering: Introduction of disulfide bonds as winning tool to tune the final properties |
Author(s): Guidotti, G (Guidotti, Giulia); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Bloise, N (Bloise, Nora); Bruni, G (Bruni, Giovanna); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa); Visai, L (Visai, Livia); Munari, A (Munari, Andrea); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia) |
Source: POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY Volume: 182 Article Number: 109403 DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2020.109403 Published Date: 2020 DEC |
Record 421 of 514 |
Title: Development of a food class-discrimination system by non-targeted NMR analyses using different magnetic field strengths |
Author(s): Ragone, R (Ragone, Rosa); Todisco, S (Todisco, Stefano); Triggiani, M (Triggiani, Maurizio); Pontrelli, S (Pontrelli, Stefania); Latronico, M (Latronico, Mario); Mastrorilli, P (Mastrorilli, Piero); Intini, N (Intini, Nicola); Ferroni, C (Ferroni, Claudia); Musio, B (Musio, Biagia); Gallo, V (Gallo, Vito) |
Source: FOOD CHEMISTRY Volume: 332 Article Number: 127339 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127339 Published Date: 2020 DEC 1 |
Record 422 of 514 |
Title: Allosteric Control of Naphthalene Diimide Encapsulation and Electron Transfer in Porphyrin Containers: Photophysical Studies and Molecular Dynamics Simulation |
Author(s): Zanetti-Polzi, L (Zanetti-Polzi, Laura); Djemili, R (Djemili, Ryan); Durot, S (Durot, Stephanie); Heitz, V (Heitz, Valerie); Daidone, I (Daidone, Isabella); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 26 Issue: 72 Pages: 17514-17524 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202003151 Early Access Date: NOV 2020 Published Date: 2020 DEC 23 |
Record 423 of 514 |
Title: 2,3-Thienoimide-ended oligothiophenes as ambipolar semiconductors for multifunctional single-layer light-emitting transistors |
Author(s): Prosa, M (Prosa, Mario); Moschetto, S (Moschetto, Salvatore); Benvenuti, E (Benvenuti, Emilia); Zambianchi, M (Zambianchi, Massimo); Muccini, M (Muccini, Michele); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Toffanin, S (Toffanin, Stefano) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C Volume: 8 Issue: 43 Pages: 15048-15066 DOI: 10.1039/d0tc03326j Published Date: 2020 NOV 21 |
Record 424 of 514 |
Title: Iridium(III) Complexes with Fluorinated Phenyl-tetrazoles as Cyclometalating Ligands: Enhanced Excited-State Energy and Blue Emission |
Author(s): Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea); Sambri, L (Sambri, Letizia); Mazzanti, A (Mazzanti, Andrea); Carlone, A (Carlone, Armando); Monti, F (Monti, Filippo); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola) |
Source: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 59 Issue: 22 Pages: 16238-16250 DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c01995 Published Date: 2020 NOV 16 |
Record 425 of 514 |
Title: Effect of regioregularity and role of heteroatom on the chiral behavior of oligo(heteroalkyl thiophene)s |
Author(s): Marinelli, M (Marinelli, Martina); Angiolini, L (Angiolini, Luigi); Lanzi, M (Lanzi, Massimiliano); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca); Salatelli, E (Salatelli, Elisabetta) |
Source: CHIRALITY Volume: 32 Issue: 12 Pages: 1361-1376 DOI: 10.1002/chir.23282 Early Access Date: NOV 2020 Published Date: 2020 DEC |
Record 426 of 514 |
Title: Preparation and characterization of reusable Sonogel-Carbon electrodes containing carbon black: Application as amperometric sensors for determination of cathecol |
Author(s): Pigani, L (Pigani, L.); Rioli, C (Rioli, C.); López-Iglesias, D (Lopez-Iglesias, D.); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, C.); Zanfrognini, B (Zanfrognini, B.); Cubillana-Aguilera, LM (Cubillana-Aguilera, L. M.); Palacios-Santander, JM (Palacios-Santander, J. M.) |
Source: JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 877 Article Number: 114653 DOI: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2020.114653 Published Date: 2020 NOV 15 |
Record 427 of 514 |
Title: Evaluation of the Anticancer Activity of a Bile Acid-Dihydroartemisinin Hybrid Ursodeoxycholic-Dihydroartemisinin in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells |
Author(s): Huang, TE (Huang, Tzu-En); Deng, YN (Deng, Yi-Ning); Hsu, JL (Hsu, Jui-Ling); Leu, WJ (Leu, Wohn-Jenn); Marchesi, E (Marchesi, Elena); Capobianco, ML (Capobianco, Massimo L.); Marchetti, P (Marchetti, Paolo); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Guh, JH (Guh, Jih-Hwa); Perrone, D (Perrone, Daniela); Hsu, LC (Hsu, Lih-Ching) |
Source: FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY Volume: 11 Article Number: 599067 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2020.599067 Published Date: 2020 NOV 10 |
Record 428 of 514 |
Title: Synthesis, Kinetic and Conformational Studies of 2-Substituted-5-(β-d-glucopyranosyl)-pyrimidin-4-ones as Potential Inhibitors of Glycogen Phosphorylase |
Author(s): Mavreas, KF (Mavreas, Konstantinos F.); Neofytos, DD (Neofytos, Dionysios D.); Chrysina, ED (Chrysina, Evangelia D.); Venturini, A (Venturini, Alessandro); Gimisis, T (Gimisis, Thanasis) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 25 Issue: 22 Article Number: 5463 DOI: 10.3390/molecules25225463 Published Date: 2020 NOV |
Record 429 of 514 |
Title: Formation and Stability of Smooth Thin Films with Soft Microgels Made of Poly(<i>N</i>-Isopropylacrylamide) and Poly(Acrylic Acid) |
Author(s): Buratti, E (Buratti, Elena); Sanzari, I (Sanzari, Ilaria); Dinelli, F (Dinelli, Franco); Prodromakis, T (Prodromakis, Themistoklis); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica) |
Source: POLYMERS Volume: 12 Issue: 11 Article Number: 2638 DOI: 10.3390/polym12112638 Published Date: 2020 NOV |
Record 430 of 514 |
Title: Fatty Acid Profile of Mature Red Blood Cell Membranes and Dietary Intake as a New Approach to Characterize Children with Overweight and Obesity |
Author(s): Jauregibeitia, I (Jauregibeitia, Iker); Portune, K (Portune, Kevin); Rica, I (Rica, Itxaso); Tueros, I (Tueros, Itziar); Velasco, O (Velasco, Olaia); Grau, G (Grau, Gema); Trebolazabala, N (Trebolazabala, Nerea); Castaño, L (Castano, Luis); Larocca, AV (Larocca, Anna Vita); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Arranz, S (Arranz, Sara) |
Source: NUTRIENTS Volume: 12 Issue: 11 Article Number: 3446 DOI: 10.3390/nu12113446 Published Date: 2020 NOV |
Record 431 of 514 |
Title: Organocatalyzed Michael Addition to Nitroalkenes via Masked Acetaldehyde |
Author(s): Giorgianni, G (Giorgianni, Giuliana); Nori, V (Nori, Valeria); Baschieri, A (Baschieri, Andrea); Palombi, L (Palombi, Laura); Carlone, A (Carlone, Armando) |
Source: CATALYSTS Volume: 10 Issue: 11 Article Number: 1296 DOI: 10.3390/catal10111296 Published Date: 2020 NOV |
Record 432 of 514 |
Title: Altered Levels of Desaturation and ω-6 Fatty Acids in Breast Cancer Patients’ Red Blood Cell Membranes |
Author(s): Amézaga, J (Amezaga, Javier); Ugartemendia, G (Ugartemendia, Gurutze); Larraioz, A (Larraioz, Aitziber); Bretaña, N (Bretana, Nerea); Iruretagoyena, A (Iruretagoyena, Aizpea); Camba, J (Camba, Joana); Urruticoechea, A (Urruticoechea, Ander); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Tueros, I (Tueros, Itziar) |
Source: METABOLITES Volume: 10 Issue: 11 Article Number: 469 DOI: 10.3390/metabo10110469 Published Date: 2020 NOV |
Record 433 of 514 |
Title: Influence of chitosan on the mechanical and biological properties of HDPE for biomedical applications |
Author(s): Di Maro, M (Di Maro, M.); Faga, MG (Faga, M. G.); Malucelli, G (Malucelli, G.); Mussano, FD (Mussano, F. D.); Genova, T (Genova, T.); Morsi, RE (Morsi, R. E.); Hamdy, A (Hamdy, A.); Duraccio, D (Duraccio, D.) |
Source: POLYMER TESTING Volume: 91 Article Number: 106610 DOI: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2020.106610 Published Date: 2020 NOV |
Record 434 of 514 |
Title: Label-free immunodetection of α-synuclein by using a microfluidics coplanar electrolyte-gated organic field-effect transistor |
Author(s): Ricci, S (Ricci, Simona); Casalini, S (Casalini, Stefano); Parkula, V (Parkula, Vitaliy); Selvaraj, M (Selvaraj, Meenu); Saygin, GD (Saygin, Gulseren Deniz); Greco, P (Greco, Pierpaolo); Biscarini, F (Biscarini, Fabio); Mas-Torrent, M (Mas-Torrent, Marta) |
Source: BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS Volume: 167 Article Number: 112433 DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2020.112433 Published Date: 2020 NOV 1 |
Record 435 of 514 |
Title: Multifunctional graphene oxide/biopolymer composite aerogels for microcontaminants removal from drinking water |
Author(s): Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Campodoni, E (Campodoni, Elisabetta); Favaretto, L (Favaretto, Laura); Zambianchi, M (Zambianchi, Massimo); Salatino, A (Salatino, Anastasio); Amalfitano, S (Amalfitano, Stefano); Navacchia, ML (Navacchia, Maria Luisa); Casentini, B (Casentini, Barbara); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Sandri, M (Sandri, Monica); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela) |
Source: CHEMOSPHERE Volume: 259 Article Number: 127501 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127501 Published Date: 2020 NOV |
Record 436 of 514 |
Title: Glial Interfaces: Advanced Materials and Devices to Uncover the Role of Astroglial Cells in Brain Function and Dysfunction |
Author(s): Maiolo, L (Maiolo, Luca); Guarino, V (Guarino, Vincenzo); Saracino, E (Saracino, Emanuela); Convertino, A (Convertino, Annalisa); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Muccini, M (Muccini, Michele); Ambrosio, L (Ambrosio, Luigi); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina) |
Source: ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Article Number: 2001268 DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202001268 Early Access Date: OCT 2020 Published Date: 2021 JAN |
Record 437 of 514 |
Title: Targeting SMYD3 to Sensitize Homologous Recombination-Proficient Tumors to PARP-Mediated Synthetic Lethality |
Author(s): Sanese, P (Sanese, Paola); Fasano, C (Fasano, Candida); Buscemi, G (Buscemi, Giacomo); Bottino, C (Bottino, Cinzia); Corbetta, S (Corbetta, Silvia); Fabini, E (Fabini, Edoardo); Silvestri, V (Silvestri, Valentina); Valentini, V (Valentini, Virginia); Disciglio, V (Disciglio, Vittoria); Forte, G (Forte, Giovanna); Signorile, ML (Signorile, Martina Lepore); De Marco, K (De Marco, Katia); Bertora, S (Bertora, Stefania); Grossi, V (Grossi, Valentina); Guven, U (Guven, Ummu); Porta, N (Porta, Natale); Di Maio, V (Di Maio, Valeria); Manoni, E (Manoni, Elisabetta); Giannelli, G (Giannelli, Gianluigi); Bartolini, M (Bartolini, Manuela); Del Rio, A (Del Rio, Alberto); Caretti, G (Caretti, Giuseppina); Ottini, L (Ottini, Laura); Simone, C (Simone, Cristiano) |
Source: ISCIENCE Volume: 23 Issue: 10 Article Number: 101604 DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101604 Published Date: 2020 OCT 23 |
Record 438 of 514 |
Title: Polypyridyl-Based Copper Phenanthrene Complexes: Combining Stability with Enhanced DNA Recognition |
Author(s): Fantoni, NZ (Fantoni, Nicolo Zuin); Molphy, Z (Molphy, Zara); O’Carroll, S (O’Carroll, Sinead); Menounou, G (Menounou, Georgia); Mitrikas, G (Mitrikas, George); Krokidis, MG (Krokidis, Marios G.); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Colleran, J (Colleran, John); Banasiak, A (Banasiak, Anna); Clynes, M (Clynes, Martin); Roche, S (Roche, Sandra); Kelly, S (Kelly, Suainibhe); McKee, V (McKee, Vickie); Kellett, A (Kellett, Andrew) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 27 Issue: 3 Pages: 971-983 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202001996 Early Access Date: OCT 2020 Published Date: 2021 JAN 13 |
Record 439 of 514 |
Title: Fatty Acid Remodeling of Membrane Glycerophospholipids Induced by Bleomycin and Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Human Embryonic Kidney Cells |
Author(s): Krokidis, MG (Krokidis, Marios G.); Louka, M (Louka, Maria); Efthimiadou, EK (Efthimiadou, Eleni K.); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos) |
Source: CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY Volume: 33 Issue: 10 Pages: 2565-2572 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.0c00162 Published Date: 2020 OCT 19 |
Record 440 of 514 |
Title: Synthesis and In Vitro Studies of a Gd(DOTA)-Porphyrin Conjugate for Combined MRI and Photodynamic Treatment |
Author(s): Jenni, S (Jenni, Sebastien); Bolze, F (Bolze, Frederic); Bonnet, CS (Bonnet, Celia S.); Pallier, A (Pallier, Agnes); Sour, A (Sour, Angelique); Tóth, É (Toth, Eva); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Heitz, V (Heitz, Valerie) |
Source: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 59 Issue: 19 Pages: 14389-14398 DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c02189 Published Date: 2020 OCT 5 |
Record 441 of 514 |
Title: Micro/nanoparticles fabricated with triblock PLLA-based copolymers containing PEG-like subunit for controlled drug release: Effect of chemical structure and molecular architecture on drug release profile |
Author(s): Guidotti, G (Guidotti, Giulia); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Salatelli, E (Salatelli, Elisabetta); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia); Munari, A (Munari, Andrea) |
Source: POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY Volume: 180 Article Number: 109306 DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2020.109306 Published Date: 2020 OCT |
Record 442 of 514 |
Title: Bright neodymium complexes for efficient near infra-red organic light emitting diodes |
Author(s): Ahmed, Z (Ahmed, Zubair); Avila, HC (Avila, Harold C.); Carvalho, RS (Carvalho, Rafael S.); Kai, J (Kai, Jiang); Resende, JALC (Resende, J. A. L. C.); Bandini, E (Bandini, Elisa); Barbieri, A (Barbieri, Andrea); Cremona, M (Cremona, Marco) |
Source: NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY Volume: 44 Issue: 33 Pages: 14161-14170 DOI: 10.1039/d0nj00403k Published Date: 2020 SEP 7 |
Record 443 of 514 |
Title: No G-Quadruplex Structures in the DNA of Parvovirus B19: Experimental Evidence versus Bioinformatic Predictions |
Author(s): Bua, G (Bua, Gloria); Tedesco, D (Tedesco, Daniele); Conti, I (Conti, Ilaria); Reggiani, A (Reggiani, Alessandro); Bartolini, M (Bartolini, Manuela); Gallinella, G (Gallinella, Giorgio) |
Source: VIRUSES-BASEL Volume: 12 Issue: 9 Article Number: 935 DOI: 10.3390/v12090935 Published Date: 2020 SEP |
Record 444 of 514 |
Title: Fatty Acids and Membrane Lipidomics in Oncology: A Cross-Road of Nutritional, Signaling and Metabolic Pathways |
Author(s): Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Ferreri, R (Ferreri, Rosaria); Amézaga, J (Amezaga, Javier); Tueros, I (Tueros, Itziar) |
Source: METABOLITES Volume: 10 Issue: 9 Article Number: 345 DOI: 10.3390/metabo10090345 Published Date: 2020 SEP |
Record 445 of 514 |
Title: Regenerated wool keratin-polybutylene succinate nanofibrous mats for drug delivery and cells culture |
Author(s): Guidotti, G (Guidotti, G.); Soccio, M (Soccio, M.); Posati, T (Posati, T.); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, G.); Tiboni, M (Tiboni, M.); Barbalinardo, M (Barbalinardo, M.); Valle, F (Valle, F.); Casettari, L (Casettari, L.); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, R.); Lotti, N (Lotti, N.); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, A.) |
Source: POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY Volume: 179 Article Number: 109272 DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2020.109272 Published Date: 2020 SEP |
Record 446 of 514 |
Title: Morphological and Semi-empirical Study of the Pluronic F68/ Imogolite/Sudan III Intersurfaces Composite for the Controlled Temperature Release of Hydrophobic Drugs |
Author(s): Samith, VD (Samith, Vicente D.); Navarro, S (Navarro, Sebastian); Dabirian, R (Dabirian, Reza) |
Source: ACS OMEGA Volume: 5 Issue: 33 Pages: 20707-20723 DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.9b02965 Published Date: 2020 AUG 25 |
Record 447 of 514 |
Title: Constrained Amorphous Interphase in Poly(L-lactic acid): Estimation of the Tensile Elastic Modulus |
Author(s): Aliotta, L (Aliotta, Laura); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Lazzeri, A (Lazzeri, Andrea); Righetti, MC (Righetti, Maria Cristina) |
Source: ACS OMEGA Volume: 5 Issue: 33 Pages: 20890-20902 DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c02330 Published Date: 2020 AUG 25 |
Record 448 of 514 |
Title: The Erythrocyte Membrane Lipidome of Healthy Dogs: Creating a Benchmark of Fatty Acid Distribution and Interval Values |
Author(s): Prasinou, P (Prasinou, Paraskevi); Crisi, PE (Crisi, Paolo E.); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Di Tommaso, M (Di Tommaso, Morena); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Gramenzi, A (Gramenzi, Alessandro); Belà, B (Bela, Benedetta); De Santis, F (De Santis, Francesca); Boari, A (Boari, Andrea); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla) |
Source: FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE Volume: 7 Article Number: 502 DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2020.00502 Published Date: 2020 AUG 21 |
Record 449 of 514 |
Title: Multifunctional coordination polymers based on copper(i) and mercaptonicotinic ligands: synthesis, and structural, optical and electrical characterization |
Author(s): Hassanein, K (Hassanein, Khaled); Cappuccino, C (Cappuccino, Chiara); Amo-Ochoa, P (Amo-Ochoa, Pilar); López-Molina, J (Lopez-Molina, Jesus); Maini, L (Maini, Lucia); Bandini, E (Bandini, Elisa); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara) |
Source: DALTON TRANSACTIONS Volume: 49 Issue: 30 Pages: 10545-10553 DOI: 10.1039/d0dt01127d Published Date: 2020 AUG 14 |
Record 450 of 514 |
Title: The role of photocatalysts in radical chains in homolytic aromatic substitution, radical addition to olefins, and nucleophilic radical substitution mechanisms |
Author(s): Yerien, DE (Yerien, Damian E.); Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Flores, EWM (Mora Flores, Erwin W.); Postigo, A (Postigo, Al) |
Source: CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Volume: 10 Issue: 15 Pages: 5113-5128 DOI: 10.1039/d0cy00921k Published Date: 2020 AUG 7 |
Record 451 of 514 |
Title: Cellulose Acetate Fabrics Loaded with Rhodamine B Hydrazide for Optical Detection of Cu(II) |
Author(s): Morsi, RE (Morsi, Rania E.); Elsawy, M (Elsawy, Moataz); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara) |
Source: MOLECULES Volume: 25 Issue: 16 Article Number: 3751 DOI: 10.3390/molecules25163751 Published Date: 2020 AUG |
Record 452 of 514 |
Title: Free-Radical-Mediated Formation of Trans-Cardiolipin Isomers, Analytical Approaches for Lipidomics and Consequences of the Structural Organization of Membranes |
Author(s): Vetica, F (Vetica, Fabrizio); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Meliota, C (Meliota, Cesare); Batani, G (Batani, Gessica); Roberti, M (Roberti, Marinella); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla) |
Source: BIOMOLECULES Volume: 10 Issue: 8 Article Number: 1189 DOI: 10.3390/biom10081189 Published Date: 2020 AUG |
Record 453 of 514 |
Title: Semicrystalline Polythiophene-Based Nanoparticles Deposited from Water on Flexible PET/ITO Substrates as a Sustainable Approach toward Long-Lasting Solid-State Electrochromic Devices |
Author(s): Moreira, T (Moreira, Tiago); Laia, CAT (Laia, Cesar A. T.); Zangoli, M (Zangoli, Mattia); Antunes, M (Antunes, Mariana); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca); De Monte, S (De Monte, Stefano); Liscio, F (Liscio, Fabiola); Parola, AJ (Jorge Parola, A.); Barbarella, G (Barbarella, Giovanna) |
Source: ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS Volume: 2 Issue: 8 Pages: 3301-3309 DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.0c00440 Published Date: 2020 AUG |
Record 454 of 514 |
Title: Differential modulation of SIRT6 deacetylase and deacylase activities by lysine-based small molecules |
Author(s): Sociali, G (Sociali, Giovanna); Liessi, N (Liessi, Nara); Grozio, A (Grozio, Alessia); Caffa, I (Caffa, Irene); Parenti, MD (Parenti, Marco Daniele); Ravera, S (Ravera, Silvia); Tasso, B (Tasso, Bruno); Benzi, A (Benzi, Andrea); Nencioni, A (Nencioni, Alessio); Del Rio, A (Del Rio, Alberto); Robina, I (Robina, Inmaculada); Millo, E (Millo, Enrico); Bruzzone, S (Bruzzone, Santina) |
Source: MOLECULAR DIVERSITY Volume: 24 Issue: 3 Pages: 655-671 DOI: 10.1007/s11030-019-09971-2 Published Date: 2020 AUG |
Record 455 of 514 |
Title: Fully biobased, elastomeric and compostable random copolyesters of poly(butylene succinate) containing Pripol 1009 moieties: Structure-property relationship |
Author(s): Quattrosoldi, S (Quattrosoldi, Silvia); Soccio, M (Soccio, Michelina); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Lotti, N (Lotti, Nadia); Munari, A (Munari, Andrea) |
Source: POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY Volume: 178 Article Number: 109189 DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2020.109189 Published Date: 2020 AUG |
Record 456 of 514 |
Title: Reduction of nitroaromatics on cadmium sulfide: further probing the electrochemical model of semiconductor photocatalysis |
Author(s): Velichenko, AB (Velichenko, Alexander B.); Shmychkova, O (Shmychkova, Olesia); Samiolo, L (Samiolo, Luca); Amadelli, R (Amadelli, Rossano) |
Source: JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY Volume: 25 Issue: 1 Special Issue: SI Pages: 85-92 DOI: 10.1007/s10008-020-04787-9 Early Access Date: JUL 2020 Published Date: 2021 JAN |
Record 457 of 514 |
Title: Loss of <i>trans</i>-resveratrol during storage and ageing of red wines |
Author(s): Naiker, M (Naiker, M.); Anderson, S (Anderson, S.); Johnson, JB (Johnson, J. B.); Mani, JS (Mani, J. S.); Wakeling, L (Wakeling, L.); Bowry, V (Bowry, V) |
Source: AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF GRAPE AND WINE RESEARCH Volume: 26 Issue: 4 Pages: 385-387 DOI: 10.1111/ajgw.12449 Early Access Date: JUL 2020 Published Date: 2020 OCT |
Record 458 of 514 |
Title: Allylic and Allenylic Dearomatization of Indoles Promoted by Graphene Oxide by Covalent Grafting Activation Mode |
Author(s): Lombardi, L (Lombardi, Lorenzo); Bellini, D (Bellini, Daniele); Bottoni, A (Bottoni, Andrea); Calvaresi, M (Calvaresi, Matteo); Monari, M (Monari, Magda); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Bandini, M (Bandini, Marco) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 26 Issue: 46 Pages: 10427-10432 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202001373 Early Access Date: JUL 2020 Published Date: 2020 AUG 17 |
Record 459 of 514 |
Title: New Visible-Light-Triggered Photocatalytic Trifluoromethylation Reactions of Carbon-Carbon Multiple Bonds and (Hetero)Aromatic Compounds |
Author(s): Barata-Vallejo, S (Barata-Vallejo, Sebastian); Postigo, A (Postigo, Al) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 26 Issue: 49 Pages: 11065-11084 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202000856 Early Access Date: JUL 2020 Published Date: 2020 SEP 1 |
Record 460 of 514 |
Title: Harnessing Selectivity and Sensitivity in Electronic Biosensing: A Novel Lab-on-Chip Multigate Organic Transistor |
Author(s): Parkula, V (Parkula, Vitaliy); Berto, M (Berto, Marcello); Diacci, C (Diacci, Chiara); Patrahau, B (Patrahau, Bianca); Di Lauro, M (Di Lauro, Michele); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Liscio, A (Liscio, Andrea); Sensi, M (Sensi, Matteo); Samorì, P (Samori, Paolo); Greco, P (Greco, Pierpaolo); Bortolotti, CA (Bortolotti, Carlo A.); Biscarini, F (Biscarini, Fabio) |
Source: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 92 Issue: 13 Pages: 9330-9337 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c01655 Published Date: 2020 JUL 7 |
Record 461 of 514 |
Title: Graphene, other carbon nanomaterials and the immune system: toward nanoimmunity-by-design |
Author(s): Gazzi, A (Gazzi, Arianna); Fusco, L (Fusco, Laura); Orecchioni, M (Orecchioni, Marco); Ferrari, S (Ferrari, Silvia); Franzoni, G (Franzoni, Giulia); Yan, JS (Yan, J. Stephen); Rieckher, M (Rieckher, Matthias); Peng, GT (Peng, Guotao); Lucherelli, MA (Lucherelli, Matteo Andrea); Vacchi, IA (Anna Vacchi, Isabella); Chau, NDQ (Ngoc Do Quyen Chau); Criado, A (Criado, Alejandro); Istif, A (Istif, Akcan); Mancino, D (Mancino, Donato); Dominguez, A (Dominguez, Antonio); Eckert, H (Eckert, Hagen); Vázquez, E (Vazquez, Ester); Da Ros, T (Da Ros, Tatiana); Nicolussi, P (Nicolussi, Paola); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Schumacher, B (Schumacher, Bjoern); Cuniberti, G (Cuniberti, Gianaurelio); Mai, YY (Mai, Yiyong); Clementi, C (Clementi, Cecilia); Pasquali, M (Pasquali, Matteo); Feng, XL (Feng, Xinliang); Kostarelos, K (Kostarelos, Kostas); Yilmazer, A (Yilmazer, Acelya); Bedognetti, D (Bedognetti, Davide); Fadeel, B (Fadeel, Bengt); Prato, M (Prato, Maurizio); Bianco, A (Bianco, Alberto); Delogu, LG (Delogu, Lucia Gemma) |
Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-MATERIALS Volume: 3 Issue: 3 Article Number: 034009 DOI: 10.1088/2515-7639/ab9317 Published Date: 2020 JUL |
Record 462 of 514 |
Title: Oxygen-Dependent Accumulation of Purine DNA Lesions in Cockayne Syndrome Cells |
Author(s): Krokidis, MG (Krokidis, Marios G.); D’Errico, M (D’Errico, Mariarosaria); Pascucci, B (Pascucci, Barbara); Parlanti, E (Parlanti, Eleonora); Masi, A (Masi, Annalisa); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos) |
Source: CELLS Volume: 9 Issue: 7 Article Number: 1671 DOI: 10.3390/cells9071671 Published Date: 2020 JUL |
Record 463 of 514 |
Title: Overweight and erythrocyte polyunsaturated a acid changes in menopause |
Author(s): D’Alberti, G (D’Alberti, Giulia); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla); Larocca, AV (Larocca, Anna Vita); Torquato, P (Torquato, Pierangelo); Boccuto, A (Boccuto, Antonio); Gizzi, C (Gizzi, Chiara); Albi, E (Albi, Elisabetta) |
Source: EUROBIOTECH JOURNAL Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Pages: 144-149 DOI: 10.2478/ebtj-2020-0016 Published Date: 2020 JUL |
Record 464 of 514 |
Title: Increased levels of 5′,8-Cyclopurine DNA lesions in inflammatory bowel diseases |
Author(s): Masi, A (Masi, Annalisa); Fortini, P (Fortini, Paola); Krokidis, MG (Krokidis, Marios G.); Romeo, EF (Romeo, Erminia Francesca); Bascietto, C (Bascietto, Cinzia); De Angelis, P (De Angelis, Paola); Guglielmi, V (Guglielmi, Valeria); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos) |
Source: REDOX BIOLOGY Volume: 34 Article Number: 101562 DOI: 10.1016/j.redox.2020.101562 Published Date: 2020 JUL |
Record 465 of 514 |
Title: Design of an innovative platform for the treatment of cerebral tumors by means of erythro-magneto-HA-virosomes |
Author(s): Lucarini, G (Lucarini, Gioia); Sbaraglia, F (Sbaraglia, Francesca); Vizzoca, A (Vizzoca, Alessio); Cinti, C (Cinti, Caterina); Ricotti, L (Ricotti, Leonardo); Menciassi, A (Menciassi, Arianna) |
Source: BIOMEDICAL PHYSICS & ENGINEERING EXPRESS Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Article Number: 045005 DOI: 10.1088/2057-1976/ab89f1 Published Date: 2020 JUL |
Record 466 of 514 |
Title: A community-built calibration system: The case study of quantification of metabolites in grape juice by qNMR spectroscopy |
Author(s): Musio, B (Musio, Biagia); Ragone, R (Ragone, Rosa); Todisco, S (Todisco, Stefano); Rizzuti, A (Rizzuti, Antonino); Latronico, M (Latronico, Mario); Mastrorilli, P (Mastrorilli, Piero); Pontrelli, S (Pontrelli, Stefania); Intini, N (Intini, Nicola); Scapicchio, P (Scapicchio, Pasquale); Triggiani, M (Triggiani, Maurizio); Di Noia, T (Di Noia, Tommaso); Acquotti, D (Acquotti, Domenico); Airoldi, C (Airoldi, Cristina); Assfalg, M (Assfalg, Michael); Barge, A (Barge, Alessandro); Bateman, L (Bateman, Lorraine); Benevelli, F (Benevelli, Francesca); Bertelli, D (Bertelli, Davide); Bertocchi, F (Bertocchi, Fabio); Bieliauskas, A (Bieliauskas, Aurimas); Borioni, A (Borioni, Anna); Caligiani, A (Caligiani, Augusta); Callone, E (Callone, Emanuela); Camra, A (Camra, Ales); Marincola, FC (Marincola, Flaminia Cesare); Chalasani, D (Chalasani, Dinesh); Consonni, R (Consonni, Roberto); Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo); Davalli, S (Davalli, Silvia); David, T (David, Taylor); Diehl, B (Diehl, Bernd); Donarski, J (Donarski, James); Gil, AM (Gil, Ana M.); Gobetto, R (Gobetto, Roberto); Goldoni, L (Goldoni, Luca); Hamon, E (Hamon, Erwann); Harwood, JS (Harwood, John S.); Kobrlová, A (Kobrlova, Andrea); Longobardi, F (Longobardi, Francesco); Luisi, R (Luisi, Renzo); Mallamace, D (Mallamace, Domenico); Mammi, S (Mammi, Stefano); Martin-Biran, M (Martin-Biran, Magali); Mazzei, P (Mazzei, Pierluigi); Meie, A (Meie, Andrea); Milone, S (Milone, Salvatore); Vilchez, DM (Molero Vilchez, Dolores); Mulder, RJ (Mulder, Roger J.); Napoli, C (Napoli, Claudia); Ragno, D (Ragno, Daniele); Randazzo, A (Randazzo, Antonio); Rossi, MC (Rossi, Maria Cecilia); Rotondo, A (Rotondo, Archimede); Sackus, A (Sackus, Algirdas); Barajas, ES (Saez Barajas, Elena); Schievano, E (Schievano, Elisabetta); Sitaram, B (Sitaram, Bhavaraju); Stevanato, L (Stevanato, Livio); Takis, PG (Takis, Panteleimon G.); Teipel, J (Teipel, Jan); Thomas, F (Thomas, Freddy); Torregiani, E (Torregiani, Elisabetta); Valensin, D (Valensin, Daniela); Veronesi, M (Veronesi, Marina); Warren, J (Warren, John); Wist, J (Wist, Julien); Zailer-Hafer, E (Zailer-Hafer, Elina); Zuccaccia, C (Zuccaccia, Cristiano); Gallo, V (Gallo, Vito) |
Source: TALANTA Volume: 214 Article Number: 120855 DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2020.120855 Published Date: 2020 JUL 1 |
Record 467 of 514 |
Title: Methylation data imputation performances under different representations and missingness patterns |
Author(s): Di Lena, P (Di Lena, Pietro); Sala, C (Sala, Claudia); Prodi, A (Prodi, Andrea); Nardini, C (Nardini, Christine) |
Source: BMC BIOINFORMATICS Volume: 21 Issue: 1 Article Number: 268 DOI: 10.1186/s12859-020-03592-5 Published Date: 2020 JUN 29 |
Record 468 of 514 |
Title: Subretinally injected semiconducting polymer nanoparticles rescue vision in a rat model of retinal dystrophy |
Author(s): Maya-Vetencourt, JF (Maya-Vetencourt, Jose Fernando); Manfredi, G (Manfredi, Giovanni); Mete, M (Mete, Maurizio); Colombo, E (Colombo, Elisabetta); Bramini, M (Bramini, Mattia); Di Marco, S (Di Marco, Stefano); Shmal, D (Shmal, Dmytro); Mantero, G (Mantero, Giulia); Dipalo, M (Dipalo, Michele); Rocchi, A (Rocchi, Anna); DiFrancesco, ML (DiFrancesco, Mattia L.); Papaleo, ED (Papaleo, Ermanno D.); Russo, A (Russo, Angela); Barsotti, J (Barsotti, Jonathan); Eleftheriou, C (Eleftheriou, Cyril); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca); Cossu, V (Cossu, Vanessa); Piazza, F (Piazza, Fabio); Emionite, L (Emionite, Laura); Ticconi, F (Ticconi, Flavia); Marini, C (Marini, Cecilia); Sambuceti, G (Sambuceti, Gianmario); Pertile, G (Pertile, Grazia); Lanzani, G (Lanzani, Guglielmo); Benfenati, F (Benfenati, Fabio) |
Source: NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 15 Issue: 8 Pages: 698-+ DOI: 10.1038/s41565-020-0696-3 Early Access Date: JUN 2020 Published Date: 2020 AUG |
Record 469 of 514 |
Title: Suppression of the morphology mismatch at graphene/n-type organic semiconductor interfaces: a scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy investigation |
Author(s): Chianese, F (Chianese, Federico); Chiarella, F (Chiarella, Fabio); Barra, M (Barra, Mario); Candini, A (Candini, Andrea); Affronte, M (Affronte, Marco); Cassinese, A (Cassinese, Antonio) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C Volume: 8 Issue: 24 Pages: 8145-8154 DOI: 10.1039/d0tc01099e Published Date: 2020 JUN 28 |
Record 470 of 514 |
Title: Optically activated and interrogated plasmonic hydrogels for applications in wound healing |
Author(s): Milanesi, A (Milanesi, Alessio); Magni, G (Magni, Giada); Centi, S (Centi, Sonia); Schifino, G (Schifino, Gioacchino); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa); Khlebtsov, BN (Khlebtsov, Boris N.); Cavigli, L (Cavigli, Lucia); Barucci, A (Barucci, Andrea); Khlebtsov, NG (Khlebtsov, Nikolai G.); Ratto, F (Ratto, Fulvio); Rossi, F (Rossi, Francesca); Pini, R (Pini, Roberto) |
Source: JOURNAL OF BIOPHOTONICS Volume: 13 Issue: 9 Article Number: e202000135 DOI: 10.1002/jbio.202000135 Early Access Date: JUN 2020 Published Date: 2020 SEP |
Record 471 of 514 |
Title: First member of an appealing class of cyclometalated 1,3-di-(2-pyridyl)benzene platinum(ii) complexes for solution-processable OLEDs |
Author(s): Dragonetti, C (Dragonetti, Claudia); Fagnani, F (Fagnani, Francesco); Marinotto, D (Marinotto, Daniele); di Biase, A (di Biase, Armando); Roberto, D (Roberto, Dominique); Cocchi, M (Cocchi, Massimo); Fantacci, S (Fantacci, Simona); Colombo, A (Colombo, Alessia) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C Volume: 8 Issue: 23 Pages: 7873-7881 DOI: 10.1039/d0tc01565b Published Date: 2020 JUN 21 |
Record 472 of 514 |
Title: Precision Molecular Threading/Dethreading |
Author(s): Groppi, J (Groppi, Jessica); Casimiro, L (Casimiro, Lorenzo); Canton, M (Canton, Martina); Corra, S (Corra, Stefano); Jafari-Nasab, M (Jafari-Nasab, Mina); Tabacchi, G (Tabacchi, Gloria); Cavallo, L (Cavallo, Luigi); Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena); Fois, E (Fois, Ettore); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto) |
Source: ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION Volume: 59 Issue: 35 Pages: 14825-14834 DOI: 10.1002/anie.202003064 Early Access Date: JUN 2020 Published Date: 2020 AUG 24 |
Record 473 of 514 |
Title: Recent advances in the direct electrochemical detection of drugs of abuse |
Author(s): Zanfrognini, B (Zanfrognini, Barbara); Pigani, L (Pigani, Laura); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara) |
Source: JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY Volume: 24 Issue: 11-12 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2603-2616 DOI: 10.1007/s10008-020-04686-z Early Access Date: JUN 2020 Published Date: 2020 NOV |
Record 474 of 514 |
Title: Highly Efficient Luminescent Solar Concentrators Based on Benzoheterodiazole Dyes with Large Stokes Shifts |
Author(s): Gao, S (Gao, Sheng); Balan, B (Balan, Bamisha); Yoosaf, K (Yoosaf, Karuvath); Monti, F (Monti, Filippo); Bandini, E (Bandini, Elisa); Barbieri, A (Barbieri, Andrea); Armaroli, N (Armaroli, Nicola) |
Source: CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 26 Issue: 48 Special Issue: SI Pages: 11013-11023 DOI: 10.1002/chem.202001210 Early Access Date: JUN 2020 Published Date: 2020 AUG 26 |
Record 475 of 514 |
Title: Atomic scale investigation of the volume phase transition in concentrated PNIPAM microgels |
Author(s): Zanatta, M (Zanatta, M.); Tavagnacco, L (Tavagnacco, L.); Buratti, E (Buratti, E.); Chiessi, E (Chiessi, E.); Natali, F (Natali, F.); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, M.); Orecchini, A (Orecchini, A.); Zaccarelli, E (Zaccarelli, E.) |
Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 152 Issue: 20 Article Number: 204904 DOI: 10.1063/5.0007112 Published Date: 2020 MAY 29 |
Record 476 of 514 |
Title: Understanding thermal and organic solvent stability of thermoalkalophilic lipases: insights from computational predictions and experiments |
Author(s): Shehata, M (Shehata, Mohamed); Timucin, E (Timucin, Emel); Venturini, A (Venturini, Alessandro); Sezerman, OU (Sezerman, Osman Ugur) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING Volume: 26 Issue: 6 Article Number: 122 DOI: 10.1007/s00894-020-04396-3 Published Date: 2020 MAY 8 |
Record 477 of 514 |
Title: Stimulation of water and calcium dynamics in astrocytes with pulsed infrared light |
Author(s): Borrachero-Conejo, AI (Borrachero-Conejo, Ana, I); Adams, WR (Adams, Wilson R.); Saracino, E (Saracino, Emanuela); Mola, MG (Mola, Maria Grazia); Wang, MQ (Wang, Manqing); Posati, T (Posati, Tamara); Formaggio, F (Formaggio, Francesco); De Bellis, M (De Bellis, Manuela); Frigeri, A (Frigeri, Antonio); Caprini, M (Caprini, Marco); Hutchinson, MR (Hutchinson, Mark R.); Muccini, M (Muccini, Michele); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Nicchia, GP (Nicchia, Grazia Paola); Mahadevan-Jansen, A (Mahadevan-Jansen, Anita); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina) |
Source: FASEB JOURNAL Volume: 34 Issue: 5 Pages: 6539-6553 DOI: 10.1096/fj.201903049R Published Date: 2020 MAY |
Record 478 of 514 |
Title: Phosphorescent Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Complexes Bearing Ethynyl-Extended 2-(2′-Hydroxyphenyl) Benzoxazole Ancillary Ligands |
Author(s): Massue, J (Massue, Julien); Ulrich, G (Ulrich, Gilles); Monti, F (Monti, Filippo); Barbieri, A (Barbieri, Andrea) |
Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 2020 Issue: 18 Pages: 1775-1782 DOI: 10.1002/ejic.202000114 Early Access Date: APR 2020 Published Date: 2020 MAY 14 |
Record 479 of 514 |
Title: <i>In Vivo</i> Bioengineering of Fluorescent Conductive Protein-Dye Microfibers |
Author(s): Moros, M (Moros, Maria); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca); Dardano, P (Dardano, Principia); Tommasini, G (Tommasini, Giuseppina); Castillo-Michel, H (Castillo-Michel, Hiram); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Zangoli, M (Zangoli, Mattia); Blasio, M (Blasio, Martina); De Stefano, L (De Stefano, Luca); Tino, A (Tino, Angela); Barbarella, G (Barbarella, Giovanna); Tortiglione, C (Tortiglione, Claudia) |
Source: ISCIENCE Volume: 23 Issue: 4 Article Number: 101022 DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101022 Published Date: 2020 APR 24 |
Record 480 of 514 |
Title: Photoinduced Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer in Supramolecular Sn<SUP>IV</SUP> Di(L-tyrosinato) Porphyrin Conjugates |
Author(s): Natali, M (Natali, Mirco); Amati, A (Amati, Agnese); Merchiori, S (Merchiori, Sebastiano); Ventura, B (Ventura, Barbara); Iengo, E (Iengo, Elisabetta) |
Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Volume: 124 Issue: 16 Pages: 8514-8525 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c00224 Published Date: 2020 APR 23 |
Record 481 of 514 |
Title: Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) based thin microgel films for use in cell culture applications |
Author(s): Sanzari, I (Sanzari, Ilaria); Buratti, E (Buratti, Elena); Huang, RM (Huang, Ruomeng); Tusan, CG (Tusan, Camelia G.); Dinelli, F (Dinelli, Franco); Evans, ND (Evans, Nicholas D.); Prodromakis, T (Prodromakis, Themistoklis); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica) |
Source: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Article Number: 6126 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-63228-9 Published Date: 2020 APR 9 |
Record 482 of 514 |
Title: Dopamine-functionalized graphene oxide as a high-performance material for biosensing |
Author(s): Vulcano, F (Vulcano, Fabio); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Bettini, C (Bettini, Cristian); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Liscio, A (Liscio, Andrea); Terzi, F (Terzi, Fabio); Heras, A (Heras, Aranzazu); Colina, A (Colina, Alvaro); Zanfrognini, B (Zanfrognini, Barbara); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara) |
Source: 2D MATERIALS Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Article Number: 024007 DOI: 10.1088/2053-1583/ab734f Published Date: 2020 APR |
Record 483 of 514 |
Title: Supramolecular Assembly of Thiophene-Based Oligomers into Nanostructured Fluorescent Conductive and Chiral Microfibers |
Author(s): Zangoli, M (Zangoli, Mattia); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca); Barbarella, G (Barbarella, Giovanna) |
Source: CHEMISTRYOPEN Volume: 9 Issue: 4 Pages: 499-511 DOI: 10.1002/open.201900347 Published Date: 2020 APR |
Record 484 of 514 |
Title: Production and processing of graphene and related materials |
Author(s): Backes, C (Backes, Claudia); Abdelkader, AM (Abdelkader, Amr M.); Alonso, C (Alonso, Concepcion); Andrieux-Ledier, A (Andrieux-Ledier, Amandine); Arenal, R (Arenal, Raul); Azpeitia, J (Azpeitia, Jon); Balakrishnan, N (Balakrishnan, Nilanthy); Banszerus, L (Banszerus, Luca); Barjon, J (Barjon, Julien); Bartali, R (Bartali, Ruben); Bellani, S (Bellani, Sebastiano); Berger, C (Berger, Claire); Berger, R (Berger, Reinhard); Ortega, MMB (Ortega, M. M. Bernal); Bernard, C (Bernard, Carlo); Beton, PH (Beton, Peter H.); Beyer, A (Beyer, Andre); Bianco, A (Bianco, Alberto); Boggild, P (Boggild, Peter); Bonaccorso, F (Bonaccorso, Francesco); Barin, GB (Barin, Gabriela Borin); Botas, C (Botas, Cristina); Bueno, RA (Bueno, Rebeca A.); Carriazo, D (Carriazo, Daniel); Castellanos-Gomez, A (Castellanos-Gomez, Andres); Christian, M (Christian, Meganne); Ciesielski, A (Ciesielski, Artur); Ciuk, T (Ciuk, Tymoteusz); Cole, MT (Cole, Matthew T.); Coleman, J (Coleman, Jonathan); Coletti, C (Coletti, Camilla); Crema, L (Crema, Luigi); Cun, HY (Cun, Huanyao); Dasler, D (Dasler, Daniela); De Fazio, D (De Fazio, Domenico); Díez, N (Diez, Noel); Drieschner, S (Drieschner, Simon); Duesberg, GS (Duesberg, Georg S.); Fasel, R (Fasel, Roman); Feng, XL (Feng, Xinliang); Fina, A (Fina, Alberto); Forti, S (Forti, Stiven); Galiotis, C (Galiotis, Costas); Garberoglio, G (Garberoglio, Giovanni); García, JM (Garcia, Jorge M.); Garrido, JA (Antonio Garrido, Jose); Gibertini, M (Gibertini, Marco); Gölzhäuser, A (Goelzhaeuser, Armin); Gómez, J (Gomez, Julio); Greber, T (Greber, Thomas); Hauke, F (Hauke, Frank); Hemmi, A (Hemmi, Adrian); Hernandez-Rodriguez, I (Hernandez-Rodriguez, Irene); Hirsch, A (Hirsch, Andreas); Hodge, SA (Hodge, Stephen A.); Huttel, Y (Huttel, Yves); Jepsen, PU (Jepsen, Peter U.); Jimenez, I (Jimenez, Ignacio); Kaiser, U (Kaiser, Ute); Kaplas, T (Kaplas, Tommi); Kim, H (Kim, HoKwon); Kis, A (Kis, Andras); Papagelis, K (Papagelis, Konstantinos); Kostarelos, K (Kostarelos, Kostas); Krajewska, A (Krajewska, Aleksandra); Lee, K (Lee, Kangho); Li, CF (Li, Changfeng); Lipsanen, H (Lipsanen, Harri); Liscio, A (Liscio, Andrea); Lohe, MR (Lohe, Martin R.); Loiseau, A (Loiseau, Annick); Lombardi, L (Lombardi, Lucia); López, MF (Francisca Lopez, Maria); Martin, O (Martin, Oliver); Martín, C (Martin, Cristina); Martínez, L (Martinez, Lidia); Martin-Gago, JA (Angel Martin-Gago, Jose); Martínez, JI (Ignacio Martinez, Jose); Marzari, N (Marzari, Nicola); Mayoral, A (Mayoral, Alvaro); McManus, J (McManus, John); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Méndez, J (Mendez, Javier); Merino, C (Merino, Cesar); Merino, P (Merino, Pablo); Meyer, AP (Meyer, Andreas P.); Miniussi, E (Miniussi, Elisa); Miseikis, V (Miseikis, Vaidotas); Mishra, N (Mishra, Neeraj); Morandi, V (Morandi, Vittorio); Munuera, C (Munuera, Carmen); Muñoz, R (Munoz, Roberto); Nolan, H (Nolan, Hugo); Ortolani, L (Ortolani, Luca); Ott, AK (Ott, Anna K.); Palacio, I (Palacio, Irene); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Parthenios, J (Parthenios, John); Pasternak, I (Pasternak, Iwona); Patane, A (Patane, Amalia); Prato, M (Prato, Maurizio); Prevost, H (Prevost, Henri); Prudkovskiy, V (Prudkovskiy, Vladimir); Pugno, N (Pugno, Nicola); Rojo, T (Rojo, Teofilo); Rossi, A (Rossi, Antonio); Ruffieux, P (Ruffieux, Pascal); Samorì, P (Samori, Paolo); Schue, L (Schue, Leonard); Setijadi, E (Setijadi, Eki); Seyller, T (Seyller, Thomas); Speranza, G (Speranza, Giorgio); Stampfer, C (Stampfer, Christoph); Stenger, I (Stenger, Ingrid); Strupinski, W (Strupinski, Wlodek); Svirko, Y (Svirko, Yuri); Taioli, S (Taioli, Simone); Teo, KBK (Teo, Kenneth B. K.); Testi, M (Testi, Matteo); Tomarchio, F (Tomarchio, Flavia); Tortello, M (Tortello, Mauro); Treossi, E (Treossi, Emanuele); Turchanin, A (Turchanin, Andrey); Vazquez, E (Vazquez, Ester); Villaro, E (Villaro, Elvira); Whelan, PR (Whelan, Patrick R.); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Yakimova, R (Yakimova, Rositza); Yang, S (Yang, Sheng); Yazdi, GR (Reza Yazdi, G.); Yim, C (Yim, Chanyoung); Yoon, D (Yoon, Duhee); Zhang, XH (Zhang, Xianghui); Zhuang, XD (Zhuang, Xiaodong); Colombo, L (Colombo, Luigi); Ferrari, AC (Ferrari, Andrea C.); Garcia-Hernandez, M (Garcia-Hernandez, Mar) |
Source: 2D MATERIALS Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Article Number: 022001 DOI: 10.1088/2053-1583/ab1e0a Published Date: 2020 APR |
Record 485 of 514 |
Title: Single-material organic solar cells with fully conjugated electron-donor alkoxy-substituted bithiophene units and electron-acceptor benzothiadiazole moieties alternating in the main chain |
Author(s): Marinelli, M (Marinelli, Martina); Lanzi, M (Lanzi, Massimiliano); Liscio, A (Liscio, Andrea); Zanelli, A (Zanelli, Alberto); Zangoli, M (Zangoli, Mattia); Di Maria, F (Di Maria, Francesca); Salatelli, E (Salatelli, Elisabetta) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C Volume: 8 Issue: 12 Pages: 4124-4132 DOI: 10.1039/d0tc00541j Published Date: 2020 MAR 28 |
Record 486 of 514 |
Title: Polyacrylamide hybrid nanocomposites hydrogels for efficient water treatment |
Author(s): Ali, MAM (Ali, Mennat Allah M.); Alsabagh, AM (Alsabagh, Ahmed M.); Sabaa, MW (Sabaa, Magdy W.); El-Salamony, RA (El-Salamony, Radwa A.); Mohamed, RR (Mohamed, Riham R.); Morsi, RE (Morsi, Rania E.) |
Source: IRANIAN POLYMER JOURNAL Volume: 29 Issue: 6 Pages: 455-466 DOI: 10.1007/s13726-020-00810-y Early Access Date: MAR 2020 Published Date: 2020 JUN |
Record 487 of 514 |
Title: Oxygen Dependent Purine Lesions in Double-Stranded Oligodeoxynucleotides: Kinetic and Computational Studies Highlight the Mechanism for 5′,8-Cyclopurine Formation |
Author(s): Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chryssostomos); Eriksson, LA (Eriksson, Leif A.); Krokidis, MG (Krokidis, Marios G.); Masi, A (Masi, Annalisa); Wang, SD (Wang, Shudong); Zhang, RB (Zhang, Rubo) |
Source: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 142 Issue: 12 Pages: 5825-5833 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c00945 Published Date: 2020 MAR 25 |
Record 488 of 514 |
Title: Automated image analysis and hyperspectral imagery with enhanced dark field microscopy applied to biochars produced at different temperatures |
Author(s): Piccoli, I (Piccoli, Ilaria); Torreggiani, A (Torreggiani, Armida); Pituello, C (Pituello, Chiara); Pisi, A (Pisi, Annamaria); Morari, F (Morari, Francesco); Francioso, O (Francioso, Ornella) |
Source: WASTE MANAGEMENT Volume: 105 Pages: 457-466 DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.02.037 Published Date: 2020 MAR 15 |
Record 489 of 514 |
Title: Evaluation of pre-processing on the meta-analysis of DNA methylation data from the Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip platform |
Author(s): Sala, C (Sala, Claudia); Di Lena, P (Di Lena, Pietro); Durso, DF (Durso, Danielle Fernandes); Prodi, A (Prodi, Andrea); Castellani, G (Castellani, Gastone); Nardini, C (Nardini, Christine) |
Source: PLOS ONE Volume: 15 Issue: 3 Article Number: e0229763 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0229763 Published Date: 2020 MAR 10 |
Record 490 of 514 |
Title: Effect of Chemically Engineered Au/Ag Nanorods on the Optical and Mechanical Properties of Keratin Based Films |
Author(s): Gambucci, M (Gambucci, Marta); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa); Seri, M (Seri, Mirko); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Zampini, G (Zampini, Giulia); Donnadio, A (Donnadio, Anna); Torreggiani, A (Torreggiani, Armida); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Latterini, L (Latterini, Loredana); Posati, T (Posati, Tamara) |
Source: FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY Volume: 8 Article Number: 158 DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2020.00158 Published Date: 2020 MAR 10 |
Record 491 of 514 |
Title: Relaxation Dynamics, Softness, and Fragility of Microgels with Interpenetrated Polymer Networks |
Author(s): Nigro, V (Nigro, Valentina); Ruzicka, B (Ruzicka, Barbara); Ruta, B (Ruta, Beatrice); Zontone, F (Zontone, Federico); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica); Buratti, E (Buratti, Elena); Angelini, R (Angelini, Roberta) |
Source: MACROMOLECULES Volume: 53 Issue: 5 Pages: 1596-1603 DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.9b01560 Published Date: 2020 MAR 10 |
Record 492 of 514 |
Title: Effects of somatostatin, curcumin, and quercetin on the fatty acid profile of breast cancer cell membranes |
Author(s): Hanikoglu, A (Hanikoglu, Aysegul); Kucuksayan, E (Kucuksayan, Ertan); Hanikoglu, F (Hanikoglu, Ferhat); Ozben, T (Ozben, Tomris); Menounou, G (Menounou, Georgia); Sansone, A (Sansone, Anna); Chatgilialoglu, C (Chatgilialoglu, Chrys); Di Bella, G (Di Bella, Giuseppe); Ferreri, C (Ferreri, Carla) |
Source: CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY Volume: 98 Issue: 3 Pages: 131-138 DOI: 10.1139/cjpp-2019-0352 Published Date: 2020 MAR |
Record 493 of 514 |
Title: Mesenchymal stromal cells mediated delivery of photoactive nanoparticles inhibits osteosarcoma growth in vitro and in a murine in vivo ectopic model |
Author(s): Lenna, S (Lenna, Stefania); Bellotti, C (Bellotti, Chiara); Duchi, S (Duchi, Serena); Martella, E (Martella, Elisa); Columbaro, M (Columbaro, Marta); Dozza, B (Dozza, Barbara); Ballestri, M (Ballestri, Marco); Guerrini, A (Guerrini, Andrea); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Frisoni, T (Frisoni, Tommaso); Cevolani, L (Cevolani, Luca); Varchi, G (Varchi, Greta); Ferrari, M (Ferrari, Mauro); Donati, DM (Donati, Davide Maria); Lucarelli, E (Lucarelli, Enrico) |
Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH Volume: 39 Issue: 1 Article Number: 40 DOI: 10.1186/s13046-020-01548-4 Published Date: 2020 FEB 22 |
Record 494 of 514 |
Title: Keratin/Hydrotalcites Hybrid Sponges as Promising Adsorbents for Cationic and Anionic Dyes |
Author(s): Posati, T (Posati, Tamara); Listwan, A (Listwan, Arthur); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, Giovanna); Torreggiani, A (Torreggiani, Armida); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa) |
Source: FRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 8 Article Number: 68 DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2020.00068 Published Date: 2020 FEB 21 |
Record 495 of 514 |
Title: Synthesis and properties of a redox-switchable calix[6]arene-based molecular lasso |
Author(s): Orlandini, G (Orlandini, Guido); Casimiro, L (Casimiro, Lorenzo); Bazzoni, M (Bazzoni, Margherita); Cogliati, B (Cogliati, Beatrice); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto); Lucarini, M (Lucarini, Marco); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena); Arduini, A (Arduini, Arturo); Secchi, A (Secchi, Andrea) |
Source: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Pages: 648-659 DOI: 10.1039/c9qo01379b Published Date: 2020 FEB 21 |
Record 496 of 514 |
Title: A Glial-Silicon Nanowire Electrode Junction Enabling Differentiation and Noninvasive Recording of Slow Oscillations from Primary Astrocytes |
Author(s): Saracino, E (Saracino, Emanuela); Maiolo, L (Maiolo, Luca); Polese, D (Polese, Davide); Semprini, M (Semprini, M.); Borrachero-Conejo, AI (Borrachero-Conejo, Ana Isabel); Gasparetto, J (Gasparetto, Jacopo); Murtagh, S (Murtagh, Stefano); Sola, M (Sola, Margherita); Tomasi, L (Tomasi, Lorenzo); Valle, F (Valle, Francesco); Pazzini, L (Pazzini, Luca); Formaggio, F (Formaggio, Francesco); Chiappalone, M (Chiappalone, Michela); Hussain, S (Hussain, Saber); Caprini, M (Caprini, Marco); Muccini, M (Muccini, Michele); Ambrosio, L (Ambrosio, Luigi); Fortunato, G (Fortunato, Guglielmo); Zamboni, R (Zamboni, Roberto); Convertino, A (Convertino, Annalisa); Benfenati, V (Benfenati, Valentina) |
Source: ADVANCED BIOSYSTEMS Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Article Number: 1900264 DOI: 10.1002/adbi.201900264 Early Access Date: FEB 2020 Published Date: 2020 APR |
Record 497 of 514 |
Title: Control of polymorphism in thiophene derivatives by sublimation-aided nanostructuring |
Author(s): Gentili, D (Gentili, Denis); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse); Liscio, F (Liscio, Fabiola); Barbalinardo, M (Barbalinardo, Marianna); Milita, S (Milita, Silvia); Bettini, C (Bettini, Cristian); Favaretto, L (Favaretto, Laura); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Fraleoni-Morgera, A (Fraleoni-Morgera, Alessandro); Cavallini, M (Cavallini, Massimiliano) |
Source: CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 56 Issue: 11 Pages: 1689-1692 DOI: 10.1039/c9cc09507a Published Date: 2020 FEB 7 |
Record 498 of 514 |
Title: Semiconductor Quantum Dots as Components of Photoactive Supramolecular Architectures |
Author(s): La Rosa, M (La Rosa, Marcello); Payne, EH (Payne, Emily H.); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto) |
Source: CHEMISTRYOPEN Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Pages: 200-213 DOI: 10.1002/open.201900336 Published Date: 2020 FEB |
Record 499 of 514 |
Title: The role of charge transfer at reduced graphene oxide/organic semiconductor interface on the charge transport properties |
Author(s): Pathipati, SR (Pathipati, Srinivasa Rao); Pavlica, E (Pavlica, Egon); Treossi, E (Treossi, Emanuele); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Bratina, G (Bratina, Gvido) |
Source: ORGANIC ELECTRONICS Volume: 77 Article Number: 105499 DOI: 10.1016/j.orgel.2019.105499 Published Date: 2020 FEB |
Record 500 of 514 |
Title: Structure-Mechanical Relationships in Polymorphs of an Organic Semiconductor (C4-NT3N) |
Author(s): Cappuccino, C (Cappuccino, Chiara); Catalano, L (Catalano, Luca); Marin, F (Marin, Francesco); Dushaq, G (Dushaq, Ghada); Raj, G (Raj, Gijo); Rasras, M (Rasras, Mahmoud); Rezgui, R (Rezgui, Rachid); Zambianchi, M (Zambianchi, Massimo); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela); Naumov, P (Naumov, Pance); Maini, L (Maini, Lucia) |
Source: CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN Volume: 20 Issue: 2 Pages: 884-891 DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.9b01281 Published Date: 2020 FEB |
Record 501 of 514 |
Title: Thermal characterization by DSC and TGA analyses of PVA hydrogels with organic and sodium MMT |
Author(s): Reguieg, F (Reguieg, Fatiha); Ricci, L (Ricci, Lucia); Bouyacoub, N (Bouyacoub, Nabahat); Belbachir, M (Belbachir, Mohamed); Bertoldo, M (Bertoldo, Monica) |
Source: POLYMER BULLETIN Volume: 77 Issue: 2 Pages: 929-948 DOI: 10.1007/s00289-019-02782-3 Published Date: 2020 FEB |
Record 502 of 514 |
Title: Indole-linked triazine-dibenzothiophene/dibenzofuran based host materials for high-efficiency green and red phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes |
Author(s): Wang, H (Wang, Huan); Zhang, YY (Zhang, Yiyao); Song, WX (Song, Wenxuan); Huang, JH (Huang, Jinhai); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Su, JH (Su, Jianhua) |
Source: DYES AND PIGMENTS Volume: 173 Article Number: 107059 DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2018.09.077 Published Date: 2020 FEB |
Record 503 of 514 |
Title: Elucidating heteroatom influence on homonuclear <SUP>4</SUP><i>J</i><sub>(H,H)</sub> coupling constants by DFT/NMR approach |
Author(s): Chini, MG (Chini, Maria Giovanna); Urbani, D (Urbani, Daniele); Dambruoso, P (Dambruoso, Paolo); Riccio, R (Riccio, Raffaele); Bifulco, G (Bifulco, Giuseppe) |
Source: MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY Volume: 58 Issue: 6 Special Issue: SI Pages: 566-575 DOI: 10.1002/mrc.4983 Early Access Date: JAN 2020 Published Date: 2020 JUN |
Record 504 of 514 |
Title: Combined wet lithography and fractional precipitation as a tool for fabrication of spatially controlled nanostructures of poly(3-hexylthiophene) ordered aggregates |
Author(s): Di Silvio, L (Di Silvio, Lorena); Lunedei, E (Lunedei, Eugenio); Gentili, D (Gentili, Denis); Barbalinardo, M (Barbalinardo, Marianna); Manet, I (Manet, Ilse); Milita, S (Milita, Silvia); Liscio, F (Liscio, Fabiola); Fraleoni-Morgera, A (Fraleoni-Morgera, Alessandro); Cavallini, M (Cavallini, Massimiliano) |
Source: NANOSCALE Volume: 12 Issue: 3 Pages: 1432-1437 DOI: 10.1039/c9nr10057a Published Date: 2020 JAN 21 |
Record 505 of 514 |
Title: Photoelectrochemical Properties of SnO<sub>2</sub> Photoanodes Sensitized by Cationic Perylene-Di-Imide Aggregates for Aqueous HBr Splitting |
Author(s): Benazzi, E (Benazzi, Elisabetta); Rettenmaier, K (Rettenmaier, Karin); Berger, T (Berger, Thomas); Caramori, S (Caramori, Stefano); Berardi, S (Berardi, Serena); Argazzi, R (Argazzi, Roberto); Prato, M (Prato, Maurizio); Syrgiannis, Z (Syrgiannis, Zois) |
Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Volume: 124 Issue: 2 Pages: 1317-1329 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b11039 Published Date: 2020 JAN 16 |
Record 506 of 514 |
Title: Recombination and regeneration dynamics in FeNHC(ii)-sensitized solar cells |
Author(s): Marchini, E (Marchini, Edoardo); Darari, M (Darari, Mohamed); Lazzarin, L (Lazzarin, Luca); Boaretto, R (Boaretto, Rita); Argazzi, R (Argazzi, Roberto); Bignozzi, CA (Bignozzi, Carlo Alberto); Gros, PC (Gros, Philippe C.); Caramori, S (Caramori, Stefano) |
Source: CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 56 Issue: 4 Pages: 543-546 DOI: 10.1039/c9cc07794d Published Date: 2020 JAN 14 |
Record 507 of 514 |
Title: Photo- and Redox-Driven Artificial Molecular Motors |
Author(s): Baroncini, M (Baroncini, Massimo); Silvi, S (Silvi, Serena); Credi, A (Credi, Alberto) |
Source: CHEMICAL REVIEWS Volume: 120 Issue: 1 Special Issue: SI Pages: 200-268 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.9b00291 Published Date: 2020 JAN 8 |
Record 508 of 514 |
Title: Graphene and related materials in hierarchical fiber composites: Production techniques and key industrial benefits |
Author(s): Valorosi, F (Valorosi, Filippo); De Meo, E (De Meo, Enea); Blanco-Varela, T (Blanco-Varela, Tamara); Martorana, B (Martorana, Brunetto); Veca, A (Veca, Antonino); Pugno, N (Pugno, Nicola); Kinloch, IA (Kinloch, Ian A.); Anagnostopoulos, G (Anagnostopoulos, George); Galiotis, C (Galiotis, Costas); Bertocchi, F (Bertocchi, Francesco); Gomez, J (Gomez, Julio); Treossi, E (Treossi, Emanuele); Young, RJ (Young, Robert J.); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo) |
Source: COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 185 Article Number: 107848 DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.107848 Published Date: 2020 JAN 5 |
Record 509 of 514 |
Title: Bicarbazole/nitrogen heterocycle based bipolar host materials for efficient green phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes |
Author(s): Liu, Y (Liu, Yue); Zhu, JN (Zhu, Jiangnan); Chen, Y (Chen, Yi); Liang, WT (Liang, Wenting); Zhou, HT (Zhou, Haitao); Huang, JH (Huang, Jinhai); Xia, ZY (Xia, Zhenyuan); Su, JH (Su, Jianhua) |
Source: TETRAHEDRON Volume: 76 Issue: I Article Number: 130439 DOI: 10.1016/j.tet.2019.06.047 Published Date: 2020 JAN 3 |
Record 510 of 514 |
Title: Electrochemical sensing of glucose by chitosan modified graphene oxide |
Author(s): Poletti, F (Poletti, Fabrizio); Favaretto, L (Favaretto, Laura); Kovtun, A (Kovtun, Alessandro); Treossi, E (Treossi, Emanuele); Corticelli, F (Corticelli, Franco); Gazzano, M (Gazzano, Massimo); Palermo, V (Palermo, Vincenzo); Zanardi, C (Zanardi, Chiara); Melucci, M (Melucci, Manuela) |
Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-MATERIALS Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Article Number: 014011 DOI: 10.1088/2515-7639/ab5e51 Published Date: 2020 JAN 1 |
Record 511 of 514 |
Title: New materials for laser welding of connective tissue and controlled release of antimicrobial principles |
Author(s): Ratto, F (Ratto, Fulvio); Aluigi, A (Aluigi, Annalisa); Centi, S (Centi, Sonia); Milanesi, A (Milanesi, Alessio); Khlebtsov, B (Khlebtsov, Boris); Khlebtsov, N (Khlebtsov, Nikolai); Delfino, V (Delfino, Vania); Calonico, C (Calonico, Carmela); Lo Nostro, A (Lo Nostro, Antonella); Magni, G (Magni, Giada); Borri, C (Borri, Claudia); Cavigli, L (Cavigli, Lucia); Matteini, P (Matteini, Paolo); Pini, R (Pini, Roberto); Rossi, F (Rossi, Francesca) |
Edited by: Dai T; Popp J; Wu MX |
Source: PHOTONIC DIAGNOSIS, MONITORING, PREVENTION, AND TREATMENT OF INFECTIONS AND INFLAMMATORY DISEASES 2020 Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE Volume: 11223 Article Number: 112230S DOI: 10.1117/12.2545141 Published Date: 2020 |
Record 512 of 514 |
Title: Internalization by PMMA nanoparticle-mediated endocytosis of a survivin molecular beacon as theranostic agent in human cancer cells |
Author(s): Adinolfi, B (Adinolfi, B.); Tombelli, S (Tombelli, S.); Trono, C (Trono, C.); Giannetti, A (Giannetti, A.); Pellegrino, M (Pellegrino, M.); Sotgiu, G (Sotgiu, G.); Varchi, G (Varchi, G.); Ballestri, M (Ballestri, M.); Baldini, F (Baldini, F.) |
Edited by: Fixler D; Goldys EM; WachsmannHogiu S |
Source: NANOSCALE IMAGING, SENSING, AND ACTUATION FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS XVII Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE Volume: 11254 Article Number: UNSP 112540H DOI: 10.1117/12.2547604 Published Date: 2020 |
Record 513 of 514 |
Title: Antibacterial Agents Targeting the Bacterial Cell Wall |
Author(s): Shan, L (Shan, Li); Qin, WL (Qin Wenling); Mauro, P (Mauro, Panunzio); Stefano, B (Stefano, Biondi) |
Source: CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 27 Issue: 17 Pages: 2902-2926 DOI: 10.2174/0929867327666200128103653 Published Date: 2020 |
Record 514 of 514 |
Title: Effect of cationic, anionic and non-ionic polymeric surfactants on the stability, photo-catalytic and antimicrobial activities of yttrium oxide nanofluids |
Author(s): Morsi, RE (Morsi, Rania E.); El-Salamony, RA (El-Salamony, Radwa A.) |
Source: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS Volume: 297 Article Number: 111848 DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2019.111848 Published Date: 2020 JAN 1 |
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